Jan 15, 2025
2006-2007 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Appendix E
Cooperative Education
- Introduction
The Cooperative Education experience is
offered through the Career Services
department in conjunction with academic
departments. The Cooperative Education
Program is an educational plan designed to
integrate classroom study with planned,
supervised, and evaluated employment
experience linking academic programs with
students? career goals and interests.
Cooperative Education has a profound effect
on the way learning takes place because it is
interactive and reinforcing. Students ascribe
new value to what is learned in the classroom
because, either in principle or practice, they
are applying it to the test of a real job. The
added ingredient for learning is experience.
- Qualifying Parameters
for Student Participation
The following are the University?s
minimum requirements (departments may
have additional requirements) for student
- The student is enrolled and pursuing a
degree at Central Washington University.
- The student is in good academic
- The field experience is directly related to
the student’s major field of study and/or
career goal.
- The student has completed the
appropriate prerequisite courses and
possesses the skills and knowledge
required for placement in a suitable level
of field experience as determined by the
student?s department.
- The student must have a department faculty cooperative education (co-op)
advisor for enrollment in a Cooperative
Education course.
- The student?s field experience is a
practical position where the student is
actively engaged in hands-on learning,
not just observing.
- Program Enrollment
- Register on the Career Services website at
www.cwu.edu/~career. Prior to
registration, call or visit Career Services
in Barge 204 to initiate registration.
- Students must complete a formal
learning agreement with a learning plan
that contains relevant objectives and
activities. The agreement form
constitutes a field study plan that
includes a description of academic
requirements such as term paper/
project(s), assigned readings, research
project/thesis, progress reports, final
report, etc. The Learning Agreement
must be endorsed by the employer/
supervisor, the student, the faculty co-op
advisor, department chair, and the
Associate Director of Cooperative
- The student must submit a completed
Cooperative Education Learning
Agreement form to Career Services to
complete the registration process for
enrollment in the Cooperative Education
- Cooperative Education courses are
numbered 290, 490, and 590. Credits are
variable 1-5 for 290, 1-12 for 490, and 1-8
for 590 level courses.
- A freshman should complete at least 45
credits at CWU prior to enrolling in the
Cooperative Education course. A
transfer student should complete at least
15 credits at CWU and have a total of 45
credits, including transfer credits, prior
to enrolling in the Cooperative
Education course.
- The student should complete a
minimum of 90 credit hours with 10 or
more credits in his/her major to be
eligible for enrollment in the 490 level
course. Departments may have
additional requirements for this level of
- A student who desires a career
exploration experience, or who has not
declared a major, is limited to enrolling
for the Cooperative Education course at
the 290 level.
- The student may reenroll for the
Cooperative Education course, but, in
no case will a student be allowed to
count more than 10 credits at the 290
level nor more than 20 total credits
toward graduation requirements. No
more than 10 credits are accepted in
transfer. No more than 8 credits may be
applied to a graduate degree.
- Cooperative Education courses may be repeated if field experience learning
objectives and activities are distinctly
different from previous work or field
- Awarding of Credits
- Cooperative Education credits are to be
awarded on the basis of quality,
magnitude, and the level of learning
(learning plan, relevant objective and
activities) that take place during the
field experience.
- For University standardization practice,
credits are awarded using a minimum of
40 or more clock hours of approved field
experience for each credit hour earned.
Clock hours will include time spent to
complete the work phase and the
academic phase (term paper/project(s),
journal or log, progress reports,
assigned readings, final report, etc.) of
the field experience.
- An appropriate means for evaluation
(progress reports, performance
evaluations, final report, etc.) of the
learning is established between the
student, the employer, and the faculty
co-op advisor.
- The student will be awarded an S/U
grade (letter grade optional with
approval of faculty co-op advisor) for
the Cooperative Education course.
- If the field experience is terminated by
the employer or academic department,
the student will not receive credit.
- Credit will not be given for previous
field or work-study experience.
- Credit for the Cooperative Education
course will be awarded for the quarter
in which the majority of hours for the
experience were acquired.
- If the student leaves the field experience
prior to completion of the hours,
objectives, and/or academic
requirements, no credit will be received
and a grade of Incomplete or
Unsatisfactory will be awarded. Grading
and award of credit is based solely on
completion of the agreed-upon
parameters set forth in the Learning
- Student Supervision
and Coordination
- Daily supervision of the student is to be
provided by the cooperating company supervisor who will be identified prior
to the field experience.
- Cooperative Education courses shall be
under the direct guidance, direction,
and coordination of a faculty co-op
advisor as part of the regular teaching
load. Credit for faculty load shall
comply with faculty code, Part 4, Section
7.20, B, 1, a, (3) of the current (1992)
code. The faculty co-op advisor is available to the student in the field. The
faculty advisor arranges and coordinates
visitations/contacts with the
employer/supervisor and the student a
minimum of twice each quarter. The
faculty co-op advisor keeps a file on
each student?s work (term
paper/project(s), final report, etc.) with
his/her department office.
- The Career Services office is an
academic support service which
facilitates the advising of students in the
placement and cooperative education
process; maintaining direction,
sustaining quality control for the
program; conducting program research,
assessment, and evaluation; and
providing training and faculty co-op
advisors and staff.
- The Career Services office staff is
available for field visitations/contacts
when suitable faculty representation is
not available or upon request of the
faculty co-op advisor or department
- Student Placement
- The placement process is intended to be
a real-life job seeking experience for the
student, including competition for
- The Career Services office advises
students in the placement process
through the maintenance of past
internship placements and current
listings that are submitted by employers.
In addition, the staff is available to
provide assistance with resumes, cover
letters, job search techniques, and
interviewing tips.
- The student should check with their
faculty advisor for internship leads as
many departments have developed their
own internship connections.
- Students may propose their own
placement site to the Faculty Co-op
Advisor who determines the suitability
of the placement with a given employer
for Cooperative Education credit.
- Students may find a ?regular? position
that can double as a co-op experience if
there is sufficient challenge and
opportunity for learning that can justify
University credit. Decisions on whether
the experience warrants University
credit rest with the academic
department and the coordinating
- The placement must conform to
affirmative action and EEO/Title
IX/ADA guidelines.
- Position Description
for Field Experience
The cooperating employer/agency must
agree to provide a written description of
field experience tasks, identify a field
supervisor and submit his/her qualifications
to the appropriate University department
and the Office of Cooperative Education
prior to approval of the Learning
- Student
- Paid field experience positions are
sought where possible and practicable.
- Unpaid positions may be used but are
limited to the equivalent of working
full-time for one quarter (approximately
400 hours).
- Students should not be put in a position
where they are exploited as a source of
cheap labor, replace or are in direct
competition with regular employees.
- Participation in Cooperative Education
unpaid experiences should not become
an undue financial burden for the
student or be the cause of the student
withdrawing from the University for
financial reasons.
- Health, accident, and disability
insurance are the responsibility of the
student, and if not provided by the
employing agency, should be purchased
individually. In most instances, the
group coverage for students is adequate.
- Central Washington University is not
responsible for liability or malpractice
insurance for individual students. If
such coverage is desired but is not
provided by the co-op agency, students
may wish to arrange individual
- Students receiving financial aid must
check with the Financial Aid Office prior
to accepting a paid placement. Students
receiving financial aid must be sure their
academic responsibilities for their co-op
experience are completed by the end of
the registered quarter. Any student with
an ?Incomplete? grade at the time of
financial awards for the next quarter
jeopardizes their position to receive their
financial aid.
- If the student is receiving financial aid,
Federal Law requires that any income be
declared. If the student is employed and
completes a W-4 form, this reporting
will occur through regular employment
withholding and a W-2 form at tax time.
If the student does not complete a W-4
form for the employer, they must
declare their income with the Financial
Aid Office through a specific form that
is available from the Financial Aid
- Program Evaluation
Routine review of evaluation s from
employers, faculty, and students occur on a
quarterly basis along with continuous
review of field practment sites.
The Cooperative Education Program is
subject to periodic review and assessment,
completed at least once every five years.