Mar 06, 2025
BME 450 - Curriculum Development for Business and Marketing Education Description: Curriculum development for business and marketing education. Develop and design curricula based on business and industry standards and accepted current pedagogical and learning standards.
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: full admission to the major and the Teacher Certification Program.
Credits: (4)
Learner Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Develop curriculum based on business/industry standards as approved by local advisory committee
- Design and implement program scope, sequence and assessment which enables students to develop marketable job skills
- Demonstrate ability to write unit and lesson plans incorporating a variety of instructional strategies, and all aspects of career and technical program approval
- Revise curriculum based on occupational changes
- Promote development of students’ self-awareness and aptitudes, confidence and character and how these relate to leadership and career pathways
- Develop student initiative and teamwork skills
- Encourage students to explore nontraditional career roles
- Identify the impact of diversity and equity issues on student learning
- Design or adapt curriculum, technologies, and instructional strategies which address the diverse needs of students including special populations
- Collaborate with business and labor partners to infuse workplace standards and practice’s into curriculum
- Publicize to students the program content and benefits
- Connect school experiences to workplace
- Develop awareness of professional dispositions and employability skills outlined in SCANS
- Identify and describe topics, course content, scope and sequence for business administration courses within a pathway
- Demonstrate knowledge of or experience with related business and marketing organizations and industry certification
- Utilize career resources to develop an information base that includes global occupational opportunities
- Demonstrate ability to apply knowledge gained from individual assessment to a comprehensive set of goals and an individual career plan
- Relate the importance of lifelong learning to career success
- Design and implement program rationale, scope, sequence and assessment which enables students to develop marketable competencies
- Develop student initiative, teamwork skills, and project-based learning ·
- Identify stages of student career development including, but not limited to post-secondary opportunities and a 13th year plan
- Accept and encourage students in nontraditional career roles
- Provide opportunities for students to productively integrate career and academic disciplines
- Adjust curriculum to information received from students and employer evaluations
- Access and use appropriate state agreements and contracts for work-based learning
- Adhere to on-site visitation training and employee evaluation criteria and requirements
Learner Outcomes Approval Date: 1/10/2012
Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
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