Mar 10, 2025
PHYS 106 - Physics Inquiry Description: An introduction to fundamental physics topics highlighting applications to the world around us. There will be an emphasis on learning by inquiry and on designing and critiquing solutions to real world issues. Course will be offered every year (Fall, Winter). NS-Fund Disc Phys and Biological Sciences (L).
Credits: (5)
General Education Category: NS-Fund Disc Phys and Biological Sciences (L). K7 - Physical & Natural World
General Education Pathways: P1 Civic & Community Engagement, P6 Ways of Knowing
Learner Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Describe and explain fundamental physics concepts in areas such as motion, forces, electricity, sound, and light.
- Rigorously describe and analyze fundamental physics processes in areas such as motion, forces, electricity, sound, and light.
- Use scientific investigative techniques such as generating and testing hypotheses to answer questions about relevant physics concepts.
- Employ a quantitative and qualitative problem solving approach to describing and analyzing physics concepts.
- Apply appropriate physics principles to assess and address a community safety issue and an energy management issue.
- Describe how the methods of inquiry in physics contribute to society.
Learner Outcomes Approval Date: 12/7/17
Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
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