Mar 13, 2025
CS 441 - Computer Graphics II (Put on reserve 9/16/17) Description: Advanced graphics in 3-D with vector tools. Topics include: transformations, affine transformations, changing coordinate system, drawing scenes, modeling shapes, solid modeling, and smooth objects. (Put on reserve 9/16/17. Will go inactive 8/24/2020.)
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: CS 440.
Credits: (4)
Learner Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Properly use vector tools in graphical systems.
- Discuss the concept of object transformation.
- Describe and apply 3-D affine transformations in computer graphics.
- Describe and apply techniques necessary to change the coordinate system in computer graphics.
- Ability to build graphical systems that draw user and application required shapes.
- Ability to draw 3-D scenes with Open GL tools.
- Describe methods for decomposing affine transformations into basic geometric operations.
- Describe and apply the elements used in defining operations
- Solid modeling with polygonal meshes,
- Polyedra and Nonsolid objects,and smooth objects.
- Ability to build graphical systems using Open GL.
Learner Outcomes Approval Date: 11/04/04
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