Dec 19, 2024
2024-2025 BACKUP Catalog
Latin American Business Certificate
Return to: Degrees Offered (Majors, Minors)
The certificate in Latin American Business prepares students for working within an emerging economy orientated toward Latin American. It combines an overview of the nuances of the regional economy with an introduction to Latin American’s cultural and historical development. Topics will include an introduction to Latin American culture and philosophy, corporate-government relations, twentieth-century history, regional development, and business strategies. It can be supplemented with study abroad opportunities and language study (French, Spanish, Portuguese).
There are two tracks: one for College of Business majors and one for non-business majors.
Required Courses Credits: 14
Track for Business Majors Credits: 8-10
Choose two of the following courses:
Track for Non-Business Majors Credits: 10
Choose two of the following courses:
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