Sep 14, 2024  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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PHYS 103 - Physics of Musical Sound

Basic principles of acoustics applied to the production and perception of sound by musical instruments. Other topics covered include sound in rooms, musical scales, sound synthesis, and vocal acoustics. Techniques and tools for analyzing sound will be emphasized. Class format includes lecture, group problem solving, and laboratory activities. NS-Application Natural Science  (L) (W). Course will be offered every year (in Fall).

Credits: (5)

General Education Category
NS-Application Natural Science (L) (W).

Learner Outcomes, Activities and Assessments

Learner Outcome

Activity (optional)


Students will be able to create and interpret plots of waveforms, spectrums, and spectrograms.

Class activities include using sound analysis software to record sounds and generate plots conveying information about the sound.

Assessment is by homework assignments, lab worksheets, and exams. Success is indicated by a score of 4 out of 5 on homework and lab rubrics, or 80% on exams.

Students will be able to quantify the uncertainty associated with basic physical measurements, and make use of uncertainty when interpreting experimental results.

Frequent class/lab activities involve measurements that require a basic uncertainty analysis.

Assessment is by lab worksheets. Success is indicated by a score of 4 out of 5 on relevant rubric sections.

Students will be able to apply quantitative analysis in carrying out an independent design or experimental project.

Students will work in small teams to carry out a project and present their results.  The project may involve designing and building, or investigating the properties of, a musical instrument or acoustics demonstration apparatus.

 Final projects are assessed through both a written report and oral presentation to the class. Success is indicated by a score of 4 out of 5 on relevant rubric sections.

 Students will be able to predict or describe the behavior of vibrating systems by solving basic algebraic equations.

Students will apply conceptual and theoretical ideas to make specific predictions in class/lab activities and homework problems.

Assessment is by homework assignments, lab worksheets, and exams. Success is indicated by a score of 4 out of 5 on homework and lab rubrics, or 80% on exams.

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