Learner Outcome
Activity (optional)
Demonstrate the ability to read and present income statements, balance sheets, cash-flow statements, understand SEC reporting regulations and related requirements, Sarbanes Oxley, GAAP and pro forma accounting, buy-side and sell-side analysts, bulls-and-bears, longs-and-shorts, and market psychology.
Manage with other students the preparation of SEC-required 10-Q quarterly earnings releases; 10-K CEO annual report letters and 8-K material news releases for mergers and acquisitions and corporate restructurings
Students will demonstrate their understanding and ability to read and analyze financial statements, balance sheets and cash-flow statements in two quizzes and preparing two quarterly earnings releases
Examine market ethics, including reconciling the seemingly contradictory requirements of fiduciary responsibility (e.g., doing well) for shareholders and corporate social responsibility (e.g., doing good) for employees, communities, the environment and the public as a whole.
Appraise the tenets of fiduciary responsibility and corporate social responsibility into the planning and staging of a mock buy-side, sell-side financial analyst conference. Also include this discussion into a final two-page executive memo justifying the holding of this conference for management.
Each student will write a complete CEO annual report letter for investors, employees, customers and others, which must demonstrate a thorough understanding of fiduciary and corporate social responsibility
Summarize qualitative and quantitative worlds of investor relations including communicating with buy-and-sell-side analysts, hedge funds, institutions, retail investors, major exchanges, credit rating agencies and portfolio managers.
Formulate pitching letters to media and analysts for them to attend the corporate team’s mock financial conference. Understand the key differences of buy-side, sell-side and retail analysts, the role of major exchanges and the regulatory mandates of the SEC, FTC and DOJ
All students must participate in teams to plan, prepare and present a conference to financial analysts, demonstrating their knowledge of financial language and the core business of a publicly traded company.
Prepare crisis communications plans to safeguard reputations and protect brand equity in a 24/7/365 social-media world.
Create real-time corporate earthquake response drills, calling for the team to prepare a news release in one-hour reporting the suspension of trading, commenting on protection of employees and a major donation to a charitable organization (e.g., Red Cross). Students also watch, “The Smartest Guys in the Room” about the downfall of Enron, and respond to what they would do if they headed Enron’s PR department.
Score and record whether students have successfully included all of the required commentary under deadline pressure as a result of a major crisis. Conduct a wide-ranging discussion of what went seriously wrong at Enron and what they would do if they were working at Enron under criminal corporate management. Each student will be more prepared to respond to a major crisis as a result of this assignment.
Appraise employee attraction and retention issues, including the use of Employee Stock Purchase Plans (ESPP) and stock options as incentives.
Formulate 8-K news releases on mergers and acquisitions, restructuring and crisis events, which directly impact the moral of employees. Students learn that employees are the most important asset for any corporation.
Students will work in teams to prepare M&A and restructuring news releases, and plans for effectively and diplomatically presenting these programs to impacted employees