Learner Outcome
Activity (optional)
Align and implement career and technical education teaching and learning lessons and assessments while meeting state standards
Student will successfully develop and deliver lesson plans that correlate career-technical learning assessment with the state learning goals.
Use instructional strategies that develop students’ lifelong learning and goal setting related to entry, transition, and continuation in the educational process and in the workplace
Student will successfully create lesson plans and learning units that develop students’ ability to expect and value lifelong learning and goal-setting skills as they relate to entry, transition, and continuation in the educational process in the workplace.
Develop effective assessment methods which may involve student, family, employer, and community
Student will successfully will create various assessment tools that may involve student, family, employer and community
Demonstrate industry appropriate CTE skills
Student will successfully acquire and demonstrate mastery of business/industry appropriate workplace practices.
Publicize program content and benefits to family and community
Student will successfully plan a marketing project that advertises the program.
Determine and implement effective and safe layout of classroom and/or lab facilities that provide learning opportunities for all learners
Student will successfully design a written/graphic layout of a safe classroom and/or lab facility.
Identify and apply strategies (including individualized instruction) needed to instruct special populations; special needs, disabled, gifted, ethnic, and culturally diverse learners
Student will successfully identify in writing and apply by demonstration strategies to instruct special populations.
Relate work ethic, workplace relations, workplace diversity and workplace communication skills to career development and employability skills
Student will successfully demonstrate ethical, professional behavior in the classroom. Student will successfully develop methods to teach students the importance of work ethic, workplace relations, diversity, and communication skills to career development and employability skills.
Encourage teamwork and project-based learning
Student will successfully create lesson plans that include teamwork and project-based learning activities.
Assist state approved career and technical education student leadership organization members or other state approved student leadership organization members in developing a yearly program of work
Student will successfully complete learning activities that demonstrate the ability to lead and develop state-approved career and technical education student leadership organizations in developing a yearly program of work