It may be common sense that people differ in their capacities and circumstances, but an Accessibility Studies Certificate documents a specialized knowledge base about the challenges of living independently in both virtual and physical worlds. This valuable skill set adds practical depth and personal meaning to all professions. As awareness becomes greater, so do the legal and cultural expectations of preventing barriers and facilitating greater inclusion.
The Accessibility Studies course of study is a compatible specialization for most graduate degrees.
Admission Requirements
Admission to the program requires a bachelor’s degree and an application approved by the Accessibility Studies Program following acceptance by the School of Graduate Studies and Research.
Graduation Requirements
Successful completion of required courses with a minimum grade of C in all courses.This includes passing a comprehensive exam of accessibility knowledge and presenting a capstone project to a scholarly audience.
Program Requirements
The graduate certificate in Accessibility Studies requires the three core courses, electives, and a capstone totaling 19 credits. Additional courses and field experiences are available that can become topical specializations within graduate degrees.