Mar 10, 2025
GEOL 489 - Geologic Field Methods Description: Emphasis is placed on observation and recording of lithologic and structural features, measurement of stratigraphic and structural sections, applications of various survey methods, and plotting geologic data on topographic and aerial photographs in the field. The class will be offered during summer break, or as arranged by the instructor. Credits will be carried in concurrent or immediately adjacent academic year quarter. Extra fees required. Permission of instructor. Course will be offered every year (Summer).
Prerequisites: Prerequisites: GEOL 210 and GEOL 346 and GEOL 360 and GEOL 370.
Credits: (6-12)
General Education Category: CE - Culminating Experience
Learner Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Develop the ability to locate oneself and geologic features on a map base, including topographic maps, aerial photographs, digital orthophotoquads, Google Earth Images, and/or LiDAR maps.
- Describe sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks from outcrop scale characteristics to hand lens scale, and combine similar rocks into mappable rock units.
- Describe and determine the nature of contacts-sedimentary, intrusive, or tectonic-and how well the contacts can be located on the map base using appropriate geologic symbols.
- Measure attitudes on sedimentary, intrusive, and tectonic structures (e.g. bedding, lineations, columnar joints, foliations, fault planes, etc.) and contacts, and interpret their geologic significance.
- Interpret the relative age relations among the different rock units using observations and data collected in #’s 2-4.
- Discover the limitations in quantity and quality of geologic field data.
- Create a geologic map over a range of scales (e.g. 1:6,000 to 1:24,000 over areas ranging from 0.3 km2 to 4.3 km2) by plotting data collected in #’s 2-5 on a base map, using appropriate geologic symbols at the appropriate location.
- Visualize geology in 3D and construct accurate geologic cross-sections and interpretations based on field observations and data, and geologic maps.
- Develop sound interpretations based on uncertain, non-unique, and limited field data and observations, and with limited time for analysis.
- Apply knowledge from core geology disciplines to integrate and interpret diverse data sets into a coherent geologic history.
- Reflect upon, integrate, and apply knowledge and skills gleaned General Education experience.
Learner Outcomes Approval Date: 12/21/17
Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
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