Mar 14, 2025
ENG 532 - Phonetics and Phonology (Put on reserve by department 1/2/23, will go inactive 8/24/26) Description: Study of English phonetics and phonology as well as pronunciation pedagogy. (Put on reserve by department 1/2/23, will go inactive 8/24/26)
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: admission to the TESOL Graduate Program.
Credits: (5)
Learner Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Use international phonetic symbols to transcribe native North American English (NAE) speakers’ and NAE learners’ pronunciation;
- Describe articulatory phonetic features of NAE vowels and consonants and how to teach them
- Analyze and formulate NAE phonological rules of assimilation, dissimilation, deletion, epenthesis, metathesis, and reduction;
- Articulate NAE prosodic features, including stress, rhythm, prominence, intonation in connected speech;
- Demonstrate knowledge of intersections of the NAE sound system with other areas of language and knowledge of pedagogical treatments
- Apply knowledge and skills to areas of own interest in NAE phonology or NAE interlanguage phonology
- Annotate journal articles on a unified topic
Learner Outcomes Approval Date: 6/4/19
Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations: Fall Locations Ellensburg
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