Jan 15, 2025  
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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EDU 700 - Thesis, Project and/or Examination

Graduate capstone requirement in partial fulfillment of the Teacher Certification, MAT degree. Final project consists of research, review, analysis, and a presentation. Permission of department. Grade will be S or U. May be repeated up to 6 credits.


Prerequisites: must be accepted into the Teacher Certification MAT Program. Must have successfully completed the following courses with B- or higher: EDU 503 and EDU 563 and EDU 573 and EDU 583 and (EDSE 520 for students enrolled in the special education specialization).


Learner Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Char­ac­ter­ize the con­texts within which action re­search on teach­ing and school­ing oc­curs (in­clud­ing stan­dards-based re­form) (INTASC 4, 6, 9,10)
  • Com­pare and con­trast the domi­nant para­digms (and de­fine para­digm it­self) from and within which to con­duct authentic re­search on teach­ing and learn­ing (INTASC 4, 6, 9, 10)
  • In­ter­pret and of­fer in­sights into the “na­ture” of teach­ing and school­ing (e.g., vis-à-vis edu­ca­tional the­ory and phi­loso­phy of edu­ca­tion) through the developed research question and findings (INTASC 4, 6, 9,10)
  • Il­lus­trate and de­scribe the fea­tures, com­po­nents, and sig­nifi­cances of the data collection and analysis process to answer the research question(s) (INTASC 4, 6, 9,10)
  • Synthesize the re­la­tion­ships among pedagogical the­ory, re­search, and prac­tice (INTASC 1, 9)
  • Char­ac­ter­ize the fea­tures rela­tive to dif­fer­ent re­search meth­od­olo­gies ( INTASC 4, 6, 9)
  • Discuss the application of the action research findings as an instructional and/or leadership strategy (INTASC 4, 6, 9, 10)
  • Char­ac­ter­ize the fea­tures of edu­ca­tion/school­ing change (INTASC 4, 6, 9, 10)

Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
Fall Locations Online Winter Locations Online Spring Locations Online Summer Locations Online

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