Aug 31, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

 Courses numbered from 101–299 are lower-division courses, primarily for freshmen and sophomores; those numbered from 300–499 are upper-division courses, primarily for juniors and seniors. The numbers 296, 396, 496, and 596 designate individual study courses and are available for registration by prior arrangement with the course instructor and approval of the department chair.

The number in parentheses following the course title indicates the amount of credit each course carries. Variable credit courses include the minimum and maximum number of the credits within parentheses.

Not all of the courses are offered every quarter. Final confirmation of courses to be offered, information on new courses and programs, as well as a list of hours, instructor, titles of courses and places of class meetings, is available online in My CWU which can be accessed through the the CWU home page, and go to


Mathematics (MATH)

  • MATH 322 - Assessment of Student Learning for Mathematics Teachers (Put on Reserve 9/1/2020)

    Candidates will create assessment plans organized around big ideas and essential questions from the Washington State Standards of Student Assessment. Finally, candidates will learn how to develop and implement assessment tasks to identify their student’s mathematical performance and plan further instruction. (Put on reserve 9/1/2020, will go inactive 8/24/23)

    Prerequisite: EFC 210, EFC 310, and MATH 299E and current WSP/FBI fingerprint clearance.

    Credits: (5)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student/teacher candidate will be able to:

    • Work with individual or small groups of students will analyze student work to identify error patterns in math content and language and implement teaching strategies to support their individual needs.
    • Will plan and implement a learning segment (at least three days of planning instruction and assessment). Instruction activities, assessment activities, and state standards/targets must be aligned and multiple assessment strategies must be used.
    • As part of the learning segment teacher candidates will use the assessment information to modify next lessons and target support for students who are struggling to meet the learning targets.
    • As part of the learning segment teacher candidates will provide students with feedback on what they did correctly and incorrectly as well as guidance for improving their ability to meet the learning targets.
    • Make appropriate adjustments to instruction during the learning segment from monitoring student learning as well as their own teaching practices.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 323 - Teaching Middle-level Mathematics

    Teacher candidates will use research-based best practices to plan, teach, and assess lessons aligned with the CCSS-Math in middle school classrooms (40 hours observation and instruction).

    Prerequisites: admission to the middle-level math major Teacher Certification Program, and current WSP/FBI fingerprint clearance.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student/teacher candidate will be able to:

    • Plan and implement a learning segment (at least two days of planning instruction and assessment) based on the learner characteristics and school context of a local 4-9 mathematics classroom.
    • appropriately choose concrete materials (manipulatives) and technology to plan and teach lesson in which students develop a deep understanding of mathematical ideas.
    • Plan and implement a classroom management plan based on learner characteristics and school context for a local 4-9 mathematics classroom. The plan will include rationale for strategies that will promote student learning, encourage collaboration, cooperation, positive social interaction, conflict resolution skills, individual and group motivation, and value each learner’s unique contributions.
    • Participation in professional mathematics organizations and use printed and on-line resources.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 324 - Methods and Materials in Mathematics-Secondary (Put on Reserve 9/1/2020)

    (Put on reserve 9/1/2020, will go inactive 8/24/23)

    Prerequisites: EFC 320, MATH 322, current WSP/FBI fingerprint clearance, and conditional or full admission to the Teacher Certification Program. Corequisite: EFC 210.

    Credits: (5)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student/teacher candidate will be able to:

    • Plan and implement a learning segment (at least three days of planning instruction and assessment) based on the learner characteristics and school context of a local 6-12 mathematics classroom.
    • Appropriately choose concrete materials (manipulatives) and technology media to plan and teach lesson were students develop a deep understanding of mathematical ideas.
    • Plan and implement a classroom management plan based on learner characteristics and school con text for a local 6-12 mathematics classroom. The plan will include rationale for strategies that will promote student learning; encourage collaboration, cooperation, positive social interaction, conflict resolution skills, and individual and group motivation; and value each learner’s unique contributions.
    • Demonstrate their participation in professional mathematics organizations and the use of their printed and on-line resources.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 325 - Instructional Practices for Teaching Mathematics

    Mathematics teacher candidates will practice planning, teaching, and assessing mathematics activities with emphasis on standard-based curriculum, problems solving, teaching for understanding, equity, and technology. Candidates will discuss and implement technology to improve their impact on student learning.

    Prerequisite: EFC 320, and MATH 324.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student/teacher candidate will be able to:

    • Use technology to engage student in problem solving and collaborating with others.
    • Plan, teach, and video- tape a lesson taught. The candidate will demonstrate their ability to offer structured opportunities for students to develop their own understanding of mathematical concepts, problem-solving strategies, and reasoning.
    • As demonstrated in the video clip of the lesson they taught, the teacher candidates must demonstrate their ability to facilitate students’ responses and actions to improve their understanding of mathematical concepts and make mathematical connections.
    • Create a web-site as a resource for them and other mathematics teachers. This site will demonstrate the candidate’s ability to use technology to engage students in problems solving, support student learning to struggling students, model and promote digital citizenship, and to use the National Education Technology Standards for Teachers to improve their teaching.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 330 - Discrete Mathematics

    Topics from logic, combinatorics, counting techniques, graph theory, and theory of finite-state machines.

    Prerequisite: MATH 260 with a grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (5)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 331 - Continuous Models

    Students will use multiple integrals, line integrals, and differential equations to model physical situations.

    Prerequisite: MATH 272 with a grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (3)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • SWBAT calculate symbolically and numerically, multiple integrals.
    • SWBAT model physical applications with multiple integrals.
    • SWBAT model physical applications with line integrals.
    • SWBAT solve simple linear differential equations of the first and second orders.
    • SWBAT model physical situations with linear differential equations of the first and second orders.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 332 - Discrete Models

    Discrete models including graph theory, difference equations, and the models of social choice, inherent logic combinatorics, and algebra.

    Prerequisite: admission to the mathematics education major or minor.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Use and apply the process of mathematical induction
    • Use and apply different types of counting principles
    • Use and apply algebraic and linear algebraic properties and principles.
    • Use and apply deductive logic as a form of reasoning
    • Use and apply models having roots in graph theory, combinatorics, difference equations, and social choice.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 335 - Combinatorics and Graph Theory

    An introduction to discrete mathematics and graph theory, with some applications. Emphasis will be placed on proof writing.

    Prerequisite: MATH 260 with a grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Compute and compare cardinalities of different sets.
    • Categorize graphs.
    • Synthesize symbolic and graphical representations of graphs to create proofs.
    • Construct correct mathematical proofs, as well as criticize proofs.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 337 - Cryptological Mathematics

    A mathematical look at code making and code breaking. Famous historical ciphers to be studied will include substitution, Hill, and Vigenere ciphers. Students will also investigate public key cryptography and signature authentication methods.

    Prerequisites: MATH 260 and MATH 265 and MATH 272.

    Credits: (5)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Demonstrate a mathematical understanding of various substitution ciphers.
    • Demonstrate an understanding of Hill ciphers.
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the Vigenere Cipher.
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the number theory behind the RSA encryption/decryption algorithms.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 351 - Point Set Topology

    Introduction to basic concepts of point-set topology: topologies, continuity, compactness, connectedness, and separation axioms. Emphasis will be placed on proof writing.

    Prerequisite: MATH 260 with a grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Use definition of topology to determine what collections are topologies.
    • Test functions to determine their continuity.
    • Construct correct proofs utilizing axioms and definitions of topology.
    • Formulate necessary and/or sufficient conditions guaranteeing the truthfulness of mathematical statements.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 355 - College Geometry I

    An inductive and deductive approach to intuitive geometry, modern Euclidean geometry, history of geometry, and axiomatic systems in geometry.

    Prerequisite: admission to the mathematics education major or minor.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Utilize inductive and deductive reasoning in the development of geometric notions.
    • Utilize the concepts of finite geometries to understand the concept of axiomatic.
    • Utilize the concepts of Euclidean geometry in its coordinate free form.
    • Utilize the concepts of Euclidean geometry in its coordinate form.
    • Utilize the concepts of Euclidean transformations and their respective invariants in heuristic, coordinate free, and coordinated forms.
    • Utilize the concepts of equivalence relations and equivalence classes to identify similar geometric objects.
    • Utilize technology appropriately to examine, explore, expand, and explain the concepts of Euclidean Geometry.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 360 - Algebraic Structures I

    First course in the structure of algebraic systems includes the study of real number systems and other algebraic systems in the development of group theory.

    Prerequisites: MATH 260 and MATH 265 and MATH 272 with a grade of C or higher or permission of instructor.

    Credits: (3)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Analyze set structures to determine whether these structures are Abelian groups.
    • Analyze set functions to determine whether the functions have homomorphic and isomorphic structures.
    • Distinguish between dihedral groups of transformations and more general permutation groups.
    • Demonstrate Cayley’s Theorem
    • Demonstrate the Fundamental Homomorphism Theorem
    • Demonstrate proofs of elementary theorems of Group Theory

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 361 - Algebraic Structures II

    The second course in the structure of algebraic systems, including rings, modules, and fields, and their associated morphisms.

    Credits: (3)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Utilize the common modules, rings, and fields and their representations.
    • Utilize abstract reasoning in both deductive and inductive forms.
    • Utilize connections among the abstract notions of modules, rings, and fields and other areas of mathematics and science.
    • Utilize the algebraic structure associated with modules, rings, and fields, including chains, extensions, products, and tensor products.
    • Utilize the functional and structural relationships among groups and between groups and other algebraic structures.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 365 - Linear Algebra II

    Topics from linear algebra, such as vector spaces, linear transformations, bilinear and quadratic forms, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and inner products. Emphasis is placed on proof writing.

    Prerequisites: MATH 265, and at least one of MATH 335 or MATH 351, both with a grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Describe general vector spaces and their subspaces, besides subsets of R^n.
    • Use properties of abstract vector spaces.
    • Employ properties of linear transformations defined on abstract vector spaces.
    • Relate coordinates with respect to different bases of abstract vector spaces.
    • Write proofs using standard mathematical techniques.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 371 - Advanced Calculus

    The basic concepts of the real numbers and calculus are presented from an axiomatic standpoint. This course also offers basic proof writing skills that are necessary for more advanced mathematics.

    Prerequisites: MATH 272, and at least one of MATH 335 or MATH 351, both with a grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Recognize standard analytical definitions such as supremum, infimum, and convergence.
    • Use the definition of continuity to determine whether or not functions are continuous using various definitions of continuity.
    • Examine sequences and series and determine their convergence.
    • Write correct proofs using standard mathematical techniques.
    • Estimate quantities using the triangle inequality to show convergence.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 372 - Complex Analysis (Put on Reserve 9/16/16.)

    Arithmetic of complex numbers and functions of a complex variable, linear fractional transformations, Cauchy-Riemann equations, contour integration, Cauchy’s theorem, residue theorem, power series and applications. (Put on Reserve 9/16/16. Last taught in 2012. Will go inactive 8/24/19.)

    Prerequisites: MATH 260 and MATH 273 with grades of C or higher.

    Credits: (5)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Differentiate the elementary functions, compute line integrals, compute real integrals using residues and Cauchy’s Theorem, compute the Taylor series for a holomorphic function and the radius of convergence for its Taylor series.
    • Determine where a region is mapped to under a linear fractional transformation. Conversely, students will be able to define a linear fractional transformation that maps one region to another region.
    • Prove a given function is holomorphic using the Cauchy-Riemann equations.
    • Give an epsilon-delta continuity proof.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 376 - Differential Equations I

    Elementary methods of solutions of ordinary differential equations. Some numerical methods for solving ordinary differential equations with applications.

    Prerequisites: MATH 265 and MATH 272 with grades of C or higher.

    Credits: (3)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Apply existence and uniqueness theorems to initial value problems.
    • Formulate initial value problems.
    • Solve differential equations using analytic methods.
    • Analyze differential equations using numerical software.
    • Describe both analytic and approximate solutions clearly using appropriate mathematical notation and language.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 377 - Differential Equations II

    Elementary methods of solutions of ordinary differential equations. Some numerical methods for solving ordinary differential equations with applications.

    Prerequisite: MATH 376 with a grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (3)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Formulate initial value problems involving systems of differential equations.
    • Solve initial value problems involving systems of differential equations using standard techniques.
    • Graphically describe solutions for two- dimensional autonomous systems of differential equations.
    • Identify important properties of non- linear systems of differential equations.
    • Analyze systems of differential equations using numerical software.
    • Describe both analytic and approximate solutions clearly using appropriate mathematical notation and language.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 396 - Individual Study

    May be repeated if subject is different.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 397 - Honors

    Prerequisite: admission to department honors program.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 398 - Special Topics

    May be repeated if subject is different.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 399 - Seminar

    May be repeated if subject is different.

    Credits: (1-5)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 405 - Probability and Statistics for Teachers

    This course focuses on conceptual and procedural understanding of probability and statistics including probability, graphing, measures of center and spread, distributions, and confidence intervals. Concepts are taught from a problem solving perspective using appropriate technology. Course will be offered every year (Winter).

    Prerequisites: MATH 130 and MATH 154.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Read, interpret and make decisions based upon data from graphical displays, such as line graphs, box and whisker plots, histograms, bar graphs, dot plots and scatter plots.
    • Use and explain various ways to summarize, describe and compare distributions of numerical data in terms of shape center and spread.
    • Calculate and explain theoretical and experimental probabilities of simple and compound events, and understand why their values may differ for a given event in a particular experimental situation.
    • Apply statistical concepts and representations to model real world situations.  They will summarize data, make inferences and justify conclusions.
    • Use appropriate technology to investigate and represent concepts, methods and application of mathematical concepts.
    • Use principles of mathematical thinking and problem solving to explore, solve, generalize and prove mathematical problems.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 406 - Algebra for Teachers

    This course focuses on conceptual and procedural development of algebra including logic, algebraic reasoning, equations, inequalities, patterns, sequences, functions, modeling, and polynomial algebra. Concepts are taught from a problem solving perspective using appropriate technology. Course will be offered every year (Fall).

    Prerequisites: MATH 130 and MATH 154.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Reason using the language and structure of algebra to investigate, represent and solve problems including using algebraic expression, equations, inequalities and systems of equations and inequalities.
    • Examine and reason about functional relationships between various representations including graphs, tables, expressions, concrete models and context.
    • Analyze, extend and generalize sequences, including arithmetic and geometric sequences, both geometrically and algebraically.  They will write both explicit and recursive definitions for generating a sequence.
    • Use and explain the patterns of change in proportional, linear, inversely proportional, quadratic and exponential functions and the types of real-world relationships these functions can model.
    • Use appropriate technology to investigate and represent concepts, methods and application of mathematical concepts.
    • Use principles of mathematical thinking and problem solving to explore, solve, generalize and prove mathematical problems.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 407 - Mathematics Honors Seminar - Upper-level

    Introduction to new areas of mathematics. Exposure to open problems in mathematics, and to the practice of modern research mathematics. May be repeated up to 12 credits.

    Prerequisite: junior standing or higher.

    Credits: (1)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Name major results in a new field of mathematics.
    • Locate and read modern literature in research mathematics.
    • Attempt to solve open problems in mathematics.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 410A - Advanced Statistical Methods I

    An introduction to generalized linear models, including multiple regression, logistic regression, and ANOVA.  Emphasis on applied model evaluation and diagnostics. Course will be offered every year (Fall, Winter).

    Prerequisite: MATH 211 or MATH 314 with a grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Evaluate theoretical properties of generalized linear models, including underlying model assumptions and model construction.
    • Choose an appropriate generalized linear model, including appropriate choices of distribution, link function, transformations, and interactions.
    • Estimate generalized linear models.
    • Evaluate the appropriateness and fit of a statistical model, particularly generalized linear models, and interpret the model in context.
    • Estimate ANOVA models, and interpret the results.
    • Propose a major statistical project, choosing appropriate questions to be answered and appropriate statistical tools.
    • Communicate statistical results clearly orally and in writing.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Fall Locations: Ellensburg Winter Locations: Ellensburg
  • MATH 410B - Advanced Statistical Methods II

    Further topics in applied statistics, including time series analysis, principal components analysis, cluster analysis, and nonparametric statistics.  Emphasis on applied model evaluation and diagnostics. Course will be offered every year (Winter).

    Prerequisite: MATH 410A with a grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Choose an appropriate regression-based time series model for a data set.
    • Evaluate the fit of a time series model and interpret predicted values and prediction and confidence intervals.
    • Evaluate the results of a principal components analysis.
    • Choose an appropriate decision tree model.
    • Choose between various methods of cluster analysis, including K-means and hierarchical clustering, and justify a choice for the number of clusters.
    • Conduct a major statistical project, choosing appropriate statistical tools and evaluating the models appropriately.
    • Communicate statistical results clearly orally and in writing.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 411A - Probability Theory

    Principal topics include: combinatorial theory, conditional probability, random variables, expectation and moments, generating functions, various discrete and continuous distributions, law of large numbers, central limit theorem.

    Prerequisite: MATH 273 with a grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Solve problems involving basic combinatorics.
    • Use the axioms of probability.
    • Compute conditional probabilities and use them to examine independence of events.
    • Describe and use discrete and continuous random variables and their distributions, including multivariate and marginal and conditional distributions.
    • Compute and use expectations of random variables, moments, moment generating functions, and conditional expectations.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 411B - Mathematical Statistics I

    Derived distributions, point and interval estimation, hypothesis testing. Correlation and regression theory. Distribution free methods. Bayesian inference.

    Prerequisite: MATH 411A with a grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (3)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Use different discrete and continuous distributions.
    • Compute distributions of transformations of random variables.
    • Use standard sampling distributions.
    • Apply properties of point estimators.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 411C - Mathematical Statistics II

    Derived distributions, point and interval estimation, hypothesis testing. Correlation and regression theory. Distribution free methods. Bayesian inference.

    Prerequisite: MATH 411B with a grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (3)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Find maximum likelihood and method of moments estimators.
    • Use interval estimation to answer questions about populations.
    • Test hypotheses about a statistical population.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 414 - Time Series Analysis

    Model building, parameter estimation, diagnostic checking of time series data; ARIMA models and forecasting. Analysis of seasonal models.

    Prerequisites: MATH 410A and either MATH 411A or MATH 314, with grades of C or higher.

    Credits: (3)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Estimate ARMA and ARIMA models for time series data.
    • Evaluate the fit of time series models, and choose appropriate models for a given data set.
    • Assess time series data for trends and seasonality, and estimate models including these terms.
    • Evaluate properties of a time series model given in mathematical form, including checking stationarity and computing the autocorrelation function of a given model.
    • Communicate statistical information professionally in writing.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 416A - Actuarial Science Problems II

    Review of topics in probability theory important for actuaries, including probabilities, random variables, moments, discrete, continuous, joint, and conditional distributions, and limit theorems.

    Co- or prerequisite: MATH 411B.

    Credits: (2)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Solve problems involving probabilities, conditional probabilities, and continuous and discrete random variables.
    • Summarize common families of discrete and continuous probability distributions.
    • Apply terminology from insurance to probability questions.
    • Choose appropriate tools from probability to solve problems similar to those on the actuarial Exam P.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 416B - Actuarial Science Problems III

    Review of topics in financial mathematics important for actuaries, including time value of money, annuities, loans, bonds, and derivatives markets.

    Co- or prerequisite: MATH 418C.

    Credits: (2)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Use the important definitions and theorems in the area of financial mathematics to solve SOA/CAS- style examination problems.
    • Answer and solve examination problems accurately and efficiently.
    • Communicate their solutions to problems in written and oral form.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 417A - Short-Term Actuarial Mathematics I

    Mathematical tools for short-term insurance, including severity models, frequency models, aggregate models, coverage modifications, and risk measures. Course will be offered on on odd numbered years (Fall).

    Prerequisite: MATH 411C and MATH 418C with grades of C or higher.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Apply techniques for creating a new family of distributions in severity models (including multiplication by a constant, raising to a power, exponentiation, and mixing).
    • Compare and contrast various frequency models, including Poisson, Mixed Poisson, Binomial, Negative Binomial, Geometric, and mixture models.
    • Solve for relevant parameters and statistics in collective (aggregate) risk models.
    • Evaluate the impact of coverage modifications (including deductibles, limits, and coinsurance) in frequency, severity, and aggregate models.
    • Evaluate projects using risk measures.
    • Design an appropriate actuarial model for a given situation or application.
    • Assess the appropriateness of an actuarial model for a given application.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 417B - Short-Term Actuarial Mathematics II

    Mathematical tools for short-term insurance, including construction and selection of parametric models and credibility procedures. Course will be offered on even numbered years (Winter).

    Prerequisite: MATH 417A with a grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    After successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    • Estimate parameters for severity, frequency, and aggregate distributions using Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
    • Estimate parameters for severity, frequency, and aggregate distributions using Bayesian Estimation
    • Choose an appropriate model, using both hypothesis tests and score-based approaches.
    • Estimate losses using classical and Bayesian credibility.
    • Design an appropriate actuarial model for a given situation or application.
    • Assess the appropriateness of an actuarial model for a given application.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 417C - Short-Term Actuarial Mathematics III

    Mathematical tools for short-term insurance, including insurance and reinsurance coverage, pricing, and reserving. Course will be offered on even numbered years (Spring).

    Prerequisite: MATH 417B with a grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (3)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Compare and contrast different types of short-term insurance and forms of reinsurance.
    • Compare and contrast the different forms of experience rating.
    • Estimate unpaid losses for short-term insurance.
    • Evaluate premiums using pure premium and loss ratio methods.
    • Design an appropriate actuarial model for a given situation or application.
    • Assess the appropriateness of an actuarial model for a given application.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 418A - Financial Mathematics I

    Actuarial financial mathematics, including the time value of money, methods of measuring interest and discount, non-contingent annuities and cash flows, and loans and amortization. Course will be offered every year (Fall).

    Prerequisite: MATH 173 with a grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Compare methods of measuring interest and discount, including effective rates, nominal rates, and variable force of interest.
    • Value an investment or series of cash flows using variable force of interest.
    • Value annuities-certain as of a given date, including level and variable (arithmetic and geometric) annuities and perpetuities.
    • Value the outstanding balance, principal paid, and interest paid for a loan at any point in time, including loans with variable interest rates or non-level payments.
    • Choose appropriate interest rates for a given problem and justify that choice.
    • Communicate financial mathematics results clearly in writing.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 418B - Financial Mathematics II

    Actuarial financial mathematics, including bonds, returns, duration and convexity, immunization, and swaps and interest rate determinants. Course will be offered every year (Winter).

    Prerequisite: MATH 418A with a grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Calculate the price, book value, accumulation of discount/amortization of premium, redemption value, coupon rate, or yield rate of a bond given sufficient partial information.
    • Estimate the value of an investment using duration and convexity.
    • Construct an asset portfolio for Redington immunization, full immunization, and exact matching of a series of liability cash flows.
    • Summarize the determinants of interest rates and the components of interest.
    • Measure the sensitivity of a valuation to changes in parameters by conducting sensitivity testing.
    • Communicate financial mathematics results clearly in writing.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 418C - Financial Mathematics III

    Actuarial financial mathematics, including portfolio theory, investment risk and project analysis, forwards and futures, and derivatives pricing models. Course will be offered every year (Spring).

    Prerequisite: MATH 418B and (MATH 314 or MATH 411A) with grades of C or higher.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Measure the required return on an asset using capital asset pricing models and factor models.
    • Assess a company’s level of risk using different measures of risk and different methods of risk analysis.
    • Construct option portfolios to hedge a given position.
    • Value options using the Black-Scholes and binomial pricing models.
    • Estimate option prices using Greeks, and delta-gamma hedge a portfolio.
    • Communicate financial mathematics clearly in writing.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 419A - Long-Term Actuarial Mathematics I

    Mathematical tools for long-term insurance, including key features of long-term coverage and survival models and their estimation. Course will be offered on even numbered years (Fall).

    Prerequisite: MATH 411C and MATH 418C with grades of C or higher.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Compare and contrast long-term coverages in insurance (life, health, general) and retirement benefits (pensions, retiree health care).
    • Estimate survival models using nonparametric methods.
    • Formulate Markov chain survival models.
    • Estimate model quantities using approximations for fractional ages.
    • Design an appropriate actuarial model for a given situation or application.
    • Assess the appropriateness of an actuarial model for a given application.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 419B - Long-Term Actuarial Mathematics II

    Mathematical tools for long-term insurance, including present value random variables associated with benefits and expenses for survival models, and premium calculations for these models. Course will be offered on on odd numbered years (Winter).

    Prerequisite: MATH 419A with a grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Evaluate and interpret probabilities, means, variance, and percentiles for survival models.
    • Estimate the model quantities above using approximation methods.
    • Value premiums based on the equivalence principal, the portfolio percentile premium principle, and profit testing.
    • Assess the effect on premiums of changes in benefits and underlying assumptions.
    • Design an appropriate actuarial model for a given situation or application.
    • Assess the appropriateness of an actuarial model for a given application.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 419C - Long-Term Actuarial Mathematics III

    Mathematical tools for long-term insurance, including net premium reserves, modified reserves, gross premium reserves, expense reserves, and applications of long-term insurance tools to pension plans and retirement benefits. Course will be offered on on odd numbered years (Spring).

    Prerequisite: MATH 419B with a grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (3)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Value net premium reserves, modified reserves, gross premium reserves, and expense reserves.
    • Compare and contrast common profit measures.
    • Evaluate actuarial accrued liability and normal cost for retirement plans.
    • Evaluate the expected present value of future benefits, the accumulated postretirement benefit obligation, and normal cost or service cost for retiree health care plans.
    • Assess the impact of changes in underlying valuation assumptions on pension and retiree health care plans.
    • Design an appropriate actuarial model for a given situation or application.
    • Assess the appropriateness of an actuarial model for a given application.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 430 - Introduction to Theory of Numbers

    Euclidean algorithm, fundamental theorem of arithmetic, Diophantine equations, primitive roots and indices, and other number theory topics.

    Prerequisite: MATH 260 with a grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (3)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 440 - Mathematical Theory of Financial Economics

    Concepts, principles, and techniques needed for the professional actuarial SOA/CAS Exam MFE are covered in this course. Topics to explore include interest rate models, bond price models, rational valuation of derivative securities, and delta-hedging as risk management techniques.

    Prerequisites: MATH 411B and MATH 418C.

    Credits: (5)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Become familiar with notations and terminology used in derivatives markets
    • Can comprehend and construct interate rate models
    • Become familiar with techniques for risk management
    • Be capable of rational valuation of derivative securities
    • Can comprehend and construct bond price models

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 451 - Topology I (Put on reserve 9/16/19)

    An introduction to point-set and algebraic topology. Topics may include metric spaces, topological spaces, homotopy theory, and the fundamental group. (Put on reserve 9/16/19, will go inactive 8/24/22)

    Prerequisites: MATH 260 and MATH 265 with grades of C or higher.

    Credits: (3)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 452 - Topology II (Put on reserve 9/16/19)

    An introduction to point-set and algebraic topology. Topics may include metric spaces, topological spaces, homotopy theory, and the fundamental group. (Put on reserve 9/16/19, will go inactive 8/24/22)

    Prerequisite: MATH 451 with a grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (3)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • classify topological spaces by topological invariants (e.g., the fundamental group, the Euler characteristic, the knot nolvnomials)
    • tell in their own words how to apply these concepts to familiar situations (e.g., spheres, tori, trefoils)
    • work cooperatively in the context of mathematics

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 453 - Topology III (Put on reserve 9/16/19)

    An introduction to point-set and algebraic topology. Topics may include metric spaces, topological spaces, homotopy theory, and the fundamental group. (Put on reserve 9/16/19, will go inactive 8/24/22)

    Credits: (3)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Classify topological spaces using topological invariants (e.g., fundamental group, homology group, Euler characteristic, knot polynomials)
    • Prove results about classes of topological spaces based on the topological properties of the spaces
    • Tie abstract topological concepts to concrete examples of topological spaces found in analysis.
    • Determine whether certain topological properties are necessary or sufficient for other topological properties

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 455 - College Geometry II

    Introduction to non-Euclidean geometry including history, deductive reasoning, and topics in hyperbolic and elliptical geometry.

    Prerequisites: MATH 355 and MATH 260 with grades of C or higher.

    Credits: (3)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Utilize inductive and deductive reasoning in the development of geometric notions.
    • Utilize the concepts of Neutral geometries to compare all incident geometries
    • Utilize the concepts of non-Euclidean geometry in its coordinate free form.
    • Utilize the concepts of non-Euclidean geometry in its coordinate form.
    • Utilize the concepts of non-Euclidean transformations and their respective invariants in heuristic, coordinate free, and coordinated forms.
    • Utilize the concepts of equivalence relations and equivalence classes to identify similar geometric objects.
    • Utilize technology appropriately to examine, explore, expand, and explain the concepts of Euclidean Geometry.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 456 - Geometry for Teachers

    This course includes an exploration of plane, coordinate, and transformational geometry. Students will develop an understanding of mathematical structure, method, and application while exploring topics such as axiomatic systems, constructions, and transformations. Course will be offered every year (Spring).

    Prerequisites: MATH 130 and MATH 154.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Demonstrate an understanding of the axiomatic structure of geometry, including definitions, axioms and theorems and will reason using the language and structure of geometry, both orally and in writing.
    • Make conjectures based on inductive reasoning and justify and prove those conjectures using deductive reasoning based on the axiomatic structure of Euclidean geometry.
    • Establish congruence and similarity criteria and use them to prove congruence and similarity of polygonal figures.  Students will recognize and use proportional relationships within similar figures to solve problems.
    • Investigate the connections between the traditional approach to geometry and a modern approach using transformational geometry.  Students will perform reflection, rotation, translation and dilation in the plane using traditional construction tools as well as using analytic formulas requiring the use of coordinate geometry and matrix and vector operations.
    • Use appropriate dynamical geometry software to investigate and represent concepts, methods and application of geometry.
    • Use principles of mathematical thinking and problem solving to explore, solve, generalize and prove mathematical problems.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 461 - Abstract Algebra I

    Algebraic structures such as groupoids, groups, rings, and fields.

    Prerequisite: MATH 365.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Analyze a given algebraic structure to determine if it satisfies an axiomatic system.
    • Write correct proofs within an algebraic axiomatic system.
    • Choose necessary and/or sufficient conditions guaranteeing the truthfulness of mathematical statements.
    • Assess a problem to determine which theorems to combine to write a correct proof.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 462 - Abstract Algebra II

    Algebraic structures such as groupoids, groups, rings, and fields.

    Prerequisite: MATH 461 with a grade of a C or higher.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Analyze a given algebraic structure to determine if it satisfies an axiomatic system.
    • Write correct proofs within an algebraic axiomatic system.
    • Choose necessary and/or sufficient conditions guaranteeing the truthfulness of mathematical statements.
    • Assess a problem to determine which theorems to combine to write a correct proof.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 471 - Advanced Analysis I

    Further development of properties of calculus.

    Prerequisite: MATH 371, with grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Deduce the behavior of functions by using consequences of uniform convergence.
    • Formulate necessary and/or sufficient conditions to guarantee integrability or differentiability of functions.
    • Write correct proofs involving uniform convergence, derivatives and integrals.
    • Estimate quantities using the triangle inequality in normed spaces as well as the Cauchy- Schwarz inequality.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 472 - Advanced Analysis II

    Further development of properties of calculus, including topics in uniform convergence, differentiation, and integration.

    Prerequisite: MATH 471 with a grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Deduce the behavior of functions by using consequences of uniform convergence.
    • Formulate necessary and/or sufficient conditions to guarantee integrability or differentiability of functions.
    • Write correct proofs involving uniform convergence, derivatives and integrals.
    • Estimate quantities using the triangle inequality in normed spaces as well as the Cauchy- Schwarz inequality.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 473 - Advanced Analysis III (Put on reserve 9/16/19)

    Further development of properties of calculus. (Put on reserve 9/16/19, will go inactive 8/24/22)

    Prerequisite: MATH 472 with a grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (3)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Write correct proofs.
    • Work with limits based on the traditional definition.
    • Work with sequences and series using the traditional definition.
    • Describe the topology of the real numbers using the terminology of open sets.
    • Describe and use properties of sets in the real numbers.
    • Define the concept of continuity and apply it to functions.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 475 - Mathematical Modeling

    An introduction to mathematical modeling using examples from physical, chemical,biological, economic, and social systems.  The use of software, critical thinking, and technical communication will be emphasized.

    Prerequisites: MATH 265 and MATH 272 and MATH 376 and MATH 299S with a grade of C or higher, or with consent of the instructor.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Select mathematical models to best describe the process of mathematical modeling.
    • predict modeling results.
    • Assess mathematical models by obtaining numerical results.
    • Appraise the requirements of a problem to make modeling decisions, they will judge what to include and what to leave out of a model, and they will defend their choices based on results and constraints.  Students will evaluate which mathematical model performs best in a modeling situation

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 476 - Numerical Methods and Analysis I

    This course offers an engaging introduction to numerical methods and analysis. Topics include error propagation in mathematical algorithms, data approximation, numerical differentiation and integration. Course work requires programming experience.

    Prerequisites: MATH 260 and MATH 265 and MATH 299S with a grade of C or higher, or consent of instructor.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Describe, present and analyze numerical methods for a specific data set, and justify their conclusions.
    • Construct and analyze computational approximations for different data sets using interpolation and other polynomial approximations.
    • Estimate numerical derivatives and numerical integrals for a given dataset.
    • Predict and analyze the error propagation that results from mathematical algorithms.
    • Evaluate other numerical approximation methods.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 477 - Numerical Methods and Analysis II

    This course offers an engaging introduction to numerical methods and analysis. Topics include error propagation in mathematical algorithms, data approximation, numerical differentiation and integration. Course work requires programming experience. 

    Prerequisite: MATH 476 with a grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Describe, present and analyze numerical methods for a specific data set, and justify their conclusions.
    • Construct and analyze computational approximations for different data sets using interpolation and other polynomial approximations.
    • Estimate numerical derivatives and numerical integrals for a given dataset.
    • Predict and analyze the error propagation that results from mathematical algorithms.
    • Evaluate other numerical approximation methods.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 486 - Mathematical Modeling for Middle-level Teaching

    Teacher candidates will create and analyze mathematical models in relation to the CCSS-Math content domains using appropriate technology. They will design real-world math tasks that highlight the use of models for making sense of mathematics.

    Prerequisites: MATH 406 and admission to the middle-level math major and application to the Teacher Certification Program.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Connect math concepts and procedures through math modeling for the following math domains: Number & Quantity, Algebra & Functions, Geometry & Measurement, Statistics & Probability, Ratios & Proportional Relationships, and Calculus.
    • Plan and teach math tasks for the following math domains Number & Quantity, Algebra & Functions, Geometry & Measurement, Statistics & Probability, Measurement, Ratios & Proportional Relationships, and Modeling.
    • Apply and explain the historical and cultural development of each branch of mathematics to the discovery of important mathematics ideas. Use history to plan, teach, and assess students understanding of mathematical concepts.
    • Use appropriate technology to investigate and represent concepts, methods, and applications of mathematic problems. Use appropriate technology to teach and assess the mathematical concepts.
    • Use mathematical thinking (Mathematical Practices) to solve mathematical problems and justify their solutions.  Plan, teach, and assess lessons involving mathematical thinking using their understanding mathematics learning theory, and pedagogy.
    • Use principles of making mathematical connections to create lessons that will engage a diverse student’s population.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 489A - Actuarial Senior Seminar: Predictive Analytics and Actuarial Modeling

    The actuarial modeling process, including problem definition, model selection and validation, and communication of results and uncertainties. Includes a capstone senior project.

    Prerequisites: MATH 410B and (MATH 417B or MATH 419B) with a grade of C or higher in each course.

    Credits: (3)

    General Education Category: CE - Culminating Experience

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Assess the strengths and weakness of data and conduct basic data validation
    • Formulate an actuarial problem in terms that are amenable to a solution.
    • Select an appropriate model that addresses an actuarial problem.
    • Evaluate a model and assess whether the model is valid for its intended purpose.
    • Assess outside factors that may affect a model and the relationship between variables, including social, economic, and technological factors.
    • Communicate the results of an actuarial analysis clearly, including any limitations and uncertainties.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Spring Locations: Ellensburg
  • Learning Agreement Forms

    MATH 490 - Cooperative Education

    An individualized, contracted field experience with business, industry, government, or social service agencies. This contractual arrangement involves a student learning plan, cooperating employer supervision, and faculty coordination. May be repeated for credit. Grade will either be S or U.

    Prerequisite: prior approval required.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 491 - Workshop

    The title of the workshop and the credit to be earned shall be determined at the time the workshop is approved. Designed to give an opportunity for individual and group study of problems in mathematics. May be repeated for credit.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 495 - Undergraduate Research

    May be repeated up to 5 credits.

    Credits: (1)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 497 - Honors

    Prerequisite: admission to department honors program.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 498 - Special Topics

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 499 - Seminar

    Credits: (1-5)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 499A - Senior Seminar: Actuarial Science

    Individualized projects using oral presentations and a written portfolio to show mastery in the program outcomes for actuarial science.

    Co- or prerequisites: MATH 417B or MATH 419B.

    Credits: (2)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 499E - Senior Seminar: Secondary Mathematics

    Individualized projects using oral presentations and written electronic portfolio to show mastery in all program outcomes for teaching secondary mathematics.

    Prerequisite: MATH 325.

    Credits: (4)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MATH 499S - Senior Seminar

    Individualized projects using oral presentations and written portfolio to show mastery in all program outcomes for mathematics.

    Prerequisite: (MATH 365 or MATH 371) with a grade of C or higher.

    Credits: (2)

    General Education Category: CE - Culminating Experience

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Apply critical thinking skills to write proofs using axiomatic systems.
    • Clearly communicate mathematical ideas both orally and in writing.
    • Synthesize information from numerous sources and describe the application of mathematics to a field outside of mathematics.
    • Reflect upon, integrate, and apply the knowledge and skills they gleaned from their undergraduate mathematics experience to newly posed problems.
    • Research and explore new ideas in mathematics.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Winter Locations: Ellensburg

McNair Scholars (MCNA)

  • MCNA 298 - Special Topics

    May be repeated if subject is different.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MCNA 299 - Seminar

    May be repeated if subject is different.

    Credits: (1-5)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MCNA 301 - Introduction to the McNair Scholars Program

    A seminar designed to introduce students to the McNair Program and guide them through the steps of identifying a faculty mentor and choosing a research topic. May be repeated up to  2 credits.

    Prerequisite: admission into the McNair Scholar Program.

    Credits: (1)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Identify a Faculty Mentor
    • Identify a summer research topic

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MCNA 302 - Finding a Graduate School

    A seminar designed to assist McNair Scholar students identify prospective graduate schools in their field of study. May be repeated up to  2 credits.

    Prerequisite: MCNA 301 and admission into the McNair Scholars Program..

    Credits: (1)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Identify potential graduate programs.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MCNA 303 - Completing the Graduate School Application

    A seminar designed to assist McNair Scholar students to complete their graduate school application materials. May be repeated up to 2 credits. Grade will either be S or U.

    Prerequisite: MCNA 302 and admission into the McNair Scholars Program.

    Credits: (1)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Finish applying to graduate programs within each student’s discipline and area of study.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MCNA 395 - Undergraduate Research Methods

    An introduction to the steps of writing a research proposal.

    Prerequisite: admission to the McNair Scholars Program.

    Credits: (2)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MCNA 396 - Individual Study

    May be repeated if subject is different.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MCNA 397 - Honors

    Prerequisite: admission to department honors program.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MCNA 398 - Special Topics

    May be repeated if subject is different.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MCNA 399 - Seminar

    May be repeated if subject is different.

    Credits: (1-5)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MCNA 401 - Conquering the Graduate Record Exam

    This course is designed to prepare juniors and seniors who plan to pursue graduate programs that require GRE scores. Topics include test-taking strategies for the verbal, quantitative, and writing assessments. May be repeated up to 6 credits. Grade will be S or U.

    Prerequisite: junior or senior status.

    Credits: (2)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Become familiar with the structure of the exam and the types of questions for each section. 
    • Learn proven test-taking strategies for each type of questions.
    • Learn the most common vocabulary words included in the exam. 
    • Review arithmetic, algebra and geometry.
    • Learn to write essays that meet the standards of the highest-scoring answers on the GRE exam.

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MCNA 496 - Individual Study

    May be repeated if subject is different.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MCNA 497 - Honors

    Prerequisite: admission to department honors program.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MCNA 498 - Special Topics

    May be repeated if subject is different.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MCNA 499 - Seminar

    May be repeated if subject is different.

    Credits: (1-5)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:

Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET)

  • MET 255 - Machining

    Basic operations and technical information concerning common metal working machines and manufacturing processes. Two hours lecture and four hours laboratory per week. Course will be offered every year (Fall, Winter, and Spring).

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Perform simple and accurate turning operations using an engine lathe
    • Operate an engine lathe to cut threads
    • Setup and perform simple milling operations on a vertical milling machine
    • Use hand tools to accurately layout part feature locations
    • Measure part features using precision instruments accurately
    • Create an operations process document for a simple machining job
    • Demonstrate a complete understanding of safety procedures in theory and in practice while using lab equipment

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MET 257 - Casting Processes

    Theory and practice in green sand, shell core, permanent mold, no bake, and evaporation casting processes. Two hours lecture and four hours laboratory per week.

    Credits: (4)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MET 298 - Special Topics

    May be repeated if subject is different.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MET 299 - Seminar

    May be repeated if subject is different.

    Credits: (1-5)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MET 310 - Hydraulics/Pneumatics

    A study of the application, controls, and uses of air and liquid for the transmission of power. Two hours lecture and four hours laboratory per week.

    Prerequisite: MATH 153 or MATH 154 or MATH 172.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Select a component for a set of given operating conditions using the supplier’s technical literature.
    • Determine the appropriate specifications of fluid power components given system requirements.
    • Design a fluid power circuit for a given scenario.
    • Create a bill of materials (BOM) and circuit diagram for a complete fluid power system.
    • Assemble a fluid power circuit.
    • Evaluate the predicted and observed performance of the assembled fluid power circuit. 

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Winter Locations: Ellensburg
  • MET 314 - Applied Thermodynamics

    Properties of pure substances, first and second laws of thermodynamics, enthalpy and entropy, perfect gases, Carnot cycle, steam cycles, refrigeration cycles, mixtures of perfect gases, chemical reactions, and combustion. Four hours lecture per week.

    Prerequisites: MATH 173 with C or higher and (PHYS 112 or PHYS 182) with a C+ or higher and (CHEM 111 or CHEM 181). Co-requisite: MET 314LAB.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Select and apply the knowledge, techniques, skills, and modern tools of the discipline to broadly defined engineering technology activities.
    • Select and apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to engineering technology problems that require the application of principles and applied procedures or methodologies.
    • Conduct standard tests and measurements; conduct, analyze, and interpret experiments; and apply experimental results to improve processes.
    • Perform effectively as a member of a technical team.
    • Identify, analyze, and solve broadly defined engineering technology problems.
    • Apply written, oral, and graphical communication in both technical and non-technical environments; and identify and use appropriate technical literature.
    • Assess impact of engineering technology solutions in a societal and global context.
    • Select, set-up, and calibrate instruments and prepare laboratory reports and documents the development, installation, or maintenance of mechanical components and systems.
    • Analyze problems related to thermal sciences, such as thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, etc.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Fall Locations: Ellensburg
  • MET 314LAB - Applied Thermodynamics Laboratory

    Practical application of thermodynamics systems teaching First and Second Law of Thermodynamics principles. Lab work includes usage of state-of-the-art instrumentation and data systems. This couse is two hours per week with an associated lecture that is four hours per week.

    Prerequisites: MATH 173 with a grade of C or higher and (PHYS 112 or PHYS 182) with a grade of  C+ or higher and (CHEM 111 or CHEM 181).


    Credits: (1)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Interpret the practical aspects of thermodynamics by relating theory to various applications of energy conversions systems.
    • Analyze refrigeration and air conditioning systems.
    • Examine terminology in the energy conversion technical field in order to read, discuss and comprehend the relevant literature.
    • Predict and measure the performance of energy conversion systems.
    • Plan and conduct energy conversion experiments.
    • Perform computerized data analysis and be able to present and explain experimental results with clarity.
    • Write various types of test reports common in the engineering field.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Fall Locations: Ellensburg

  • MET 315 - Fluid Dynamics

    Fluid statics, continuity, Bernoulli, and the general energy equation, laminar and turbulent flow, friction losses in pipes and ducts, pump performance and selection, compressible flow, and fluid measurements. Four hours lecture per week.

    Prerequisites: ETSC 311 with a grade C+ (2.3) or higher, and MET 314 and MET 314LAB and MET 327 and MET 327LAB. Co-requisite: MET 315LAB.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Develop an understanding of the practical aspects of fluid statics and continuity by relating theory to various applications.
    • Learn to predict the flow rate of fluids in ducts and pipes for compressible and incompressible fluids.
    • Demonstrate the ability to plan and conduct fluid mechanics experiments. Students will demonstrate the ability to write various types of test reports common in the engineering field.
    • Earn terminology in the fluid dynamics technical field so that they may read, discuss and comprehend the relevant literature
    • Demonstrate the ability to select proper instrumentation to support experiments.
    • Perform computerized data analysis and be able to present and explain experimental results with clarity.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Winter Locations: Ellensburg
  • MET 315LAB - Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

    Practical application of fluid mechanics principles, labs include fluid properties, buoyancy forces, Bernoulli and fluid energy, fluid friction, pump performance and related measurement systems. Lab is two hours per week plus an associated lecture for four hours per week.

    Prerequisite: ETSC 311 with a grade of C+ (2.3) or higher and MET 314 and MET 314LAB and MET 327 and MET 327LAB.

    Credits: (1)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Assess the practical aspects of fluid statics & continuity by relating theory to various applications.
    • Apply the Bernoulli equation and the general energy equation and evaluate the energy content within a flowing fluid.
    • Predict the flow rate of fluids in ducts and pipes for compressible and incompressible fluids.
    • Calculate and use dimensionless numbers such as Reynolds number, lift and drag coefficients, etc.
    • Investigate terminology in the fluid dynamics technical field so that they may read, discuss and comprehend the relevant literature.
    • Plan and conduct fluid mechanics experiments.
    • Select proper instrumentation to support experiments and will calibrate various sensors and connect sensors to data acquisition systems.
    • Perform computerized data analysis and be able to present and explain experimental results with clarity.
    • Write various types of test reports common in the engineering field.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Spring Locations: Ellensburg
  • MET 316 - Applied Heat Transfer

    Steady and unsteady state heat conduction, free convection, forced convection in tubes, forced convection over exterior surfaces, radiation heat transfer, change in phase heat transfer, heat exchangers, and heat pipes. Four hours lecture per week plus an associated lab for 2 hours a week.

    Prerequisite: MET 314 and MET 314LAB. Co-requisite: MET 316LAB.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Show their ability to understand heat transfer concepts, predict temperatures and energy transfer rates for various thermal systems.
    • Conduct heat transfer experiments and operate related equipment.
    • Learn terminology in the heat transfer field so that they may read, discuss and comprehend the relevant literature.
    • Perform computerized data analysis and write various technical reports with correct format, grammar, and good writing skills.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Spring Locations: Ellensburg
  • MET 316LAB - Applied Heat Transfer Laboratory

    Practical application of heat transfer principles. Steady and unsteady state heat conduction, free convection, forced convection in tubes and over exterior surfaces, radiation heat transfer, change in phase heat transfer, heat exchangers, and heat pipes. Two hours laboratory per week plus an associated lecture for four hours per week.

    Prerequisite: MET 314 and MET 314LAB.

    Credits: (1)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Apply heat transfer concepts, predict temperatures and energy transfer rates for various thermal systems
    • Conduct heat transfer experiments and operate related equipment.
    • Investigate terminology in the heat transfer field so that they may read, discuss and comprehend the relevant literature
    • Perform computerized data analysis and write various technical reports with correct format, grammar, and good writing skills.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Spring Locations: Ellensburg
  • MET 320 - Fundamentals of Laser Technology (Put on reserve 9/16/18)

    Overview of laser technology with emphasis on laser characteristics, safety, and applications. Four hours of lecture per week. (Put on reserve 9/16/18, will go inactive 8/24/21)

    Prerequisite: PHYS 113.

    Credits: (4)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MET 327 - Technical Dynamics

    Topics: rectilinear and curvilinear motion, rotational kinematics, work, energy and power, linear impulse and momentum, angular impulse and momentum, rigid body motion, relative motion, and vibrations. This course consists of four hours of lecture each week plus an associated lab for two hours per week. Course will be offered every year (Spring).

    Prerequisite: ETSC 311 with a grade of 2.3, C+, or higher. Co-requisite: MET 327LAB.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Analyze dynamic physical systems (both motion and vibration).   
    • Predict motion of a point or a rigid body.
    • Analyze impulse and momentum of objects.
    • Analyze work, potential and kinetic energy if objects.

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MET 327LAB - Technical Dynamics Laboratory

    Practical application of dynamical systems including usage of state-of-the-art instrumentation and data recording systems. This lab is two hours per week with associated lecture that is four hours per week.

    Prerequisite: ETSC 311 with a grade of C+ (2.3), or higher. Co-requisite: MET 327.

    Credits: (1)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Apply physical principles to analyze motion of objects.
    • Determine physical properties through experiments.
    • Interpret data from various types of instruments and sensors.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Spring Locations: Ellensburg
  • MET 345 - Lean Manufacturing

    The students will learn lean principles through lecture and hands-on experience manufacturing a project. Course is based on SME lean bronze standards. Two lecture and four lab hours per week. Additional lab time is required. Course will be offered every year (Fall and Spring).

    Prerequisites: ETSC 160 or ETSC 150 and (ETSC 145 or MET 255, or permission of instructor).

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Demonstrate lean manufacturing principles in the production of manufactured parts
    • Produce a Value Stream Map for current and future state
    • Interpret 5S elements and demonstrate implementation
    • Apply Kaizen improvements that will affect production efficiency
    • Define lean manufacturing terms commonly used in industry
    • Demonstrate proper use of a variety of equipment to manufacture product to specification without defects
    • Design a manufacturing mistake-proofing procedure
    • Identify and suggest methods for reducing or eliminating the seven wastes in manufacturing
    • Identify safety hazards in a given manufacturing environment and suggest methods for mitigation

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • MET 351 - Metallurgy/Materials and Processes

    Ferrous and nonferrous metals and alloys; polymeric, ceramic, and cellular materials; use of phase diagrams, cooling curves, stress-strain diagrams, and metallography. This course consists of four hours of lecture each week plus an associated lab for two hours per week.


    Prerequisites: CHEM 111 or CHEM 181. Co-requisite: MET 351LAB.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Recognize and demonstrate the importance of engineered materials in everyday life
    • Analyze society’s dependence on materials
    • Apply concepts of engineering materials to quantify material performance and degradation.
    • Identify impact of material selection on product design.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Spring Locations: Ellensburg


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