Feb 19, 2025
EFC 440 - Education Law Description: Major legal issues confronting educators, including student and teacher rights, due process, torts, current laws, equity, and the identification and reporting of child abuse. Course will be offered every year (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer).
Prerequisites: Prerequisites: PSY 314 and EFC 315 and EFC 320 and [EFC 250 OR (EFC 210 AND EFC 310)] with a grade of C or higher and full admission to the Teacher Certification Program. Pre- or Co-requisites: EFC 340 and EFC 350 and EFC 416 and EDSE 302 and (EDBL 401 OR EDBL 430) with a grade of C or higher.
Credits: (3)
Learner Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Articulate and apply policies, laws, and court decisions to common situations in the K-12 public educational setting.
- Articulate and apply laws regarding students’ and teachers’ rights and responsibilities, and legal duties and accountability pertaining to equal opportunity for all students.
- Articulate and apply policies regarding copyright law; due process; educational equity; tort liability; identification and reporting of child abuse; and school funding.
- Identify ethical and legal issues common to all education systems in the US.
Learner Outcomes Approval Date: 4/19/18
Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
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