2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Nutrition Exercise and Health Sciences Department
College of Education and Professional Studies
Dorothy Purser Hall., room 101
Fax: 509-963-1848
See website for how these programs may be used for educational and career purposes.
Faculty and Staff
Ethan Bergman, PhD, RDN, CS, FADA
Clinical Physiology Program Director
Timothy R. Burnham, PhD
Emergency Medical Services- Paramedicine Program Director
Keith A. Monosky, PhD
Exercise Science Program Director
Timothy R. Burnham, PhD
Food and Nutrition Sciences Program Director
David L. Gee, PhD
Leonardo J. D’Acquisto, EdD, sport physiology, kinesiology, human anatomy
David L. Gee, PhD, nutrition & metabolism, nutrition and chronic diseases, sports nutrition
Susan Hawk, PhD, RD, dietetics, clinical nutrition
Vincent M. Nethery, PhD, clinical physiology, sport physiology, environmental physiology, human anatomy
Associate Professors
Timothy R. Burnham, PhD, clinical physiology, sport physiology, human anatomy
Linda Cashman, MS, RD, dietetics
Keith A. Monosky, PhD, MPM, EMT-P, emergency medical services, emergency services management, health policy
Assistant Professors
Karen Roemer, PhD, biomechanics, clinical mechanics, kinematics and kinetics
Tracee Watkins, MBA, CHE, food service management
Dan Williams, PhD, clinical physiology
Susan Blair, MS, AT-C, athletic training-sports medicine, exercise physiology, human anatomy
Stephanie Campbell, MS, CPT
Robert Carlson, BA, EMT-P, emergency medical services
Rich Elliott, MBA, EMT, emergency medical services
Cole Gravel, BS, NREMT-P, emergency medical services
Liesl Jones, first-aid faculty
Dan Limmer, NREMT-P, emergency medical services
Dana Ogan, MS, RD, CD
James Pierce, EMT-P, emergency medical services
Amber Simon, MBA, emergency medical services
Nicole Stendell-Hollis, PhD, MS, RD
Danielle Szabo, ND, human anatomy, human physiology, nutrition
Lenny Ugaitafa, BS, NREMT-P, emergency medical services
Bryan Contreras, MS, instructional classroom support technician- clinical physiology and exercise science
Lucinda Engel, instructional classroom support technician- food science
Estelle Mathews, program support supervisor II
Vickie Ostrow, Program Coordinator, EMS-Paramedicine
Department Information
The Department of Nutrition, Exercise, and Health Sciences prepares students in a variety of professions that focus on the physical and functional abilities of humans. Human functioning is the overriding theme of all curricula offerings. In addition to didactic aspects, many classes provide experiential learning through structured laboratories, practicums, and internships. All programs provide opportunities to interact with faculty and to participate in both undergraduate and graduate research.
NEHS offers the following undergraduate degrees:
Bachelor of Science: Clinical Physiology
Bachelor of Science: Exercise Science
Bachelor of Science: FSN-Dietetics Specialization
Bachelor of Science: FSN-Nutrition Science Specialization
Bachelor of Science: FSN-Foods and Nutrition Specialization
Bachelor of Applied Science: Food Service Management
Bachelor of Science: Paramedics
NEHS offers the following supporting minors:
Exercise Science
Athletic Training
Food Service Management
NEHS offers the following certificate programs:
Emergency Medical Technician
Dietetic Internship (Accredited by the American Dietetic Association-Commission on Accreditation for Dietetic Education)
NEHS offers the following graduate degrees – (For details: See Graduate Studies and Research section:
Master of Science: Exercise Science
Master of Science: Nutrition
Admission Requirements
To be admitted to a major or minor, all students must:
- Meet with an advisor in the specific program of interest. Because of the variety of options and the pre-admission requirements of programs, it is advisable to meet with an advisor early to plan the program schedule and to facilitate timely graduation.
- Complete specific pre-admission requirements (see individual programs).
- Complete and file a major application with the department office, signed by the academic advisor and the program director. Application forms can be obtained from the advisor or the department office.
- Complete and file with the department office, a program of study that lists the required and elective courses necessary for program completion. Course of study forms can be obtained from the academic advisor.
Student Scholarly Activities:
The department is student oriented and all programs provide a wide range of laboratory and field experiences as part of specific degree requirements and degree options. Students who engage early in optional learning experiences gain a better understanding of their profession, are more competitive in the job market, and increase their chances for graduate school admission.
Student Organizations:
Exercise Science Club: All EXSC students are required to join the EXSC Club. This student-run organization meets regularly to discuss academic planning and career opportunities, performs service activities, and plans recreational outings.
Nutrition Science Club: The NSC provides opportunities for students to use their knowledge and skills in performing service activities, learn about career opportunities, discuss academic planning, and engage in recreational activities.
EMT Club: The EMT Club is a student organization that is purposed to provide basic life support services to on-campus activities as a means of first-line-response. The EMT Club is comprised of current students that are certified emergency medical technicians. The EMT Club is supervised by a faculty member of the Paramedic Program and is provided the necessary emergency medical equipment and continuing education to provide essential emergency medical services.
Additional fees are assessed for many of the department’s laboratory and field experience courses. These fees are used to partially support materials purchased and transportation costs.
Graduation Requirements
- Satisfactory completion of all requirements of the university and of the specific degree program of study.
- Application for the bachelor’s degree must be filed by the second Friday of the quarter preceding the quarter in which the degree is to be received. Instructions and deadlines are available through Registrar Services.
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