Mar 06, 2025
COM 308 - Public Affairs Reporting and Writing Description: Students will learn more advanced methods of writing and reporting of journalistic stories for print and online media, with a focus on how to cover public affairs news beats. Course will be offered every year (Fall).
Prerequisites: Prerequisites: COM 226, and admission to the communication department majors.
Credits: (5)
Learner Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Identify key sources on their public affairs “beat” who can be regularly interviewed to reveal stories important to their news outlet’s audience.
- Locate and recognize where all the different important public affairs beats conduct their business and their key players and issues
- Recognize the difference between records and documents available to the public and those that aren’t and how to request and use them for stories.
- Recognize the difference between what/when/how government councils/commissions/committees can legally discuss government business in private versus what and when and how they must do so with public notice and in the public eye.
- Write public affairs stories that include backgrounding, interviews, documents, data and observation that are relevant to their audience.
- Write stories about government agency meetings that are accurate and relevant to local readers
- Use social media to help cover public affairs beat and to disseminate stories and engage with their audience.
Learner Outcomes Approval Date: 5/18/17
Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
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