Jan 13, 2025  
2007-2008 Undergraduate Catalog 
2007-2008 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Appendix F

(Complete policy available in the office of the Vice President for Student Affairs)

On December 12, 1989, the president of the United States signed the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989. They required institutions of higher education implement a program to prevent the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by its students and employees on school premises or as part of any of its activities.

It was developed in response to a proposal that Congress pass legislation requiring schools, colleges and communities to implement and enforce firm drug prevention and education programs as a condition of eligibility to receive federal financial assistance.

In addition, the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 requires applicants for federally funded grants and contracts to certify that they will institute affirmative steps to prohibit the unlawful possession, manufacture, distribution and use of controlled substances in the workplace.

Taken together, the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, the Drug-Free Workplace Act, and Washington State law established the legal requirements to the Central Washington University policy.

As a condition of employment at the University, all employees will abide by the terms of this policy and will notify their supervisor of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after the conviction.

I. Philosophy

The mission of Central Washington University is to provide the highest-quality education possible at the post-secondary level. CWU must provide opportunities for learning to live more fully as well as training to make a living. The University also endeavors to provide students with programs and activities that enhance the academic curriculum, while contributing to the development of well-rounded individuals.

In order to accomplish this mission, the educational environment within the University community must enhance the intellectual, emotional and physical growth of the entire community, including students, faculty, administrators, staff and others.

Use of alcohol and other drugs, and the problems associated with their abuse, are becoming increasingly commonplace. The educational environment is adversely affected by the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs through decreased academic and work performance, increased attrition rates and damage to the growth and development of University community members as they seek to become contributing citizens to the community and society.

CWU is mandated to develop and maintain educational efforts and environmental enhancements that promote the health and well being of the entire University community.

The University views alcohol and drug abuse as a treatable illness. As with other illnesses, we support the efforts of those seeking assistance. In addition, we seek to improve our environment in ways that set positive example for others.

To this end, the University first affirms its prohibition of the use of alcohol and illicit drugs on campus. In addition, the University does not condone the consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages by employees or students, whether of legal age, or underage, in areas the University deems to be public access areas, except as allowed under state law and/or state permit.

In light of the serious consequences associated with the abuse of alcoholic beverages, CWU also recognizes its responsibilities to engage in prevention and intervention activities with members of the University community. Finally, the University affirms its intention to develop appropriate sanctions for violations of its drug and alcohol policy, and to the application of these sanctions in a consistent manner.

II. Policies and Procedures

The purpose of this section is to briefly summarize the key points of the University policy regarding the distribution, possession and use of alcohol and other drugs. To comply with the requirements of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act and the Drug-Free Workplace Act, a full-and-complete description of relevant laws, procedures, sanctions and prevention information found in the Drug and Alcohol Policy is available through the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management.

III. Legal Issues.

The University’s policy regarding the possession and consumption of alcohol and other drugs on campus has been developed in keeping with Washington state law and the governor’s policy on alcoholism and drug dependency.

State laws regulate behavior such as consumption of alcohol in public places, furnishing of liquor to minors, illegal purchase of alcohol, and distribution of controlled substances, to name just a few. Washington state laws are described in the Revised Code of Washington and the Washington Administrative Code.

Members of the University community may review these documents at the University library. A brief description of applicable local, state and federal laws is also provided in Addendum E.

CWU’s policy presupposes that each member of the University community has read, understands and agrees to abide by these local, state, and federal laws.

The Washington Administrative Code (WAC 106-120-027) states that a student shall be subject to disciplinary action or sanction upon violation of any of the following conduct proscriptions:

  1. Possession, use, or distribution of any controlled substance as defined by the laws of the United States or the state of Washington, except as expressly permitted by law.

  2. Violation of the University policy on alcoholic beverages that states:
    1. Persons twenty-one (21) years of age or older may possess and/or consume alcoholic beverages in the privacy of specifically designated 21 or older residence hall rooms and/or apartments. Washington state law provides severe penalties for the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages by persons less than twenty-one (21) years of age and for persons who furnish alcoholic beverages to minors. All University students and staff should make themselves aware of these laws and the potential consequences associated with violations.
    2. The University does not condone the consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors at functions sponsored by Central Washington University organizations on- or off-campus. Organizations and advisors are held responsible for monitoring the conduct of their members at functions sponsored by the organization and for failure to comply with Washington state law and University policies.
    3. The vice president for student affairs and enrollment management may place any organization on probation or prohibit a specific campus social function when the consumption of alcoholic beverages has become a problem of concern to the University.

  3. Violation of clearly stated proscriptions in any published rule or regulation propagated by any official campus committee, commission or council acting within the scope of its authority.

  4. On-campus violation of any state or federal law or infringement of any state or federal law off-campus while participating in any University sponsored activity.

IV. Procedures for Services Alcoholic Beverages on Campus

University departments and student organizations are encouraged not to involve alcoholic beverages in any sponsored function. If they choose to do so, they are urged to consider the effects and the responsibility they assume in making such decisions. If members of the department or organization choose to include alcoholic beverages in their functions, they must comply with all local and state laws, as well as specified liquor guidelines.

All groups and organizations sponsoring social events held on the CWU campus and all recognized University groups holding events off-campus which involve the serving and consumption of alcoholic beverages are obliged to comply with the procedures and guidelines outlined in Addendum D and use a social attendant. Contact the Scheduling Center at 509-963-1321 for more information on social attendants.

Any party that intends to serve alcoholic beverages on campus must adhere to the following procedures:

  1. All events will be staffed by one or more certified social attendant(s) who has/have completed the required training course provided by the CWU Student Health, Counseling and Wellness staff. The number of social attendants for any given event will be determined and subsequently hired through the University’s Scheduling Center.

  2. If alcoholic beverages are to be served at a social event, the sponsoring University group is required to provide non-alcoholic beverages as well. Provision for serving nonalcoholic beverages must be outlined on the University permit. The variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages available to be served shall be equal. The sponsoring group is also encouraged to provide food at the event, in keeping with the intent of a banquet permit.

  3. Personal identification, which must including a picture of the individual, will be checked to verify age as a way to prevent minors from being served and imbibing alcoholic beverages. Individuals whose age cannot be verified by identification provided to the social attendant will not be served alcoholic beverages. Acceptance or rejection of identification is within the discretion of the social attendant.

  4. If the social attendant determines that an individual has consumed too much alcohol, s/he will no longer be served beverages containing alcohol.

  5. If an individual becomes verbally and/or physically abusive, the social attendant may do any or all of the following:
    1. Inform the event coordinator of the problem behavior;
    2. Call the Student Union night manager, (509) 899-3094;
    3. Call University Police, (509) 925-8534.

  6. After the event, a written report will be completed by the social attendant, which will describe any problems, concerns, or suggestions that pertain to the event. The report will be kept on file. It will be reviewed if/when the sponsoring organization again requests University space for social functions involving alcohol consumption. Documentation of problems or violations at previous social events may result in the group not being allowed an alcohol-use permit in the future. In addition, any areas of concern will be provided, in writing, to the sponsoring organization after the event. A copy of this and any subsequent communication will be kept on file in the Scheduling Center.

  7. Sponsoring organizations should be aware of the consequences of failure to comply with the policy regarding the serving and consumption of alcoholic beverages. The individuals responsible for the event will be held accountable under all Washington state laws. Other possible consequences include, but are not limited to:
    1. Sponsoring clubs and organizations may lose recognition as official University clubs and organizations.
    2. Visiting groups may not be allowed to use University facilities in the future.
    3. Other University groups may not be issued alcohol use permits in the future.

    V. Advertisement

    There will be no marketing or advertising of alcoholic beverages on the Central Washington University campus, except as allowed by state law. The University name will not be associated with the advertising of alcoholic beverages.

    VI. Problem Solving Team

    When student behavior problems associated with alcohol and other drug abuse occur, the University employs a team problem-solving approach. The director of University Housing and New Student Program, chief of Public Safety and Police Services, director of he Wildcat Wellness Center (WWC) and director of the Center for Student Empowerment join the assistant vice president for student affairs weekly to review residence living incidence reports filed by residence advisors (RAs) and managers, as well as campus police reports which cover both on- and off-campus students. This problem-solving team then deals with student behavior problems generally breaching the conduct proscriptions contained within CWU’s student judicial code (WAC 106-120). It has been found that alcohol and other drug abuse is involved in the majority of student behavioral problems. The problem-solving team works together to suggest intervention strategies that are considered the most appropriate and effective for eliminating specific negative student behaviors, especially those related to substance abuse. The team may suggest various forms of intervention including, but not limited to, the following:

    1. A meeting with members of the residence living student staff.

    2. A meeting with one of the residence living or housing administrative staff.

    3. A meeting with the WWC director or other appropriate, full-time university staff members.

    Official hearings in the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management (VPSAEM), are conducted when it becomes apparent to the problem-solving team that the initial and more informal forms of intervention with a student have been unsuccessful in positively modifying a student’s behavior.

    VII. University Sanctions for Violations of Proscribed Student Conduct

    Official University action will be taken when violation of state law or University policy regarding alcohol and other illicit drugs occurs. Repeated violations carry more significant consequences. The Office of the VPSAEM, may include in the sanction(s) mandated contact with the WWC director and/or direct referral for assessment through Kittitas County’s Alcohol Drug Dependency Service (ADDS) or other state licensed treatment agencies. If alcohol or other drug abuse is a related factor in the violation of other proscribed conduct, the same mandate(s) may be considered appropriate.

    Following are the sanctions available as they appear in the CWU Student Judicial Code:

    1. Warning. Notice in writing that the student has violated University rules or regulations, or has otherwise failed to meet the University’s standard of conduct. Such warning will contain the statement that continuation or repetition of the specific conduct involved or other misconduct will normally result in one of the more serious disciplinary actions described below.
    2. Disciplinary Probation. Formal action specifying the conditions under which a student may continue to be a student at the University including limitation of specified activities, movement, or presence on the CWU campus. The conditions may be in effect for a specified time or for the duration of the student’s attendance at the University.
    3. Restitution. An individual may be required to make restitution for damage or loss to University or other property and for injury to persons. Failure to make restitution will result in suspension for an indefinite time period as set forth in subsection (4) below, provided that a student may be reinstated upon payment.
    4. Suspension. Dismissal from the University and from student status for a stated period. The notice suspending the student will spell out in writing the term of the suspension and any condition(s) that must be met before readmission is granted. A student so suspended must demonstrate that the conditions for readmission have been met. There is to be no refund of fees for the quarter in which the action is taken, but fees paid in advance for a subsequent quarter will be refunded.
    5. Deferred Suspension. Notice of suspension from the University with the provision that the student may remain enrolled contingent on meeting a specified condition. Not meeting that contingency shall immediately invoke the suspension for the time period and under the conditions originally imposed.
    6. Expulsion. The surrender of all rights and privileges of membership in the University community and exclusion from the campus without any possibility for return.
    7. Standard Alcohol Sanctions with Parental Notification:
    • 1st violation: Meeting with area coordinator (AC) and “Prime for Life Class” (requires a study guide*). Parental notification may be used for 1st offense when incident includes a medical concern, violence, noise complaint, resistance or destruction of property.
    • 2nd violation: Meeting with AC, “Prime for Life Class” (requires a study guide*), parental notification, referral to WWC director for alcohol/drug screening and possible other sanctions that may include referral to Residence Hall Arbitration Council.
    • 3rd violation: Combined meeting with AC and representative of the Office of the VPSAEM, parental notification, referral for formal alcohol/drug assessment, other possible sanctions and a requirement that the student follow all recommendations.
    • 4th violation: Referral to the Office of the VPSAEM for an automatic suspension from the University for one full academic year; referral to the Office of the VPSAEM for an action plan to allow re-entry, including full compliance with alcohol/drug assessment recommendations, and parental notification.

    *The cost of the study guide will be charged to the student’s account.

    The Office of the VPSAEM may invoke a Summary Suspension of any student from the University pending investigation, action or prosecution of charges of an alleged violation of proscribed conduct when there is reason to believe that their physical or emotional safety and well-being, the safety and well-being of other University community members, or the protection of property requires such suspension.

    When chronic alcohol or other drug use is involved, re-entry after a period of suspension or continuation in school on a deferred suspension may be contingent upon the student successfully completing an appropriate treatment program. The specific treatment would be recommended by the WWC director and/or by members of the staff of local substance abuse treatment agencies. Generally, documentation from treatment counselors or program directors confirming successful completion of treatment and a positive prognosis for recovery are required for reinstatement or continuation in school.

    VIII. Employment Education and Referral for Alcohol and Other Drug Issues

    Alcoholism and drug dependency are definAlcoholism and drug dependency are defined as illnesses that may interfere with an employee’s ability to perform assigned work satisfactorily or that adversely affect job behavior. Employees are encouraged to voluntarily seek expert assistance for alcoholism, alcohol abuse, drug dependency, or any other job-impairing personal problem. Assistance is available through a variety of professional resources on campus and in the community. Questions regarding medical insurance coverage for professional services should be referred to the employee’s medical plan provider. The University contracts for confidential employee assistance with the Employee Advisory Services (EAS).

    Supervisors are required to identify, document and attempt to correct all employee job performance and/or work behavior problems, using standard corrective action procedures outlined in either personnel policies or the Faculty and Exempt Employees’ Codes. They should not diagnose alcoholism, drug dependency, or any other complex medical and/or behavioral problem(s). However, corrective efforts may include referral to professional treatment resources at any time during the process. Supervisors are encouraged to share information regarding professional treatment services with employees on a regular basis. Pamphlets describing services are available from the WWC director or the CWU Human Resources department. See Addendum C for a description of professional drug treatment and counseling resources.

    Wildcat Wellness Center (509) 963-3213
    Student Health/Counseling Center (509) 963-1391
    Community Psychological Services Center (509) 963-2501

    Alcohol Drug Dependency Services (509) 925-9821
    Central Washington Comprehensive Mental Health (509) 925-9861
    Kittitas Valley Recovery Services (509) 925-7227
    Washington State Employee Service (509) 456-5000