Feb 09, 2025
BME 451 - Methods and Materials for Teaching Information Technology Description: Methods and materials for teaching Information Technology curricula. Course will not have an established scheduling pattern.
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: full admission to the major (Business and Marketing Education) and the Teacher Certification Program.
Credits: (3)
Learner Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Align CTE student learning activities to state learning goals and the EALRS and GLES
- Implement instructional strategies which focus students’ achievements of benchmarks in related essential academic learning requirements (EALRs), grade level expectations (GLEs) and achievement of Goals 3 & 4
- Align career-technical learning assessment with the state learning goals and the essential academic learning requirements (EALRs) and GLEs
- Use instructional strategies and resources that incorporate current technology of business/industry
- Use instructional strategies that develop students’ skills for making career decisions
- Use instructional strategies that develop student employability skills
- Use instructional strategies that develop students’ lifelong learning and goal setting related to entry, transition, and continuation in the educational process and in the workplace
- Develop effective assessment methods which may involve student, family, employer, and community
- Use variety of assessment methods including portfolios and business/industry standard assessment tools to measure student learning and development
- Model positive business/industry-appropriate workplace practices
- Demonstrate business/industry appropriate technology skills
- Publicize program content and benefits to family and community
- Determine and implement effective and safe layout of classroom and/or lab facilities that provide learning opportunities for all
- Identify and apply strategies (including individualized instruction) needed to instruct special populations; special needs, disabled, gifted, ethnic, and culturally diverse learners
- Demonstrate ability to assess personal strengths and weaknesses as they relate to career exploration and development
- Relate work ethic, workplace relations, workplace diversity and workplace communication skills to career development and employability skills
- Demonstrate ability to foster teamwork and project-based learning
- Recognize methods and opportunities for integrating school-based enterprise and/or simulations across the business administration curriculum
- Demonstrate ability to implement school-based enterprise and/or simulations
- Encourage teamwork and project-based learning
- Develop strategies to make an effective transition from school-to-work
- Foster student awareness of self and aptitudes, and development of confidence and character and how these relate to leadership and career pathways
- Provide activities to connect school experiences to workplace and reinforce school-based learning
- Discuss with class and individual students results and comments on employer evaluations
- Work with employers to assess and improve student work-based learning experiences
- Foster appropriate communication between work-based learning stakeholders
- Prepare students to deal with equity and diversity
- Appropriately place students in work based learning according to career interest and aptitude
- Secure training stations for work experience
- Assist state approved student leadership organization members or other state approved student leadership organization members in developing and financing a yearly program of activities
Learner Outcomes Approval Date: 4/5/18
Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
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