The Accessibility Studies certificate and degree add practical depth to all graduate degrees, such as Athletic Administration, Biology, Chemistry, Computational Science, Cultural and Environmental Resource Management, English Literature, English Professional and Creative Writing, English, TESOL, Experimental Psychology, Family and Child Life, Family and Consumer Sciences - Career and Technical Education, Fine Arts, Geological Sciences, Health and Physical Education, Higher Education, History, Individual Studies, Information Technology and Administrative Management, Integrative Human Physiology, Law and Justice, Literacy, Mental Health Counseling, Music, Nutrition, Primate Behavior, Public Health, Rural and Community Health, Safety and Health Management, School Administration, School Psychology, Theatre Production, and Theatre Studies.
The Accessibility Studies certificate can provide an important edge for students preparing to enter the workforce as well as seasoned employees looking to advance within a chosen field where creating accommodating spaces, whether they be virtual or physical, has become a necessity.
Admission Requirements
Acceptance by the CWU School of Graduate Studies and Research and the Accessibility Studies Program and approved by the Accessibility Studies Program.
Graduation Requirements
Successful completion of all courses with a minimum of C+ in each, and at least 75% score on the culminating exam administered in ASP 585.