Mar 06, 2025
EDU 563 - Technologies for Teaching and Learning Description: Theory and practice of the integration of technology for K-12 classroom instruction and digital citizenship. Selection and utilization of digital resources for content-specific instructional needs are emphasized.
Prerequisites: Prerequisites: must be accepted into the Teacher Certification MAT Program. Must have successfuuly completed the following courses with B- or higher: EDU 532 and EDU 572 and EDU 582 and (EDSE 502 for students enrolled in the secondary and K-12 specialization) and (EDSE 524 for students enrolled in the special education specialization).
Credits: (4)
Learner Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Depict how the “affordances” of information technology aid the educational process. [comprehension]
- Portray the challenges to educational equity and diversity posed by emerging technologies and strategies for overcoming these problems [comprehension]
- Utilize Web 2.0 and cloud-based resources to support online communication and collaboration [evaluation]
- Select a teaching or learning challenge and identify and research technologies and productivity software tools that have been found to be effective in addressing the challenge. [analysis]
- Identify and classify adaptive assistive hardware and software for students and teachers
- Identify and describe teaching and learning tasks as well as productivity uses for Internet-based tools.
- Develop an understanding of safe, ethical and legal use of technology, including social media. [knowledge]
- Demonstrate an understanding of the National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S).
- Select and curate a variety of digital resources for teachers and students on a specific topic and grade level, including free and open-source software.
- Evaluate affordances and constraints of hardware options including: mobile devices, interactive whiteboards, response clickers and/or other relevant tools
- Integrate appropriate technology into K-12 class activities and assignments to meet the National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S).
Learner Outcomes Approval Date: 6/4/19
Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations: Winter Locations Ellensburg
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