Jan 20, 2025
CHEM 106 - Chemistry Inquiry (Put on reserve 9/16/19) Description: Inquiry-based investigations into chemistry to help students develop understanding of fundamental concepts and the process of scientific investigation. This course is designed for prospective elementary teachers but is open to all students. Course will not have an established scheduling pattern. (Put on reserve 9/16/19, will go inactive 8/24/22)
Credits: (5)
Learner Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Apply appropriate scientific investigative techniques to address questions about relevant chemistry concepts.
- Collect, analyze, and interpret quantitative and qualitative data to address questions about relevant chemistry concepts.
- Apply chemistry concepts and processes to personal and societal issues.
- Articulate how their own ideas and understanding change and develop, and how the structure of the learning environment and curriculum facilitates these changes.
- Find and utilize a variety of resources to learn and communicate about chemistry concepts and processes.
Learner Outcomes Approval Date: 1/23/14
Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
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