Feb 10, 2025
BIOL 322 - Introductory Microbiology Description: Introductory biology of microorganisms and viruses with applications to medicine, food science, industry, and agriculture. Intended for nutrition and allied health students. Three hours lecture and four hours laboratory per week. Biology majors are encouraged to take BIOL 323. May be counted toward a degree in the biology department in lieu of BIOL 323, but cannot be counted toward a degree in the biology department if BIOL 323 is successfully completed.
Prerequisites: Prerequisites: BIOL 182 or BIOL 220.
Credits: (5)
Learner Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Microbial cell biology
- Microbial cellular structure and function
- Microbial growth and reproduction
- Cellular energy production and metabolism
- Structure and reproduction of infectious particles (viruses and prions)
- Interactions and impact of microorganisms and humans
- Microbial-human relationships
- Microbial pathogenicity mechanisms
- Infectious agent transmission
- Antibiotics, antivirals, antibiotic resistance
- Vaccines
- Food Microbiology-production and control
Laboratory Skills
- Use a bright field light microscope to view and interpret slides, including
- Correctly setting up and focusing the microscope
- Proper handling, cleaning, and storage of the microscope
- Correct use of all lenses
- Recording microscopic observations
- Properly prepare slides for microbiological examination, including
- Preparing smears from solid and liquid cultures
- Performing Gram stains
- Use appropriate microbiological media and test systems, including
- Isolating colonies and/or plaques
- Maintaining pure cultures
- Estimate the number of microbes in a sample using serial dilution techniques, including
- Correctly choosing and using pipettes and pipetting devices
- Correctly spreading diluted samples for counting
- Estimating appropriate dilutions
- Extrapolating plate counts to obtain the correct CFU or PFU in the starting sample
- Interpersonal and citizenry skills, including
- Working effectively in teams or groups so that the task, results and analysis are shared
- Effectively managing time and tasks allowing concurrent and/or overlapping tasks to be done simultaneously, by individuals and within a group
- Integrating knowledge and making informed judgments about microbiology in everyday life
- Employ proper microbiological lab safety protocols and aseptic technique
Learner Outcomes Approval Date: 3/18/10
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