Emeritus Faculty as of October 2021
Agars, Janis John (1964): Professor, Department of Art, BA, University of Washington; MFA, Washington State University
Alawiye, Osman (1989): Professor, Department of Education, 2005; BA, Dakota Wesleyan University; MA, University of South Dakota; PhD, New Mexico State University
Alexander, James M. (1965): Professor, Department of Anthropology, 2001; AB, University of New Mexico; MS, Clemson University; PhD, University of Washington (SeaTac)
Allen, Helen D. (1965): Assistant Professor, Library Services, 1975; AB, Earlham College, Indiana; MALS, George Peabody College
Alsoszatai-Petheo, John (1983): Professor, Department of Anthropology and Museum Studies, 2014; BA, California State; MA, Eastern New Mexico University; PhD, University of Alberta
Alumbaugh, Richard (1969): Professor, Department of Psychology, 2002; BA, MS, Fort Hays Kansas State College; PhD, Texas Technological College (Steilacoom)
Amby, Joan M. (1996): Professor, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, 2006; BA, MA, San Francisco State University; PhD, Oregon State University
Anderson, David R. (1969): Professor, Department of Mathematics, 1999; BA, Bradley University; PhD, Duke University
Andress, Joel M. (1966): Professor, Department of Geography, 1993; AB, University of Pacific; MS, PhD, University of California at Berkeley
Andrews, J. Tracy (1995): Professor, Department of Anthropology and Museum Studies, 2015; BA, Portland State University, MPH, Columbia University, PhD, University of Arizona
Applegate, Jimmie R. (1970): Professor, Department of Education, 1996; BS, Oregon State University; BS, MS, Eastern Oregon College; PhD, Washington University, St. Louis
Armstrong, Liahna (1996): Professor, English, MA University of California
Arlt, Walter H. (1968): Associate Professor, Department of Health, Human Performance and Nutrition, 2000; BS, Washington State University; MEd, Central Washington University
Bach, Glen (1978): Professor, Art; MFA, Vermont College of Norwich University
Backlund, Phil (1979): Professor, Department of Communication, 2015; BA, MA, Humboldt State University, PhD, University of Denver
Bagamery, Bruce (1988): Professor, Department of Finance & Supply Chain Management, 2011; BA, University of Toledo; MA, University of Toledo; PhD, Northwestern University
Basler, David D. (1960): Professor, Department of Education, 1992; BA, State College of Iowa; MA, PhD, State University of Iowa
Beamer, Adrian L. (1957): Assistant Professor, Department of Health, Human Performance and Nutrition, 1983; BAEd, MEd, Eastern Washington University
Beardsley, Eric R. (1959): Associate Professor, Department of Health, Human Performance and Nutrition, 1986; BAEd, Central Washington University; MS, Springfield College
Beardsley, Roger (2005): Associate Professor, Engineering Technologies, Safety and Construction; BS, California Polytechnic State University; MS Central Washington University
Beath, Linda S. (1992): Professor, Department of Education, 2007; BA, MA, Western Washington University; PhD, University of Oregon
Becker, Melissa (2005): Senior Lecturer, Accounting; BBA, Baylor University; MBA, Baylor University
Beed, Galer W. (1973): Professor, Department of Industrial and Engineering Technology, 2001; BS, Oregon State University; MA, San Jose State College; EdD, University of Arkansas
Bennett, Robert B. (1967): Professor, Department of Physics, 1989; BA, Willamette University; MA, PhD, University of Oregon
Bennett, Virginia (2004): Associate Professor, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Health Sciences, 2013; BS, MS, Central Washington University; PhD, University of California, Davis
Benson, William (1968): Professor, Department of Sociology, 2000; BA, PhD, Washington State University
Bentley, Robert (1969): Professor, Department of Geology, 1997; BS, Oregon State University; PhD, Columbia University
Berg, Walter L. (1955): Professor, Department of History, 1982; BA, University of Puget Sound; MA, PhD, University of Washington
Bilyeu, Elbert E. (1970): Professor, Department of World Language, 1995; BS, Southwest Missouri State College; PhD, University of Colorado
Bird, Herbert A. (1947): Professor, Department of Music, 1978; BM, Oberline Conservatory of Music; MA, Teachers College, Columbia University; ADM, Boston University
Blair, Karen (1987): Professor, Department of History, 2014; BA, Mt. Holyoke College; MA, PhD, SUNY-Buffalo
Blanton, Thomas L. (1967): Professor, Department of English, 1996; BA, MA, Washington State University
Bohrson, Wendy (1996): Professor, Department of Geological Sciences; Ph.D. Geology, University of California, Los Angeles; B.S. Geology and Biology, Stanford University
Bowers, Rebecca (2000): Professor, Department of Educational Foundations and Curriculum, 2014; BA, James Madison University; MS, Old Dominion University; EdD, University of North Carolina
Bowman, Andrea C. (1989): Professor, Department of Education, 2003; BA, San Jose State University; MAE, Northern Arizona University; EdD, Arizona State University
Boyungs, Janice C. (1965): Associate Professor, Department of Health, Human Performance and Nutrition, 1998; BS, Western Illinois University; MEd, Central Washington University
Breedlove, Lois (1995): Professor, Department of Communication, 2013; BS, Oregon State University; MA, American University
Brennan, James F. (1967): Professor, Department of History, 1997; BS, Georgetown University; MA, PhD, University of California at Berkeley
Briggs, Ken (1977): Professor, Department of Physical Education, School and Public Health, 2015; BA, University of Northern Colorado, MAT, University of Massachusetts, EdD, University of Northern Colorado
Brooker, George W. (1990): Professor, Department of Business Administration, 2001; BA, MBA, PhD, Northwestern University
Brooks, James E. (1961): Professor, Department of Geography, 1993; BA, Central Washington University; MA, PhD, University of Washington
Brown, Donald G. (1963): Assistant Professor, Department of Education, 1982; BA, MEd, University of Washington
Brown Jr., James R. (1980): Professor, Department of Political Science, 2005; BA, University of North Carolina; MA, University of Nebraska; PhD, University of Kansas
Brown, Robert H. (1967): Professor, Department of Biology, 1997; BSEd, MS, PhD, University of Arizona
Byrd, Ross F. (1969): Professor, Department of Administrative Management and Business Education, 2000; BA, Eastern Washington University; MA, Whitworth College; EdD, Washington State University
Calhoun, David K. (1973): Professor, Department of Industrial and Engineering Technology, 2004; BS, MEd, Oregon State University; EdD, Arizona State University
Canzler, David G. (1966): Associate Professor, Department of English, 1990; BA, Linfield College; MA, PhD, University of Oregon
Caples, Minerva L. (1986): Professor, Department of Education, 2008; BA, MA, University of Texas; EdD, Texas A&M University
Carne, Eva-Marie (1968): Professor, Department of World Language, 1992; BA, University of Bristol; MA, PhD, University of Colorado
Carns, David (1986): Professor, Department of Engineering Technology, Safety and Construction; M.S. Civil Engineering, Oregon State University; B.S. Civil Engineering, Oregon State University
Cashman, Linda (2004): Associate Professor, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Health Sciences, 2014; BS, Washington State University; MS, Texas Women’s University
Chan-Nui, Ernest (1967): Associate Professor, Department of Education, 1998; BEd, University of Hawaii; MA, EdD, Columbia University
Chase, Dorothy (2000): Professor, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, 2014; BA, University of Winnipeg; Med, Lakehead University-Ontario, Canada; PhD, Clemson University
Chinn, Michael (1995): Professor, Department of Art, 2013; BA, San Jose State University, MFA, California State University, Long Beach
Choudary, Alla Ditta R. (1986): Professor, Department of Mathematics, 2006; BS, Government College Civilline, Pakistan; MS, Punjab University, Pakistan; PhD, University of Bucharest, Romania
Cocheba, Donald J. (1970): Professor, Department of Economics, 2002; BS, Southern Illinois University; MS, Louisiana State University; PhD, Washington State University
Comstock, Dale R. (1964): Professor, Department of Mathematics, 1996; BA, Central Washington University; MS, PhD, Oregon State University
Condit, Colin (1965): Professor, Department of Psychology, 1983; BA, University of Washington; MA, Columbia University; PhD, Washington State University
Cottrell, Tom (2001): Professor, Biological Sciences; PhD, Colorado State University
Craig, William S. (1968): Professor, Department of Instructional Media, Academic Computing, 2001; BAEd, MEd, Central Washington University
Cummings, Donald W. (1960): Professor, Department of English, 1996; BA, MA, PhD, University of Washington
Cunha, Clifford C. (1970): Professor, Department of Music, 1979; BA, San Jose State College; MAEd, Stanford University
Curtis, W. Dan (2002): Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, 2013; BS, University of Florida; PhD, University of Massachusetts
Cutlip, William F. (1968): Professor, Department of Mathematics, 2000; BS, Eastern Illinois University; MA, University of Illinois; PhD, Michigan State University
Cutright, Patricia (2010): Professor, Department of Library Services, 2017; BA, Idaho State University, M, University of Washington
Cutsinger, Loran E. (1996): Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, 2012; BA, University of Michigan; MA, PhD, Washington State University
Darda, David (1987): Professor, Biological Sciences; PhD, University of California Berkeley
Denman, Anne S. (1969): Professor, Department of Anthropology, 2003; BA, Mount Holyoke College; PhD, University of California at Berkeley
DePaepe, James (1996): Professor, Department of Health Science, PhD, University of New Mexico
DeShaw, Byron L. (1967): Professor, Department of Education, 1991; BA, MA, Washington State University; EdD, University of Idaho
Devietti, Terry L. (1968): Professor, Department of Psychology, 2006; BA, MS, PhD, University of Utah
Doi, Makiko (1974): Associate Professor, Library Services, 1993; BA, University of the Pacific; MLS, University of Washington
Donahue, Barry (1984): Professor, Curriculum, Supervision and Educational Leadership; EdD, Montana State University
Donovan, Ann F. (1977): Associate Professor, Library Services, 1990; BAEd, University of Florida; MLS, Florida State University; MA, Central Washington University
Drake, George (1997): Professor, English; PhD, University of Washington
Dudley, Stanley A. (1957): Associate Professor, Department of Industrial and Engineering Technology, 1984; BA, MEd, Central Washington University
Dugmore, W. Owen (1969): Associate Professor, Psychology; PhD, Univeristy of Utah
Duncan, Leonard Clinton (1965): Professor, Department of Chemistry, 1999; AB, Wabash College; MA, Wesleyan University, Conn.; PhD, University of Washington
Easterling, Ilda-Marie (1967): Professor, Department of World Language, 1991; BA, MA, University of Utah; PhD, Brigham Young University
Eberhart, Dee Richard (1965): Professor, Department of Geography, 1986; BA, University of Washington; MA, Northwestern University
Edington, Robert V. (1988): Professor, Department of Political Science, 1999; BA, San Francisco State College; MA, PhD, University of Washington
Eickhoff, Henry J. (1950): Professor, Department of Music, 1989; BA, BD, Concordia Seminary; MM, PhD, Northwestern University
Elaine, Sharon (1981): Professor, Department of Health Education, 1998; BS, University of Washington; MPH, PhD, University of Michigan
Emken, Walter C. (1969): Professor, Department of Chemistry, 1999; BS, Fresno State College; PhD, Oregon State University
Envick, Robert M. (1973): Professor, Department of Industrial and Engineering Technology, 1998; BA, MA, Kearney State College; EdD, University of Northern Colorado
Erickson, Barney L. (1969): Professor, Department of Mathematics, 2002; BS, Utah State University; MS, Syracuse University; MS, EdD, Utah State University
Esbeck, Edward S. (1978): Professor, Department of Business Administration, 1999; BS, Drake University; MA, State University of Iowa; PhD, Case Western Reserve University
Eubanks, James L. (1983): Professor, Department of Psychology, 2007; AB, Humboldt State University; PhD, Arizona State University
Fairburn, Wayne A. (1972): Professor, Department of Business Administration, 2005; BA, MS, Eastern Washington University; PhD, Michigan State University
Fallshore, Marte (1997): Associate Professor, Department of Psychology; Ph.D. Cognitive Psychology, University of Pittsburg; M.S. University of Pittsburg; B.S. Colorado State University
Farkas, Steven E. (1965): Associate Professor, Department of Geology, 1996; BS, MA, University of Wisconsin; PhD, University of New Mexico
Finke, Janet (2009): Professor, Education, Development, Teaching and Learning; PhD, University of Illinois
Fordan, Robert (1991): Professor, Department of Communication, 2014; BA, University of California - Riverside; MA, San Francisco State University
Forsyth, Jay D. (1969): Professor, Department of Accounting, 2007; AS, Kansas State College at Fort Hays; MS, Oklahoma State University; CPA (SeaTac)
Foster, John P. (1965): Associate Professor, Department of Communication, 1995; BS, MS, Indiana University
Franz, Wolfgang W. (1969): Professor, Department of Economics, 1998; BA, Central Washington University; PhD, Washington State University
Frederick, Gary C. (1967): Professor, Department of Health, Human Performance and Nutrition, 1999; BAEd, MEd, Central Washington University; EdD, University of Idaho
Frye, Ronald M. (1966): Professor, Department of Industrial and Engineering Technology, 1993; BA, Central Washington University; MS, Kansas State College of Pittsburgh; EdD, University of Missouri
Gabriel, Anthony (2000): Professor, Geography; PhD, University of Guelph
Gabriel, Lloyd M. (1966): Associate Professor, Department of Education, 1987; BA, Washington State University; MEd, Oregon State University; EdD, Washington State University
Gaines, Robert D. (1961): Professor, Department of Chemistry, 1995; BS, MS, PhD, Montana State College
Galbraith, Gary M. (1971): Professor, Department of Art, 2000; BFA, MFA, California College of Arts and Crafts; MA, Central Washington University
Gamon, Kenneth O. (1965): Professor, Department of Mathematics, 2001; BS, Eastern Washington University; MS, PhD, Oregon State University
Garrett, Roger L. (1968): Associate Professor, Department of Communication, 2000; BA, MA, University of Montana; PhD, Stanford University
Garrison, Philip B. (1967): Professor, Department of English, 2004; BA, MA, University of Missouri
Gellenbeck, Ed (1994): Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, 2012; BBA, University of Texas; MS, California State University-Chico; PhD, Oregon State University
Georgeoliani, Dinara (1991): Assistant Professor, Department of World Languages, 2014; PhD, Post Doctorate Degree, Tbilsi State University
Gierlasinski, Norman (1986): Professor, Department of Accounting, 2014; BS, University of Illinois; MBA, DePaul University; PhD, Nova Southeastern University
Glauert, Earl (1968): Professor, Department of History, 1994; AB, Earlham College; PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Golden, Edward (1977): Professor, Department of Business Administration, 2001; BS, Northwestern University; MBA, EdD, Seattle University (Lynnwood)
Gookin, Karen (2000): Professor, Department of English, 2013; BA, University of Montana; MA, Central Washington University
Gookin, Larry (1981): Professor, Department of Music, 2015; BM, University of Montana, MM, University of Oregon
Goss, Gail (1988): Professor, Department of Education, 2006; BA, MA, Central Washington University; PhD, Seattle University
Gray, Loretta (1992): Professor, English; PhD, Boston University
Greatsinger, Calvin G. (1969): Professor, Department of Education, 1994; BA, Jamestown College, ND; MEd, University of North Dakota; EdD, University of Northern Colorado
Green, James G. (1968): Professor, Department of Psychology, 1995; BA, Eastern Michigan University; MA, University of Michigan; EdD, Washington State University
Gregor, John G. (1970): Professor, Department of Health, Human Performance and Nutrition, 1999; BAEd, Western Washington University; MEd, Central Washington University; EdD, University of Oregon
Gregson, Robert J. (1966): Associate Professor, Department of Health, Human Performance and Nutrition, 1998; BS, MEd, Linfield College
Gries, Peter (1974): Professor, Department of Music, 2010, BA, Queens College, MM, University of Puget Sound, DMA, University of Oregon
Grossman, George C. (1966): Professor, Department of Education, 1991; BAEd, Eastern Washington University; MEd, EdD, University of Washington
Guatney, Charles L. (1976): Associate Professor, Department Administrative Management and Business Education, 1997; BS, Kansas State College; MA, Rider College
Gunn, Gerald P. (1973): Professor, Department of Business Administration, 2008; BA, MA, Simon Fraser University; PhD, Colorado State University
Habib, Helmi S. (1964): Professor, Department of Chemistry, 1995; BS, Walla Walla College; MS, University of Idaho; PhD, Washington State University
Hall, Raymond A. (2008): Associate Professor, Anthropology and Museum Studies; PhD, Indiana University; MA, Indiana University; BA, Indiana University
Halperin, Mark W. (1966): Professor, Department of English, 2002; BA, Bard College; MFA, State University of Iowa
Hammond, Kenneth A. (1962): Professor, Department of Geography, 1997; BA, Eastern Washington University; MS, Oregon State University; PhD, University of Michigan
Hansen, Russell W. (1969): Professor, Department of Sociology and Law and Justice, 1993; BA, University of Nevada; MA, PhD, Washington State
Harper, James D. (1988): Professor, Mathematics; PhD, University of Oregon; MA, University of Oregon; BA, Humboldt State University
Harper, Lila (2007): Senior Lecturer, English; PhD, University of Oregon
Harsha, Kenneth K. (1966): Professor, Department of Business Education and Administrative Management, 1991; BSEd, MS, Kansas State Teachers College; EdD, University of Wyoming
Hartman, Ruth D. (1965): Associate Professor, Library Services, 1985; BS, Minot State College, ND; AMLS, University of Michigan
Hasbrouck, Richard W. (1964): Professor, Department of Chemistry 1995; BS, College of Great Falls; MA, Wesleyan University; PhD, University of Wyoming
Haviland, Elizabeth (2010): Senior Lecturer, Department of Pyschology, PhD, Counseling Pyschology, Washington State University; MS, Counseling Psychology, Central Washingotn University; BA, Psychology, Central Washington University
Hawkins, Arlin J. (1970): Professor, Department of Theatre Arts, 2001; BA, MA, Sacramento State College
He, Meiqi (1992): Senior Lecturer, University English as a Second Language (UESL); BA English and Literature, Anhui University; MA English:TESL/TEFL, Central Washington University
Heckart, Beverly (1967): Professor, Department of History, 2003; BA, Hood College; MA, PhD, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Hedrick, David (1988): Professor, Department of Economics; Ph.D. University of Oregon; M.S. University of Oregon; B.A. University of California, Davis
Heimbeck, Raeburne S. (1967): Professor, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, 1999; BA, Stanford University; MDiv, Fuller Theological Seminary; PhD, Stanford University
Herum, John M. (1962): Professor, Department of English, 1993; BA, Carroll College
Hileman, Betty J. (1967): Professor, Department of Health, Human Performance and Nutrition, 1986; BA, Ohio Wesleyan University; MS, University of Wisconsin; PhD, University of Southern California
Hilliard, Richard (1988): Asst. Professor, Department of Mathematics, 2015; BA, MS, Central Washington University
Hinthorne, James R. (1980): Professor, Department of Geological Sciences, 2001; BA, University of California at Santa Barbara; MS, University of Massachusetts; PhD, University of California at Santa Barbara
Hood, Webster F. (1966): Professor, Department of Philosophy, 2006; BA, MA, PhD, Pennsylvania State University
Hosford, David R. (1969): Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, 2003; BA, Portland State University; PhD, University of Washington
Howard Jr., Alexander H. (1950): Professor, Department of Education, 1984; BAEd, Central Washington University; AM, PhD, University of Chicago
Hubbard, Brenda (1992): Professor, Department of Theatre Arts, 2016; BFA, University of Washington, MFA, University of Portland
Huckabay, James L. (1997): Professor, Department of Geography, 2012; BA, MA, University of Colorado; PhD, University of Kansas
Hull, Karen (1994): Senior Lecturer, English; MA, Central Washington University
Hultquist, Nancy B. (1988): Professor, Department of Geography, 2010; AB, Georgia State University, MA University of Cincinnati, PhD, University of Idaho
Irving Jr., Robert N. (1965): Associate Professor, Department of Health, Human Performance and Nutrition, 1987; BA, University of Idaho; MS, Indiana University; EdD, University of Oregon
Jacobs, Robert C. (1970): Professor, Department of Political Science, 2002; BA, City College of New York; AM, PhD, Columbia University
Jakubek, Doris E. (1959): Associate Professor, Department of Education, 1988; BEd, State University of New York, Teachers College; MA, State University of Iowa
Jaques, Jennifer (1967): Professor, Library Services, 2007; BA, Central Washington University; ML, University of Washington
Jefferies, Stephen (1986): Professor, Department of Physical Education, School and Public Health, 2015; Bed, University of Exeter, Devon England, MS, PhD, University of Oregon
Jenkins, Andrew P. (1992): Professor, Department of Health, Human Performance, and Nutrition, 2008; BS, MS, Central Washington University; PhD, Pennsylvania State University
Johns, Deloris M. (1964): Associate Professor, Department of Health, Human Performance and Nutrition, 1999; BS, MS, Montana State University
Johnson, Carl B. (1982): Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, 1994; BS, ME, University of North Dakota; MBA, Santa Clara University
Johnson, Craig (1996): Professor, Engineering Technologies, Safety, and Construction; PhD, Washington State University
Johnson, Eldon (1977): Professor, Department of Finance & SCM, 2014; BS, MS, Colorado State University; PhD, University of Colorado-Boulder
Johnson, Eugene R. (1984): Professor, Department of Psychology, 2013; BA, Rockford College; MS, Western Illinois University; EdD, University of South Dakota
Johnson, Sheldon R. (1966): Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, 2004; BA, Occidental College; MA, University of California at Los Angeles; PhD, Oregon State University
Johnson, Wilber V. (1965): Professor, Department of Physics, 1990; BS, University of Washington; PhD, Oregon State University
Johnson, Sheldon R. (1966): Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, 2004; BA, Occidental College; MA, University of California at Los Angeles; PhD, Oregon State University
Jones, Jane (1972): Professor, Department of Music, 1985; BAEd, MEd, Central Washington University
Jones, Robert E. (1968): Professor, Library Services, 1992; BA, Western State College, Colorado; MALS, University of Denver; MEd, Central Washington University
Jorgensen, Jan (1998): Professor, Library, 2013; BA, University of California, Santa Barbara, MLS, San Jose State University
Jurenka, Nancy E. (1989): Professor, Department of Education, 2007; BA, Wilson College; MS, Western Connecticut State; EdD, Indiana University
Kaatz, Martin R. (1952): Professor, Department of Geography, 1982; AB, AM, PhD, University of Michigan
Kadlec, Maria-Maya (1968): Assistant Professor, Department of Family and Consumer Science, 1976; BA, California State College; MA, Los Angeles State College
Kaminski, Walter R. (1987): Professor, Department of Industrial and Engineering Technology, 2005; BSME, University of Detroit; MSME, University of Michigan; PhD, University of Florida
Kaufman, David E. (1971): Professor, Department of Sociology, 2003; AB, AM, Northwestern University; Ph D, University of California at Los Angeles
Keller, Chester Z. (1960): Professor, Department of Philosophy, 1995; AB, Bridgewater College; MA, PhD, University of Southern California
Kerr, Thomas J. (1970): Professor, Department of Political Science, 1996; BA, University of Washington; AM, George Washington University; PhD, Syracuse University
Killorn, Erlice (1963): Professor, Department of Health, Human Performance and Nutrition, 1999; BS, Montana State College; MS, University of Nevada; PhD, University of Arizona
King, Donald R. (1968): Associate Professor, Department of English, 1993; BA, MA, University of Colorado; PhD, University of New Mexico
King, Corwin P. (1976): Professor, Department of Communication, 2009; BA, Washington State University; MA, PhD, Pennsylvania State University
Klemin, Vernon W. (1979): Professor, Department of Information Technology and Administrative Management, 2007; BBA, Evangel College at Springfield; MEd, University of Missouri; EdD, Utah State University
Klucking, Edward P. (1960): Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, 1994; BA, Macalester College; MA, PhD, University of California at Berkeley
Klug, Linda M. (1970): Professor, Department of Anthropology, 2001; BA, University of California at Santa Barbara; MA, San Francisco State College; PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Knight, Kelton W. (1983): Professor, Department of World Languages, 2008; BA, Weber State College; MA, PhD, University of Utah
Kollmeyer, Louis A. (1958): Professor, Department of Art, 1982; BS, Southwest Missouri State College; MA, State University of Iowa; EdD, University of Oregon
Kramar, Zoltan (1963): Professor, Department of History, 1996; BA, MA, Creighton University; PhD, University of Nebraska
Krieble, Cynthia (1973): Professor, Department of Art, 2001; BA, Middlebury College; BFA, San Francisco Art Institute; MFA, Stanford University
Kuhlken, Robert (1995): Professor, Department of Geography, 2015; BA, Clinch Valley College of the University of Virginia; MS, Oregon State University; PhD, Louisiana State University
Kummer, Greg (1987): Lecturer, Department of Communication, 2015; BA, Washington State University, BA, MS, Central Washington University
Kurtz, Martha (1995): Professor, Chemistry and Science Education; PhD, Arizona State University Tempe
Lacey, William F. (1972): Associate Professor, Department of Education, 1986; BAEd, Central Washington University; MEd, EdD, University of Oregon
Lacey, Patricia J. (1970): Assistant Professor, Department of Health, Human Performance and Nutrition, 1986; BAEd, MEd, Central Washington University
Lalley, Madalon C. (1990): Professor, Department of Education, 2002; BA, Central Washington University; MA, Arizona State University; EdD, University of Oklahoma
Lane, Mark (2006): Professor, Music; MM, University of Oregon
Launius, Michael (1988): Professor, Department of Political Science; Ph.D. University of Hawaii at Manoa; M.A. Northeastern Illinois University; B.A. Northeastern Illinois University
Lawrence, Larry L. (1963): Professor, Department of English, 1988; BA, Montana State University; MA, PhD, Stanford University
Lee, Jeff (1993): Professor, Department of Geological Sciences; PhD, Stanford University
Lefevre, Dale (1975): Professor, Department of Education, 1996; BS, Southern Utah State College; MEd, EdD, Utah State University
Leinaweaver, Richard E. (1965): Professor, Department of Theatre Arts, 1992; BA, MA, University of Colorado; PhD, Michigan State University
Lester, Margaret N. (1970): Professor, Department of World Language, 1993; BA, Middlebury College; MA, PhD, University of Colorado
Lewis, Scott (1988): Professor, Mathematics; PhD, Oregon State University
Li, Chenyang (1999): Professor, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, 2013; BA, MA, Beijing University; PhD, University of Connecticut
Lindvig, Leona (1992): Senior Lecturer, Department of Advanced Programs, 2016; BS, Western Washington University, MEd, Central Washington University, MLIS, University of Washington
Linkletter, Terence (2009): Senior Lecturer, Information Technology and Administrative Management; MS, University of Wisconsin
Lister, Frederick M. (1968): Professor, Department of Mathematics, 1988; BS, Tufts College; MA, University of Michigan; PhD, University of Utah
Lloyd, Margaret E. (1985): Professor, Department of Psychology, 1996; BS, Black Hills State College; MS, PhD, Washington State University
Lowther, Lawrence L. (1965): Professor, Department of History, 1992; BA, MA, PhD, University of Washington
Lygre, David G. (1970): Professor, Department of Chemistry, 2008; BA, Concordia College; PhD, University of North Dakota
Macinko, George (1967): Professor, Department of Environmental Studies and Geography, 1996; BA, University of Idaho; MA, PhD, University of Michigan
Mack, Richard S. (1972): Professor, Department of Economics, 2008; BA, Dartmouth; PhD, Colorado State University
Madley, Susan M. (1990): Professor, Department of Education, 2001; BS, MA, Nonington College, London University; PhD, University of Michigan
Madsen, Glenn A. (1971): Professor, Department of Education, 1995; BS, Northern Montana College; MA, San Francisco State College; EdD, University of Oregon
Majsterek, David J. (1992): Professor, Department of Language, Literacy and Special Education, 2010, BA, The Catholic University of America, MA, University of New Mexico, EDD, New Mexico State University
Marra, Linda (1984): Professor, Department of Music, 2010, BA, Queens College, MM, University of Michigan, DMA, University of Colorado
Martin, Bernard L. (1959): Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1993; BA, MEd, Central Washington University; MS, PhD, Oregon State University
Martin, Carlos E. (1969): Professor, Department of World Language, 2000; AB, Pontifical University, Spain; MA, Loyola University, PhD, Northwestern University
Martinen, Dennis L. (1972): Professor, Department of Education, 2008; BA, MEd, Central Washington University; EdD, Montana State University
Martinis, Karen (1979): Professor, Department of Accounting, 2016; BS, Central Washington University, MBA, University of Puget Sound
Marx, Victor (1965): Professor, Library Services, 2001; College of Horticulture and Viticulture, Budapest; BSA, MSA, University of British Columbia; ML, University of Washington
McGowan, Robert (1999): Professor, Department of Physical Education, School & Public Health, 2010; BS, MS, Brigham Young University, PhD, University of Utah
McGehee, Charles L. (1969): Professor, Department of Sociology, 1999; BA, Baylor University; MA, University of Oregon; PhD, University of Nevada
McInelly, Wells A. (1966): Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, 1993; BA, Utah State University; MA, PhD, University of Wyoming
McLaughlin, Patrick L. (1984): Professor, Library Services, 2006; BA, MA, University of Montana; MLS, University of Oregon; PhD, Oklahoma State University
Miller, Meghan (2004): Professor, Geological Sciences; PhD
Miller, Robert S. (1966): Professor, Department of Psychology, 1984; BSEd, Kansas State Teachers College; MEd, EdD, University of Kansas
Mitchell, Robert (1966): Professor, Department of Physics, 1993; BS, New Mexico State University; MS, University of Washington; PhD, New Mexico University
Moawad, John F. (1970): Professor, Department of Music, 1998; MEd, Central Washington University
Moore, John O. (1980): Professor, Department of Accounting, 2002; BBA, Texas State University; MBA, Sam Houston State University; PhD, University of Houston; CPA, CMA
Morgan, Marji (2005): Professor, History; PhD, Tulane University
Mueller, Leslie C. (1979): Professor, Department of Business Administration, 2001; BS, University of Kansas; MBA, University of California at Los Angeles; DBA, University of Southern California
Myers, Robert L. (1971): Associate Professor, Department of Education, 1991; BAEd, Western Washington University; MEd, Central Washington University; EdD, University of Oregon
Neal, Lloyd G. (1984): Associate Professor, Department of Communication, 1997; BS, Northwestern University; MA, University of Arizona
Nelson, Frank (1966): Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, 1988; BA, Brigham Young University; MS, PhD, University of Utah
Nesselroad, Sidney L. (1978): Professor, Department of Music, 2002; BM, West Virginia University; MM, DMA, University of Illinois
Nicholson, Leo D. (1964): Professor, Department of Health, Human Performance and Nutrition, 1990; BA, MEd, Central Washington University
Nimnicht, James (1988): Professor, Department of Management, 2012; BA, University of Washington; MS, Eastern Washington University; PhD, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Nixon, Don (1986): Professor, Department of Management, 2011; BA, MA and PhD, Georgia State University
Norris, Melvin L. (1965): Professor, Department of Education, 1990; BS, MEd, Midwestern University; EdD, North Texas State University
Nourse, Steve (1999): Professor, Department of Educational Foundations and Curriculum, 2013; BA, Central Washington University; MA, PhD, University of Washington
Ogden, Michael (2000): Professor, Department of Communication, 2015; BA, George Fox College, MA, PhD, University of Hawaii
Olson, Virgil J. (1960): Professor, Department of Sociology, 1992; BA, MA, Southern Methodist University; PhD, Washington State University (South Seattle)
O’Shaughnessy, Patrick R. (1964): Professor, Department of Accounting, 1999; BA, MBA, Washington State University; CPA
Otto, Dale E. (1971): Professor, Department of Early Childhood Education and TESL/Bilingual Studies, 1998; BS, Idaho State University; MA, PhD, University of California at Los Angeles
Owens, Patrick (1984): Associate Professor, Library, 2012; BA, MA, University of Idaho; MLS, University of Oregon
Owen, William B. (1969): Professor, Department of Mathematics, 2001; BS, MS, PhD, Colorado State University
Pacha, Robert E. (1969): Professor, Department of Biology, 1997; BS, MS, PhD, University of Washington
Panerio, Robert M. (1963): Professor, Department of Music, 1991; BA, MEd, Central Washington University
Papadopoulos, CJ K. (1966): Associate Professor, Department of Art, 2001; BFA, Michigan State University; MFA, Cranbrook Academy of Art
Pappas, James (1980): Professor, Department of Advanced Programs, 2014; BS, University of Illinois; MA, Loyola University-Chicago; EdD, Nova Southeastern
Parry, Thomas J. (1966): Assistant Professor, Department of Health, Human Performance and Nutrition, 1986; BS, MA, Washington State University
Patton, Charles D. (1973): Professor, Department of Industrial and Engineering Technology, 1987; BS, Colorado State University; MEd, Montana State University; EdD, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana
Peters, JoAnn (1996): Professor, Chemistry; PhD, Harvard
Phillips, Barbara A. (1994): Associate Professor, Department of Education, 2006; BS, Northern Illinois University; MA, Western State College (Colorado); PhD, University of Denver
Pimomo, Paulus (1994): Professor, English; PhD, Southern Illinois University
Potter, Mary J. (1981): Associate Professor, Department of Education, 1994; BA, MEd, Central Washington University; EdD, Washington State University (SeaTac)
Powell, Joseph (1983): Professor, Department of English, 2014; BA, University of Washington; MA, Central Washington University; MFA, University of Arizona
Powell, Willa D. (1975): Associate Professor, Department of Family and Consumer Science, 1996; BS, University of Arkansas, MEd, Central Washington University; PhD, Oklahoma State University
Putnam, Betty J. (1967): Professor, Department of Health, Human Performance and Nutrition, 1992; BSEd, Illinois State Normal University; MS, Smith College; PhD, University of Southern California
Ressler, John Q. (1969): Professor, Department of Geography, 1997; BA, University of California at Riverside; MA, University of Arizona; PhD, University of Oregon
Reynolds, Roger R. (1968): Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, 1999; BS, Oregon State University; MA, University of Hawaii
Richards, Kent D. (1966): Professor, Department of History, 1997; BA, Knox College: MS, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Richmond, F. Lynn (1994) Associate Professor, Department of Management, 2014; BA, California State University-Long Beach; MS, PhD, University of Oregon
Ringe, Louis D. (1968): Professor, Department of Geology, 1993; BS, MS, University of Idaho; PhD, Washington State University
Rittenhouse, Robert (2007): Senior Lecturer, Chemistry; PhD, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; BS, Atlantic Union College
Roberts, Connie M. (1976): Professor, Department of Information Technology and Administrative Management, 2008; BBA, Evangel College; MEd, Central Washington University, EdD, Utah State University
Roberts, Neil A. (1970): Associate Professor, Department of Education, 1997; BA, University of California at Santa Barbara; MA, California State College at Los Angeles; EdD, Colorado State College
Robertson, Juan (2004): Senior Lecturer, Department of Engineering Technologies Safety and Construction, 2016; BS, MBA, San Jose State University, PhD, University of California
Rogers, Helen E. (1970): Associate Professor, Department of Education, 1986; BA, University of Idaho; MA, University of Chicago; EdD, Indiana University
Romboy, Dieter (1972): Associate Professor, Department of World Languages, 2012; BA, PhD, University of Utah
Rosell, Sharon (1989): Assistant Professor; Department of Physics, 2014; MS, University of Washington; MSEd, Indiana University; BA, Loretto Heights College
Ross, Molly (2009): Associate Professor, Curriculum, Supervision and Educational Leadership; EdD, Seattle University
Rosser, Carl (1990): Senior Lecturer, University English as a Second Language (UESL); PhD University of Iowa
Roth, Eric S. (1979): Professor, Department of Music, 2001; BS, MM, DMA, College Conservatory of Music of the University of Cincinnati
Ruble, Michael (1998): Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, 2016; PhD, Arizona State University
Rust, Samuel P. (1969): Professor, Department of Education, 1992; BA, BAEd, Western Washington University; MEd, Central Washington University; EdD, University of Oregon
Sahlstrand, Margaret A. (1965): Professor, Department of Art, 1996; BA, Linderwood College; MFA, State University of Iowa
Sahlstrand, James M. (1963): Professor, Department of Art, 1999; BA, MFA, University of Minnesota
Saunders, Peter (1988): Professor, Economics; PhD, University Colorado Boulder
Savoian, Roy (1998): Professor, Department of Economics, 2015; BA, PhD, University of California at Santa Barbara
Schactler, Carolyn C. (1976): Professor, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, 2000; BA, MA, Central Washington University
Schliesman, Donald M. (1957): Professor, Department of Education, 1996; AB, Northern State Teachers College, SD; AM, EdD, University of Northern Colorado
Schmidt, William D. (1963): Professor, Department of Education, 1999; BS, University of Nebraska; MA, San Diego State College; PhD, Ohio State University
Schmitz, Steve (1995): Professor, Department of Educational Foundations and Curriculum, 2013; BS, MS, EdD, Washington State University
Schneider, Christian I. (1968): Professor, Department of World Languages, 2002; BA, University of Tubingen (Germany); MA, Central Washington University; MA, PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara
Schnelle, Robert (1992): Senior Lecturer, Department of English; M.A. English, Middlebury College, Bread Loaf School of English; M.A.T English as a Second Language, School for International Training, Brattleboro; B.A. English, University of Vermont
Schomer, Joe H. (1971): Professor, Department of Education, 1999; BA, Washington State University; MEd, Central Washington University; EdD, University of Idaho
Schwartz, Terrence (1994): Professor, Psychology; PhD, University of Washington
Schwing, James (1998): Professor, Department of Computer Science, 2014; BS, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; PhD, University of Utah
Sessions, Frank Q. (1967): Professor, Department of Sociology, 1989; BS, Idaho State College; MS, University of Idaho; PhD, University of Utah
Sharpe, Lana J. (1967): Associate Professor, Department of Health, Human Performance and Nutrition, 2002; BS, University of Utah; MA, Central Washington University
Shorr, David N. (1980): Professor, Department of Teaching Elementary, Adolescent and Young Children, 2010, BA, California State College, PhD, University of Washington
Sloan, Teresa (1998): Professor, Department of Aviation; MAT Gonzaga University
Smith, Milo L. (1956): Professor, Department of Theatre Arts, 1990; BAEd, Northern Idaho College of Education; MA, PhD, University of Oregon
Smith, Bonalyn B. (1973): Professor, Department of Music, 1999; BA, University of Rochester; MA, Columbia University; DM, University of Cincinnati
Smith, Gary L. (1968): Associate Professor, Department of Health, Human Performance and Nutrition, 2000; BS, Northern Michigan University; MS, Indiana University
Smith, Stamford D. (1968): Professor, Department of Biology, 2001; BA, San Jose State College; MS, PhD, University of Idaho
Smith, William C. (1968): Professor, Department of Anthropology, 1998; AB, PhD, University of California at Berkeley
Spall, Hugh M. (1989): Professor, Department of Business Administration, 2007; BA, University of Montana; MA, PhD, Michigan State University; JD, University of Miami
Sparks, Larry M. (1967): Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, 1999; BS, PhD, University of Washington
Sperry, Willard C. (1966): Professor, Department of Physics, 1997; BS, Stanford University; MS, PhD, University of California at Davis
Speth, Constance (1964): Professor, Department of Art, 1995; BA, MEd, Central Washington University; MFA, University of Idaho
Spybrook, Janet (2007): Associate Professor, Education, Development, Teaching and Learning; EdD, University of San Francisco; EdM, University of Washington; BA, Michigan State University
Stacy, Gerald J. (1990): Professor, Department of English, 2009; BA, St. Procopius College; MA, Purdue University; PhD, Bowling Green State University
Stoddard, Shari (2000): Associate Professor, Department of Art, 2014; BFA, University of Michigan; MS, Indiana University; PhD, Indiana University
Street, Elizabeth M. (1979): Professor, Department of Psychology, 2012; BS, MA, EdD, West Virginia University
Street, Warren R. (1967): Professor, Department of Psychology, 2008; BA, Occidental College; MA, PhD, Claremont Graduate School
Sutherland, Harry S. (1968): Professor, Department of Education, 1983; BS, MEd, Lewis and Clark College; EdD, University of Portland
Taylor, Azella (1964): Professor, Department of Education, 1983; BA, MEd, EdD, University of Washington
Sutphin, Christine (1988): Professor, Department of English; Ph.D. English, University of Oregon
Szpek, Heidi (2002): Professor, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, 2013; BA, MA, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; MA, PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Teets, Bruce E. (1968): Professor, Department of English, 1981; BA, Fairmont State College, MA, West Virginia University; PhD, Duke University
Thelen, Thomas H. (1970): Professor, Department of Biology, 1999; BS, St. Johns University; PhD, University of Minnesota
Tidd, Ronald (2001): Professor, Accounting; BS, Iowa State University; PhD, University of Minnesota
Tobin, Louise A. (1959): Associate Professor, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, 1980; BS, University of Washington; MS, Oregon State University
Tolin, Philip (1967): Professor, Department of Psychology, 2006; BS, University of Massachusetts; MA, PhD, University of Iowa
Tolman, Rosco N. (1970): Professor, Department of World Language, 2006; BS, Utah State University; MA, University of Iowa; PhD, University of Utah
Toomey, Ned (1967): Associate Professor, Department of English, 1987; BBA, American University of Beirut; BJ, University of Missouri; MA, West Texas State University; PhD, University of Iowa
Town, George G. (1972): Professor, Department of Computer Science, 1996; BS, MS, University of Wisconsin
Uebelacker, Morris (1987): Professor, Department of Geography, 2012; BS, Central Washington University; MA, University of New Mexico, PhD, University of Oregon
Unruh, Dan A. (1965): Professor, Department of Education, 1991; BS, Oregon College of Education; MEd, University of Oregon; EdD, Columbia University
Van Tassel, Wesley H. (1991): Professor, Department of Theatre Arts, 2006; BS, Moorhead State College; MA, University of North Carolina; PhD, University of Denver
Vance, William C. (1981): Professor, Department of Health, Human Performance, and Nutrition, 2007; BA, MS, California State University at Long Beach; EdD, University of Oregon
Vautier, Allen C. (1975): Professor, Department of Accounting, 2006; BA, JD, University of Washington (Lynnwood)
Vifian, John L. (1961): Professor, Department of English, 1998; BA, Whitworth College; MA, Washington State University; PhD, University of Colorado
White, Donald H. (1981): Professor, Department of Music, 1990: BS, Temple University; MM, PhD, University of Rochester, Eastman School of Music
Wiberg, Curt A. (1956): Professor, Department of Biology, 1991; BS University of Wisconsin; MS, University of Oregon
Width, Dale (1979): Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, 2015; BA, MS, Central Washington University
Wieking, Robert H. (1981): Professor, Department of Industrial and Engineering Technology, 2003; BA, MA, San Jose State University; PhD, Washington State University
Willberg, Calvin G. (1969): Professor, Department of Computer Science and Geography, 1993; BS, MS, Ohio State University; PhD, University of Washington
Wilson, Blaine R. (1975): Professor, Department of Administrative Management and Business Education, 1999; BS, Brigham Young University; MS, Utah State University; EdD, University of Minnesota
Wilson, Dale (1996): Professor, Department of Aviation; BA, Psychology, Trinity Western University; MS, Aviation Safety, University of Central Missouri
Wirth, Rex (1983): Professor, Department of Political Science; Ph.D. University of Tennessee; B.A. Weber State College
Wolford, Norman H. (1983): Professor, Department of Industrial and Engineering Technology, 1996; BA, MS, North Carolina State
Woodcock, Don (1995): Professor, Department of Educational Foundations & Curriculum, 2012; BS, University of Nevada; MA, Northern Arizona University; PhD, University of Oregon
Wyatt, Marla (1994): Professor, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, 2014; BS, MS, Brigham Young University; PhD, Ohio State University-Columbus
Yee, Robert (1960): Professor, Department of Political Science, 1982; BA, MA, PhD, University of Washington
Yeh, Thomas Y. (1965): Professor, Library Services, 2004; FA, Soochow University; MA, MALS, University of Minnesota
Yoon, Bang-Soon (1989): Professor, Political Science; PhD, University of Hawaii; MA, University of Hawaii; BPS, Ewha Womans University Korea
Young, Madge A. (1968): Professor, Department of Education, 1982; BS, University of Nebraska; MA, San Jose State College; EdD, University of Pacific
Young, Timothy W. (1980): Professor, Department of Education, 2002; AB, University of Michigan; MA, Antioch; PhD, Indiana University
Yoxtheimer, Tim L. (1981): Professor, Department of Industrial and Engineering Technology, 2007; BA, MS, Ohio University
Zink, Karl E. (1968): Professor, Department of English, 1982; AB, MA, University of Florida; PhD, University of Washington