Feb 14, 2025  
2017-2018 Student Registration Handbook 
2017-2018 Student Registration Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Deans, Department Chairs, and Program Directors

All phone numbers are 509 area code + 963 prefix.


Dean TBA 963-1858 HEBE 202
Associate Dean (Interim) Katharine Whitcomb 963-1858 HEBE 202
Art Gregg Schlanger 963-2665 RAND 100
Communication Marji Morgan 963-1055 BOUI 232
English George Drake 963-1546 LANG 423
History Roxanne Easley 963-1877 LANG 100
Music Todd Shiver 963-1216 MCIN 144
Philosophy and Religious Studies Matt Altman 963-1818 LANG 337
Theatre Arts Scott Robinson 963-1750 MCCO 106
World Languages and Cultures Laila Abdalla 963-1218 LANG 102
Other Programs      
Africana and Black Studies Bobby Cummings 963-1659 MICH 104
Asia/Pacific Studies Jeffrey Dippman 963-1830 LANG 337C
Film Liahna Armstrong and Jon Ward 963-1067 BOUI 224
Humanities Ruthi Erdman 963-1538 LANG 103E
Latino and Latin American Studies Stella Moreno 963-3347 LANG 102H


Dean Kathryn Martell 963-1955 SHAW 129
Associate Dean Jeff Stinson 963-1955 SHAW 126
Accounting Kenneth Smith 963-3815 DESM
Economics Carlo Smith 963-1955 DESM
Finance and Supply Chain Management Carlo Smith 963-1955 DESM
Management Wendy Cook 963-1955 DESM


Dean Paul Ballard 963-1411 BLAC 228
Associate Dean Ethan Bergman 963-1411 BLAC 228
Director of the School of Education Mindie Dieu 963-1411 BLAC 228
Aerospace Studies (Air Force ROTC) Lt. Col. Richard Warr 963-2314 PETE 203
Aviation Sundaram Nataraja 963-2364 BLAC 225-1
Curriculum, Supervision, and Educational Leadership Ian Loverro 963-1448 BLAC 214-11
Education, Development, Teaching & Learning Denise Shaw 963-1464 BLAC 204-31
Engineering Technologies, Safety and Construction Ethan Bergman(Interim) 963-1756 HOGU 101
Family and Consumer Sciences Duane Dowd 963-2791 MICH 100
Health Sciences Rebecca Pearson 963-1912 PURS 101
Information Technology and Administrative Management Robert Lupton 963-2611 SHAW 223
Military Science (ROTC) Lt. Col. Jonathan Ackiss 963-3518 PEDE 202G
Physical Education, School Health and Movement Studies Heidi Henschel-Pellett 963-1911 PURS 114


Dean Tim Englund 963-1866 DEAN 130
Associate Dean Mike Harrod 963-1866 DEAN 130
Associate Dean Martha Kurtz 963-1866 DEAN 130
Anthropology and Museum Studies Lene Pederson 963-3211 DEAN 345
Biological Sciences James Johnson 963-2731 SCIE 338
Chemistry Anthony Diaz 963-2818 SCIE 302
Computer Science Christos Graikos 963-1432 HEBE 219
Geography John Bowen 963-1188 DEAN 301
Geological Sciences Chris Mattinson 963-1628 LIND 108B
Law and Justice Paul Knepper 963-3185 FARR 300
Mathematics Stuart Boersma 963-2103 BOUI 108
Physics Bruce Palmquist 963-2727 LIND 201A
Political Science Todd Schaefer 963-2408 PSYC 415
Psychology Stephanie Stein 963-2381 PSYC 421
Science Education Bruce Palmquist 963-2929 SCIE 107
Sociology Eric Cheney 963-2195 FARR 416
Other Programs      
American Indian Studies Patrick McCutcheon 963-2075 FARR 409
Center for Excellence in Science and
Mathematics Education
Martha Kurtz 963-2135 DEAN 130
Cultural and Environment Resource Management

Jennifer Lipton and Patrick Lubinski

963-1164 or 3601 DEAN 308 or 338
Environmental Studies Carey Gazis and Pam McMullin-Messier 963-2701or 963-2222 LIND 108B or FARR 441
Ethnic Studies Nelson Pichardo 963-1348 FARR 440
Interdisciplinary Studies Alena Yastchenko 963-3706 DEAN 130
Museum of Culture and Environment Mark Auslander 963-3209 DEAN 334
Primate Behavior and Ecology Lori Sheeran 963-1434 DEAN 335
STEP Colleen Falconer 963-3002 DEAN 130
Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Judith Hennessey 963-1574 FARR 436


Academic Achievement Raymond Navarro 963-2026 HERT 209
CAMP Miriam Bocchetti 963-1708 HERT 101
Career Services Vicki Sannuto 963-1921 BOUI 206
Douglas Honors College Geraldine O’Mahony 963-1445 LANG 103
Learning Support Services      
  Director Katie Boswell 963-2131 LIBRARY
  Assistant Director (Westside) Sandi Gruberg 963-3827 DESM
  Assistant Director TBA 963-2131 LIBRARY
  University Math Center   963-1270 LIBRARY
  University Writing Center   963-1270 LIBRARY
  Tutoring Services Katie Boswell 963-2131 LIBRARY
Multimodal Learning Christopher Schedler 963-1357 BLAC 127
Multimodal Education Center Chad Schone 963-1613 BLAC 127
Individual Studies Tim Englund 963-1804 DEAN 130
University Centers Melanie Palm 963-1456 BARG


First Year and Exploratory (for undecided students) Director Jason White 963-2722 HERT 107
Professional Advising (declared majors, University Centers, and Transfer Student Outreach) Director Scott Carlton 963-3423 BOUI 205