Sep 20, 2024  
2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalog 
2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Information

  • HIST 422 - British Isles to 1763

    The British Isles from Roman times to the conclusion of the Seven Years War. Course will cover the rise of the English monarchy, the Renaissance and Reformation in England, and the beginnings of the British Empire. HIST 422 and HIST 522 are equivalent course; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (5)

  • HIST 423 - The Irish Revolution

    History and historiography of the Irish revolution. Topics include the constitutional and revolutionary antecedents, the course of the revolution, and the foundation of the Irish Free State. HIST 423 and HIST 523 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (5)

  • HIST 424 - Modern Ireland: 1798-present

    The history of Ireland from the revolt of 1798 through the present. Focus will be on the varieties of Irish nationalism, the process of state-building, and the ongoing troubles in the north. HIST 424 and HIST 524 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (5)

  • HIST 426 - France 1789-1945

    French history through the lens of revolution. Discussions of the variety of French revolutions (1789, 1792, 1830, 1848, 1870) and concluding with the National Revolution of Vichy France. HIST 426 and HIST 526 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (5)

  • HIST 427 - Modern Britain and the Empire since 1688

    History of Britain and the empire since the Glorious Revolution. Topics include growth of empire, industrialization, political reform, world wars, decolonization, and post-war social changes. HIST 427 and HIST 527 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (5)

  • HIST 435 - History of South Africa

    This course examines the history of South Africa from the earliest time to the present. It looks at pre-colonial African states; colonialism; apartheid; and the triumph of African nationalism under the ANC and Nelson Mandela. HIST 435 and HIST 535 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (5)

  • HIST 436 - The History of Arab and Israeli Relations

    This course examines the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict beginning with  the decline of the Ottoman Empire and the British mandate in Palestine. It focuses on the post-1948 Arab relations with Israel in Palestine. HIST 436 and HIST 536 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (5)

  • HIST 437 - History of Islamic Traditions


    This course will cover the history of Islam and Muslim societies around the world since 1700 using a global perspective. It will also examine Islamic developments in Asia, Europe, and North America. HIST 437 and HIST 537 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (5)

  • HIST 438 - Conquests and Compromises: American Indian History since 1492

    Discussion and lecture course on interactions between Native Americans and Europeans in North America since the arrival of Columbus. HIST 438 and HIST 538 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (5)

  • HIST 440 - The American Revolution

    Causes and consequences of the American Revolution, 1688-1789. HIST 440 and HIST 540 are equivalent courses; students may receive credit for both.

    Credits: (5)

  • HIST 441 - Oral History

    Training and practice in conducting oral histories and analyzing their content.

    Credits: (3)

  • HIST 443 - The West in American History

    Exploration, territorial acquisition, patterns of settlement, economic development, and the influence of the frontier on American institutions. HIST 443 and HIST 543 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (3-5)

  • HIST 444 - Sectionalism, Civil War, and Reconstruction


    Slavery, the Old South, sectionalism, the breakdown of the Union, and secession. A military, political, and social history of North and South during the Civil War, and the aftermath of the war. HIST 444 and HIST 544 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (3-5)

  • HIST 445 - Introduction to Public History

    This course examines the venues through which the general public learns American history, with visits and analysis of exhibits and their interpretation.

    Credits: (5)

  • HIST 449 - History of Women and the West

    Women in the western United States, with emphasis on the 19th and 20th centuries: myths and stereotypes; women’s work; community roles; class and racial/ethnic differences. HIST 449 and HIST 549 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (5)

  • HIST 450 - Exploring U.S. Cultural History


    Thematic approach to 19th century cultural transformations in U.S. Selected topics; mesmerism, utopias, true womanhood, women’s rights, slave spirituals, confidence men, and gold rushes. HIST 450 and HIST 550 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (5)

  • HIST 451 - 20th Century U.S.: 1896-1919

    Imperialism, progressivism, and World War I. HIST 451 and HIST 551 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (3-5)

  • HIST 452 - 20th Century U.S.: 1919-1945

    Prosperity and depression; the New Deal and its implications; World War II, origins and conclusion. HIST 452 and HIST 552 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (3-5)

  • HIST 453 - 20th Century U.S.: 1945 to the Present

    Cold War, sedentary 50s, rebellious 60s, the Watergate era. HIST 453 and HIST 553 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (3-5)

  • HIST 454 - American Environmental History

    Environmental values and practices of the diverse populations of America. HIST 454 and HIST 554 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (5)

  • HIST 462 - History of American Foreign Relations: 1900-1941

    From the Spanish-American War to Pearl Harbor. HIST 462 and HIST 562 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (3-5)

  • HIST 463 - History of American Foreign Relations Since 1941

    From Pearl Harbor to the present. HIST 463 and HIST 563 are equivalent course; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (3-5)

  • HIST 464 - Latin American Revolutions

    This course compares and contrasts the causes, courses, and consequences of the Mexican Revolution (1910-40), the Cuban Revolution (1959-present), the Chilean Revolution (1970-73), and the Nicaraguan Revolution (1979-89). HIST 464 and HIST 564 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (5)

  • HIST 465 - History of the People’s Republic of China

    Evaluates the historical record of the Chinese Communists in power since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. HIST 465 and HIST 565 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (5)

  • HIST 469 - History of Russian and Soviet Women

    Examination of the social status and cultural representations of women in Russia and the Soviet Union from the 17th century to the present. HIST 469 and HIST 569 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (5)

  • HIST 472 - German History since 1815

    A political, socio-economic, and intellectual study of Germany with special attention to the causes, progress, and aftermath of the National Socialist State. HIST 472 and HIST 572 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (3-5)

  • HIST 473 - Russia to 1881

    The political, social, economic, and cultural development of Russia from ancient times to the assassination of Alexander II. HIST 473 and HIST 573 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (3-5)

  • HIST 474 - Russia Since 1881

    The political, economic, social and cultural history of Russia and the Soviet Union since 1881. HIST 474 and HIST 574 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (3-5)

  • HIST 476 - History of Modern East Europe

    Poland, Czech, Slovak Republics, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, with special attention to multi-ethnicity, economic underdevelopment and modernization, political dependence, and nationalism. HIST 476 and HIST 576 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (5)

  • HIST 478 - Russian Far East

    Russian Far East history from 16th century Cossak exploration to 21st century democracy. Topics include the imperial “urge to the sea,” the Trans-Siberian Railway, the Soviet gulag system, and Pacific Rim relations.HIST 478 and HIST 578 are equivalent courses; student may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (5)

  • HIST 481 - Understanding History

    Analysis of the nature of history, of the way historians reason, and of the search for meaning in history. Students must earn a minimum grade of C as a major requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Prerequisites: HIST 302 and senior standing.

    Credits: (4)


  • HIST 483 - Modern China

    The history of China in the 19th and 20th centuries, including the nature of China’s response to the West and the Chinese Revolution of the 20th century. Emphasis on internal social and economic change. HIST 483 and HIST 583 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (5)

  • HIST 484 - Modern Japan

    The recent historical development of Japan beginning with the collapse of the Tokugawa Shogunate and the resumption of foreign contacts in the mid-19th century. Emphasis is given to the modernization process with its concomitant political, social, economic, and intellectual changes. HIST 484 and HIST 584 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (3-5)

  • HIST 487 - The Russian Revolutionary Movement

    Origins and development of Russian radicalism through the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. HIST 487 and HIST 587 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (3-5)

  • HIST 488 - Mexico in the Modern Era

    Analyzes the modern history of Mexico, from independence to the present day. HIST 488 and HIST 588 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (5)

  • Learning Agreement Forms

    HIST 490 - Cooperative Education

    An individualized, contracted field experience with business, industry, government, or social service agencies. This contractual arrangement involves a student-learning plan, cooperating employer supervision, and faculty coordination. HIST 490 and HIST 590 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (1-8)

    Department consent.
    Repeatable for Credit
    May be repeated for credit.
    Grading Basis
    Grade will either be S or U.
  • HIST 498 - Special Topics

    Credits: (1-6)

  • HRM 381 - Management of Human Resources

    Selection of personnel, methods of training and retraining workers, wage policy, utilization of human resources, job training, administration of labor contracts, and public relations.

    Credits: (5)

  • HRM 442 - Training and Development

    Application of training and development concepts and techniques used in assessing training requirements, planning and budgeting training programs, developing and facilitating training, and evaluating results.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Prerequisties: HRM 381, and either admission to  the business administration or accounting major, or permission of the instructor.

    Credits: (5)

  • HRM 445 - Organizational Staffing

    Applied and conceptual analysis of employee recruitment, selection, placement, retention, and career development.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Prerequisites: MGT 382, and either admission to the business administration or acounting major, or permission of the instructor.

    Credits: (5)

  • HRM 479 - Industrial Relations/Collective Bargaining

    Statutory and case law governing labor relations. Contracts and negotiations. Impasse procedures. Arbitration cases and grievance procedures. Contemporary issues and cases.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Prerequisties: HRM 381, and either admission to the business administration or accounting major, ot permission of the instructor.

    Credits: (5)

  • HRM 486 - Problems in Human Resource Management

    Analysis and research on selected topics involving contemporary issues in personnel management. This is the capstone course for the HRM specialization.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Prerequisites: HRM 381, two other HRM courses, and either admission to the business administration  or accounting major, or permission of the instructor.

    Credits: (5)

  • HRM 488 - Compensation Policy and Administration

    Employee compensation policy and administration is studied on a broad perspective encompassing direct financial payments, employer benefits, and non-financial rewards.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Prerequisites: MGT 382, and either admission to the business administration or accounting major, or permission of the instructor.

    Credits: (5)

  • HUM 101 - Exploring Cultures in the Ancient World

    An interdisciplinary exploration from literature, history, philosophy, and the arts of selected major ancient civilizations in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas from their beginnings through the 15th century.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Prerequisites: ENG 101 with a grade of C- or higher.

    Credits: (5)

    General Education Category
    AH-Literature and Humanities (W)
  • HUM 102 - Exploring Cultures From 16th through 19th Centuries

    An interdisciplinary exploration of selected literature, history, philosophy, and the arts in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas from the 16th through the 19th centuries.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Prerequisites: ENG 101 with a grade of C- or higher.

    Credits: (5)

    General Education Category
    AH-Literature and Humanities (W)
  • HUM 103 - Exploring Cultures in Modern and Contemporary Societies

    An interdisciplinary exploration of literature, history, philosophy, and the arts of selected world civilizations of the 20th century.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Prerequisites: ENG 101 with a grade of C- or higher.

    Credits: (5)

    General Education Category
    AH-Literature and Humanities (W)
  • HUM 398 - Special Topics

    Credits: (1-6)

  • HUM 498 - Special Topics

    Credits: (1-6)

  • IDS 289 - Proposal Colloquium

    Introduction to the interdisciplinary studies major, interdisciplinary studies degree proposal design and preparation.

    Credits: (1)

    By permission.
    Grading Basis
    Grade will either be S or U.
  • IDS 398 - Special Topics

    Credits: (1-6)

  • IDS 489 - Senior Colloquium

    End-of-program assessment; preparation of comprehensive degree report and/or descriptive portfolio of project. Students must earn at least a C grade to pass this course.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Prerequisites: IDS 289.

    Credits: (1)

  • IDS 490 - Cooperative Education

    An individualized, contracted field experience with business, industry, government, or social service agencies. This contractual arrangement involves a student learning plan, cooperating employer supervision, and faculty coordination.

    Credits: (1-12)

    By permission.
    Repeatable for Credit
    May be repeated for credit.
    Grading Basis
    Grade will either be S or U.
  • IDS 498 - Special Topics

    Credits: (1-6)

  • IET 101 - Modern Technology and Energy

    A study of how basic scientific principles are applied daily in industrial societies through a survey of transportation, energy and power, construction, and consumer product technologies.

    Credits: (5)

    General Education Category
    NS-Application Natural Science
  • IET 145 - Machine Woodworking

    Machine and tool operations, wood technology, designing and construction principles, finishing methods and materials.

    Credits: (4)

    Two hours lecture and four hours laboratory per week.
  • IET 160 - Computer-aided Design and Drafting

    Hands-on training in the operation of AutoCAD’s design and drafting software system with emphasis on features, limitations, and dimensioning strategy.

    Credits: (4)

  • IET 161 - Architectural Computer Aided Design

    Credits: (3)

  • IET 201 - Bio-related Technologies

    Agriculture, medicine, fuel production, waste management, and other technologies in which living organisms are used to solve problems and modify products and systems. Includes problem-solving, design, and research activities for understanding bio-related technologies.

    Credits: (5)

  • IET 210 - Energy Sources and Power

    A study of the various forms of power, its generation, application, and implications for technology and a technological society.

    Credits: (3)

  • IET 215 - Small Engines

    Maintenance and repair of one- and two-cylinder internal combustion engines. Two hours lecture and four hours laboratory per week.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Prerequisite: IET 210.

    Credits: (4)

  • IET 260 - NURBS Modeling

    Hands-on training in the production of 3-D models using Rhinoceros’ NURBS (non-uniform rationale B-splines) geometry.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Prerequisite: IET160.

    Credits: (4)

  • IET 265 - Three-dimensional Modeling

    Design of parts, assemblies, and working drawings using 3-D solid modeling software, basic theory of threaded fasteners and gears, wielding representation, geometric dimensioning, and tolerancing. Two hours lecture and four hours laboratory per week.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Prerequisites: IET 160.

    Credits: (4)

  • Learning Agreement Forms

    IET 290 - Cooperative Education

    An individualized, contracted field experience with business, industry, government, or social service agencies. This contractual arrangement involves a student learning plan, cooperating employer supervision, and faculty coordination.

    Credits: (1-15)

    By permission.
    Repeatable for Credit
    May be repeated for credit.
    Grading Basis
    Grade will either be S or U.
  • IET 298 - Special Topics

    Credits: (1-6)

  • IET 299 - Seminar

    Credits: (1-5)

  • IET 301 - Engineering Project Cost Analysis

    Techniques of economic cost analysis applied to engineering projects: interest, present value, annual equivalence, rate of return, payout criteria, and break even modeling.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Prerequisite: MATH 153.

    Credits: (4)

  • IET 311 - Statics

    Introductory statics including forces and equilibrium. Principles of structures including trusses, beams, frames, machines and friction.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Prerequisites: MATH 173 and either PHYS 111 or 181.

    Credits: (4)

  • IET 312 - Strength of Materials

    Strength of materials, including stress analysis of axially loaded members, torsional members, beams, and indeterminate structures.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Prerequisite: IET 311.

    Credits: (4)

  • IET 353 - Pattern Making

    Two hours lecture and four hours laboratory per week.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Prerequisite: MET 257.

    Credits: (4)

  • IET 360 - Brewing Process Technology

    Study of brewing technology including equipment and processes from the brewhouse through packaging and distribution. Topics include factors that affect product quality.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Prerequisites: a grade of C or better in CHEM 101, MATH 153, and either CHEM 111 or CHEM 181, and admission to the Craft Beer Trade Certificate Program.

    Credits: (3)

  • IET 373 - Programmable Logic Controller Applications

    A study of programmable logic controller concepts, components, systems, programming and applications.

    Credits: (4)

    Three hours lecture and two hours laboratory per week.
  • IET 380 - Quality Control

    Provides the foundation necessary to understand and apply statistical quality control techniques, product reliability procedures, and the management aspects of quality assurance.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Prerequisites: either BUS 221, MATH 311, or PSY 362.

    Credits: (4)

  • IET 385 - Product Design and Development

    Methodology for the design and development of industrial and commercial products from conceptual stage to product introduction into the marketplace. Project based instructional structure. Three hours lecture per week.

    Credits: (4)

  • IET 389 - Technical Presentations

    Written and oral presentations based on technical reference material utilizing the library, technical society publications, and the Internet.

    Credits: (3)

  • IET 398 - Special Topics

    Credits: (1-6)

  • IET 430 - Methods of Teaching Industrial Education

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Prerequisite: conditional or full admission to the Teacher Preparation Program.

    Credits: (3)

  • IET 433 - Industrial Education Laboratory Planning

    Planning of school shop and labs, new construction, and remodeling of facilities. Management of industrial education facilities, inventories: records of tools, equipment, materials; safety and student personnel.

    Credits: (3)

  • IET 435 - Technology Education Exit Assessment

    This is a senior level course designed to measure student competencies in meeting state and national standards for program exit. Students are evaluated on their portfolio as presented in Livetext.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Prerequisite: IET 430, IET 433, and senior standing taken last quarter at CWU prior to graduation.

    Credits: (1)

    Grading Basis
    Grade will either be S or U.
  • IET 442 - Alternative Energy Resources and Technology

    Overview of energy systems, with focus on wind, biomass, solar, biodiesel, geothermal, and sustainable energy systems. Includes energy production and conversion. Field trips. GEOG 442 and IET 442 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Prerequisite: junior standing or above.

    Credits: (5)

  • IET 455 - Engineering Project Management

    Project-based synthesis used in engineering project management. Topics; bidding, contract management, scheduling, cost estimating and control, logistics, conflict management, team building, negotiating, and risk assessment. IET 455 and IET 555 are equivalent course; students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (4)

    By permission.
  • IET 457 - Advanced Foundry

    Two hours lecture and four hours laboratory per week.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Prerequisites: MET 257 and IET 353.

    Credits: (4)

  • Learning Agreement Forms

    IET 490 - Cooperative Education

    An individualized, contracted field experience with business, industry, government, or social service agencies. This contractual arrangement involves a student learning plan, cooperating employer supervision, and faculty coordination.

    Credits: (1-12)

    By permission.
    Repeatable for Credit
    May be repeated for credit.
    Grading Basis
    Grade will either be S or U.
  • IET 491 - Workshop

    Credits: (1-6)

  • IET 498 - Special Topics

    Credits: (1-6)

  • IET 499 - Seminar

    Credits: (1-5)

  • INTL 110 - Agriculture

    Offered only in university-approved, study-abroad/exchange programs. Courses may be offered under different titles.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Repeatable for Credit
    May be repeated for credit under different subtitle.
  • INTL 115 - Business or Management

    Offered only in university-approved, study-abroad/exchange programs. Courses may be offered under different titles.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Repeatable for Credit
    May be repeated for credit under different subtitle.
  • INTL 120 - Education

    Offered only in university-approved, study-abroad/exchange programs. Courses may be offered under different titles.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Repeatable for Credit
    May be repeated for credit under different subtitle.
  • INTL 125 - Engineering

    Offered only in university-approved, study-abroad/exchange programs. Courses may be offered under different titles.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Repeatable for Credit
    May be repeated for credit under different subtitle.
  • INTL 130 - Fine or Applied Arts

    Offered only in university-approved, study-abroad/exchange programs. Courses may be offered under different titles.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Repeatable for Credit
    May be repeated for credit under different subtitle.
  • INTL 135 - Foreign Languages

    Offered only in university-approved, study-abroad/exchange programs. Courses may be offered under different titles.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Repeatable for Credit
    May be repeated for credit under different subtitle.
  • INTL 140 - Health Sciences

    Credits: (1-12)

    Repeatable for Credit
    May be repeated for credit under different subtitle.
    Offered only in university-approved, study-abroad/exchange programs. Courses may be offered under different subtitle.
  • INTL 145 - Humanities

    Offered only in university-approved, study-abroad/exchange programs. Courses may be offered under different titles.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Repeatable for Credit
    May be repeated for credit under different subtitle.
  • INTL 150 - Law

    Offered only in university-approved, study-abroad/exchange programs. Courses may be offered under different titles.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Repeatable for Credit
    May be repeated for credit under different subtitle.
  • INTL 155 - Math or Computer Sciences

    Offered only in university-approved, study-abroad/exchange programs. Courses may be offered under different titles.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Repeatable for Credit
    May be repeated for credit under different subtitle.
  • INTL 160 - Physical or Life Sciences

    Offered only in university-approved, study-abroad/exchange programs. Courses may be offered under different titles.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Repeatable for Credit
    May be repeated for credit under different subtitle.
  • INTL 165 - Social Sciences

    Offered only in university-approved, study-abroad/exchange programs. Courses may be offered under different titles.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Repeatable for Credit
    May be repeated for credit under different subtitle.

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