Jan 19, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

 Courses numbered from 101–299 are lower-division courses, primarily for freshmen and sophomores; those numbered from 300–499 are upper-division courses, primarily for juniors and seniors. The numbers 296, 396, 496, and 596 designate individual study courses and are available for registration by prior arrangement with the course instructor and approval of the department chair.

The number in parentheses following the course title indicates the amount of credit each course carries. Variable credit courses include the minimum and maximum number of the credits within parentheses.

Not all of the courses are offered every quarter. Final confirmation of courses to be offered, information on new courses and programs, as well as a list of hours, instructor, titles of courses and places of class meetings, is available online in My CWU which can be accessed through the the CWU home page, and go to www.cwu.edu/registrar/course-information


Exercise Science (EXSC)

  • EXSC 495D - Practicum: Laboratory Assessment

    Laboratory techniques for assessment of body composition, cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility components of fitness. Grade will either be S or U.

    Credits: (2)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • EXSC 496 - Individual Study

    Permission of instructor. May be repeated.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • EXSC 497 - Honors

    Prerequisite: admission to department honors program.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • EXSC 498 - Special Topics

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • EXSC 499 - Seminar

    Permission of instructor. May be repeated.

    Credits: (1-5)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:

Family and Child Life (FCL)

  • FCL 101 - Skills for Marriage and Intimate Relationships


    Provides an overview of romantic relationship dynamics and common issues in relationships from inception to dissolution. Students learn strategies for their own relationships and skills to work in relationship education. Formerly FS 101, students may not receive credit for both. Course will be offered every year (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer).

    Credits: (4)

    General Education Category: K6 - Individual & Society

    General Education Pathways: P2 Health & Well-being, P6 Ways of Knowing

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Describe antecedents, consequences, and intervention for common romantic relationship issues based on theory and empirical research.
    • Articulate how contemporary societal values and issues underlie romantic relationship processes.
    • Analyze romantic relationship processes within the contexts in which they take place using Ecological Systems Theory and empirical literature.
    • Analyze romantic relationship processes using Family Systems Theory and the Investment Model of Commitment.
    • Summarize historical and contemporary variations in romantic relationship formation, dynamics, and termination and changes in individuals’ behaviors within relationships over time.
    • Summarize key findings from empirical articles about romantic relationship dynamics, and critique research methods in relationship science.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 232 - Child Development

    Developmental characteristics of children with emphasis from conception to eight years. Includes observation techniques. FCL 232 and EDEC 232 are cross-listed courses; students may not receive credit for both. Formerly FS 232, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (3)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Use knowledge of bow children develop and learn to provide opportunities that support the physical social, emotional language, cognitive, and aesthetic development of all young children from birth through age eight. (WA ECE Standard Kl .1 & S1.1) (NAEYC Guideline l.l)(CTL Standard 1.1)
    • Use knowledge of bow young children differ in their development and approaches to learning to support the development and learning of individual children. (WA ECE Standard K.1.2 & S 1.2) (NAEYC Guideline 1.2) (CTL Standard 1.1)
    • Apply knowledge of cultural and linguistic diversity and the significance of socio-cultural and political contexts for development and learning, and recognize that children are best understood in the contexts of family culture, and society. (WA ECE Standard 1.4) (NAEYC Guideline 1.3) (CTL Standard 1.8, I. 11)
    • Use informal and formal assessment strategies to plan and individualize curriculum and teaching practices. (WA ECE Standard 4.1 & S 4.1) (NAEYC Guideline 4.1) (CTL Standard 1.2, 1.3)
    • Actively seek out opportunities to grow professionally by locating and using appropriate professional literature, organizations, resources, and experiences to inform and improve practices. (WA ECE St. K5.5 & S5.5) (NAEYC Guideline 5.5) (CTL Standard 1.3)
    • Observe and participate under supervision of qualified professionals in a variety of settings in which young children, from birth through age eight, are served (such as public and private centers, schools, and community agencies). (WA ECE K6.1) (NAEYC Guideline 6.1) (CTL Standard 1. 7 1.8, 1.11)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 234 - Contemporary Families

    Origins and historical development of families; cultural variations, contemporary trends. Draws upon information and insight from numerous root disciplines to explore family structure and function. Formerly FS 234, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (4)

    General Education Category: K6 - Individual & Society

    General Education Pathways: P3 Perspectives on Current Issues, P4 Social Justice

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Describe contemporary perspectives and trends regarding family life (union formation and dissolution, parenting, division of labor, economic well-being etc.).
    • Identify the roles and functions families serve in society as well as individual lives.
    • Recognize the impact of historical and environmental influences on familial development over time, with a focus on culture, the economy, policies, and social structures.
    • Explain the research methods common in family science, and demonstrate some of the practical skills necessary to find, read, and evaluate the quality of research in the area of family science.
    • Relate theoretical perspectives to historical and contemporary patterns of family life.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Fall Locations: Ellensburg Winter Locations: Ellensburg Spring Locations: Ellensburg Summer Locations: Online
  • FCL 235 - Relationships and Personal Development

    Development of interpersonal relationships from initial encounters to stable commitments. Major focus on interaction patterns in intimate relationships. FCL 235 and PSY 235 are cross-listed courses; students may not receive credit for both. Formerly FS 235, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (3)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Understand the development of intimate relationships
    • Evaluate the use of effective and ineffective interpersonal communication.
    • Demonstrate an ability to show empathy, own feelings and properly paraphrase
    • Understand and be able to practice skills in conflict resolution

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 236 - Parent Education and Guidance

    Study of parent education models and methods of teaching parent education in community and school settings. Formerly FCL/FS 336, students can only receive credit for one.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Describe principles of effective parenting across child development.
    • Interpret parenting practices in the context of culture.
    • Compile resources for parents of diverse backgrounds.
    • Design a parenting education curriculum.
    • Evaluate the efficacy of existing parenting education programs.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Fall Locations: Ellensburg Winter Locations: Ellensburg Spring Locations: Ellensburg Summer Locations: Online
  • FCL 237 - Human Sexuality

    The biophysical, psychosocial, and behavioral aspects of sexuality with emphasis on making responsible sexual decisions and promoting healthy relationships. General Education: SB-Foundations of Human Adaptations and Behavior. Formerly FCL/FS 337, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (4)

    General Education Category: SB-Foundations of Human Adaptations and Behavior. K6 - Individual & Society

    General Education Pathways: P6 Ways of Knowing

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Explain the physiological and psychological aspects of human sexuality and reproduction.
    • Articulate the roles of familial and societal factors on human sexuality and reproduction.
    • Identify sexually transmitted diseases and family planning techniques.
    • Identify and describe societal values about human sexuality and reproduction and origins of their values.
    • Describe the main theories of sexual behavior, including defining the social and relationship processes that are integral to understanding human sexuality.
    • Articulate the ways in which issues of gender, identity, preference and orientation are addressed within the context of cultural norms and expectations.
    • Analyze human sexual behavior through research and analysis of data.
    • Articulate the cultural values that have controlled the institution of sexual behavior throughout different time periods and cultures.
    • Create a report on an original research project that analyzes group dynamics in sexual expression.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Fall Locations: Ellensburg Winter Locations: Ellensburg Spring Locations: Ellensburg, Online
  • FCL 298 - Special Topics

    Formerly FS 298, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 299 - Seminar

    May be repeated if subject is different.

    Credits: (1-5)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 310 - Family Issues in the 21st Century

    An introduction to social issues that impact family life. Current issues pertaining to individual and family relationships are assessed from an interdisciplinary perspective. Formerly FS 310, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (4)

    General Education Category: SB-Foundations of Human Adaptations and Behavior (W). K6 - Individual & Society

    General Education Pathways: P3 Perspectives on Current Issues, P6 Ways of Knowing

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Articulate conservative, liberal reactionary and radical political viewpoints and their relationship to economics and family issues.
    • Describe different theoretical perspectives and value systems accompany arguments about family issues.
    • Evaluate the source of knowledge used to support arguments from different perspectives on family issues, and their links to ways of knowing. 
    • Analyze the various perspectives on family issues, demonstrating clear linkages to political ideologies and socioeconomic background.
    • Articulate perspectives on family issues from diverse gender, socioeconomic, racial and ethnic, and sexual orientation groups.
    • Articulate viewpoints about family issues that are unique from one’s own.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Fall Locations: Ellensburg Winter Locations: Ellensburg Spring Locations: Ellensburg
  • FCL 320 - Theories of Family Dynamics

    Internal dynamics of family functioning, including processes by which families deal with change, stress, and conflict. Major theoretical orientations to the study of family, and an introduction to the scientific process. Formerly FS 320, students may not receive credit for both. Course will be offered every year (Spring).

    FCL 101 and FCL 234, and admission to a Family and Child Life major.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of theory and its role in the scientific process.
    • Describe the fundamental assumptions and specific constructs from relevant family theories.
    • Apply the major theoretical orientations to family phenomena.
    • Analyze family functioning from various theoretical perspectives.
    • Address family change and crisis using a family systems perspective.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Spring Locations: Ellensburg
  • FCL 332 - Trauma and Resilience in Children and Adolescents

    Examination of the impact of trauma on child development from a risk and resilience framework. Students will evaluate and develop strategies to prevent trauma and promote resilience among children and families. Course will be offered every year (Winter).

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Summarize empirical literature about the impacts of childhood trauma on development.
    • Describe mandatory reporting laws related to child maltreatment.
    • Apply the risk and resilience framework to assessment and intervention with children and families.
    • Evaluate and develop strategies to prevent trauma and promote resilience among children and families.
    • Reflect on personal experiences of adversity and personal, family, cultural, and community factors that contributed to resilience.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Winter Locations: Ellensburg
  • FCL 333 - Culture and Marriage

    The reciprocal relationships between the biophysical and cultural components in mating, nurturing and sexual access. Cross-cultural patterns in marriage. FCL 333 and ANTH 333 are cross-listed courses; students may not receive credit for both. Formerly FS 333, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Examine the plurality of marriages and families and explore the changes that have taken place.
    • Evaluate how culture shapes marriage and other family and social arrangements.
    • Compare the structure and function of families, dating, courtship, marital choice, kinship, cross-cultural and minority families, changing gender roles, demographic trends, historical issues, work-family relationships and societal relations across cultures.
    • Relate theory and research to the understanding of marriage across cultures.

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 334 - Family Problems and Mediation

    Problems arising out of the interaction of family members. Mediation techniques, family policy, and theories and ethics in studying families. FCL 334 and FCL 554 are equivalent courses; students may not receive credit for both. Formerly FS 334, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Identify contemporary stressors and family problems.
    • Articulate the distinction between normative and non-normative events in family life.
    • Demonstrate an understanding of concepts, selected theories, and research concerning family stress, coping, and social support.
    • Apply the ABC-X model of family stress to normative and non-normative stressor events.
    • Demonstrate a basic understanding of the strategies families use when adapting to crisis situations.
    • Match intervention strategies with the nature of the crisis event, family dynamics, family strengths, and current family circumstances.

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 335 - Divorce and Remarriage

    Personal, family, and legal aspects of divorce and remarriage; historical antecedents and trends. Formerly FS 335, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (3)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Understand the development consequences of divorce throughout the life cycle.
    • Identify prevention strategies and policies dealing with divorce.
    • Understand the key processes underlying the antecedents and trends of divorce.
    • Evaluate critically the role and impact that divorce has on contemporary society.
    • Examine the history of marriage and divorce.

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 339 - Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood

    Developmental theory about the periods of adolescence (ages 12-18) and emerging adulthood (ages 18-25). Implications for practice with adolescents and emerging adults will be emphasized.

    Prerequisite: FCL 232 or permission of instructor.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Describe physical, cognitive and social-emotional development in adolescence and emerging adulthood
    • Identify the major cultural an demographic shifts that have contributed to the development of the emerging adulthood period
    • Synthesize the variations in adolescent and emerging adult development based on culture, race/ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, and sexual orientation
    • Design interventions for adolescents or emerging adults based on theory and empirical sources
    • Assess adolescent and emerging adulthood development using developmental and ecological systems theories

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 340 - Supporting Children with Special Needs and Their Families

    This course introduces students to diagnosis and treatment of childhood developmental disabilities, the impact of special needs on youth and families, and the role of support professionals as advocates and caregivers.

    Prerequisite: FCL 232 and FCL 236, or instructor permission.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Summarize the history and rights of individuals with developmental disabilities.
    • Analyze and articulate the implications of personal and societal biases related to special needs, including current trends and issues in research and intervention.
    • Identify the causes, incidence, and characteristics of a variety of conditions contributing to childhood developmental disabilities.
    • Describe the role of advocacy for children with special needs and their families, based on knowledge of the impact of disabilities on development, socialization, education, and relationships between children with special needs and their families, communities, and cultures. 
    • Demonstrate assessment skills, including identification of red flag behavior characteristics associated with young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
    • Demonstrate the ability to communicate with and adapt patient care to children with special needs, including simple, appropriate and effective techniques for behavior management.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Spring Locations: Ellensburg
  • FCL 344 - Foundations of Marriage and Family Therapy

    Introduction to Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) including systems theory, MFT as a profession, and requirements for entry into MFT graduate programs. Basic skills and interventions that can be applied in many social service settings. Formerly FS 344, students may not receive credit for both.

    Prerequisite: FCL 101.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Describe the core assumptions of Family Systems Theory and how they apply to the practice of MFT.
    • Explain the similarities and differences among MFT models of therapy.
    • Identify personal identities, experiences, and assumptions, and describe how these might influence work with clients who are similar and different.
    • Demonstrate basic skills and interventions used in the MFT profession.
    • Discuss the ethical, clinical, and legal complexities when working with children in a systemic framework.
    • Develop a basic personal theory of change in counseling.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 345 - Advanced Concepts in Child Development

    This course examines advanced topics in child development. Students will increase expertise in and application of child development from an empirical and culturally sensitive perspective. Course will be offered every year (Winter).

    FCL 232, or instructor permission.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Students will be able to summarize theoretical influences and empirical findings related to child development from birth through middle childhood. 
    • Students will be able to analyze and articulate advanced concepts relating to cognitive, social, emotional, and identity development.
    • Students will be able to critically assess how sociocultural factors directly impact the lives of children and families. 
    • Students will be able to identify adaptive strategies that develop in children and caregivers as a result of social, ecological, and cultural influences.
    • Students will be able to analyze and articulate strategies to assess, communicate with, and adapt support, education, and advocacy for children and families at various stages of development.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Winter Locations: Ellensburg
  • FCL 355 - Family Financial Counseling

    This course will provide students with fundamental skills for working with families to achieve their financial management goals.  Understanding of basic financial management concepts will be integrated with basic communication and helping skills for effective financial counseling strategies. Course will be offered every year (Winter).

    Prerequisite: PFP 310 or permission of instructor.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Identify appropriate financial resources for individuals and families
    • Explain effective cash flow management strategies
    • Identify debt management strategies and consumer protection laws
    • Utilize financial counseling strategies to motivate clients to change negative behaviors and/or adopt positive behaviors
    • Utilize advanced communication and counseling skills in financial counseling or planning situations

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 396 - Individual Study

    May be repeated if subject is different.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 397 - Honors

    Prerequisite: admission to department honors program.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 398 - Special Topics

    Formerly FS 398, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 399 - Seminar

    May be repeated if subject is different.

    Credits: (1-5)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 403 - Family Communication

    This course is designed to provide an overview of family dynamics and the processes that influence family communication and family functioning. FCL 403, COM 403 and FCL 503 are cross-listed courses; students may not receive credit for both. Formerly FS 403, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Attain a consistent communication focus in viewing and understanding family life.
    • Demonstrate the utility of applying theoretical frameworks to questions about family communication.
    • Demonstrate an ability to apply critical thinking to contemporary family forms and functions.
    • Identify dysfunctional family patterns and their root causes.
    • Articulate the importance of family communication rituals.
    • Identify the role of communication for coping with stressors and mediating conflict.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 405 - Professional Obligations and Responsibilities

    Family and Child Life students will learn legal and professional rules that govern their practice fields as well as medical ethics. They will also develop skills to respond to common issues in practice. Family and Child Life majors only. Formerly FS 405, students may not receive credit for both. Course will not have an established scheduling pattern (Winter).

    Prerequisite: family and child life major.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Describe the legal and ethical considerations that inform their practice, including medical ethics.
    • Evaluate their own professional biases and areas of professional growth.
    • Demonstrate skills in legal testimony.
    • Assess hypothetical ethical and legal situations and justify plans of action.
    • Prepare legal documents to use in their practice.
    • Analyze the process by which regulatory agencies enact rules that govern their professions.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 414 - Coping with Grief and Loss

    Theories and research about the grief process, coping, and resilience through a developmental lens. Students will learn tools to talk to adults and children about death and bereavement and to work with families experiencing loss. FCL 414 and FCL 514 are layered courses; student may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Describe developmental and cultural variations in the expression of grief and implications for interventions.
    • Evaluate contemporary theories of grief and loss using developmental and cultural lenses.
    • Assess grief responses, including complicated mourning and risk for pathological responses.
    • Design loss and grief interventions for clients of various developmental ages and cultural backgrounds.
    • Analyze personal assumptions, biases, attitudes, and reactions to loss and grief, and how they might influence interactions with grieving children and adults.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 415 - Therapeutic Play

    Application of play theories to intervene with children and families. Content will include classical and contemporary theories of play, play across child development, assessment using play, and skills to facilitate play sessions in various contexts.  Formerly FS 415, students may not receive credit for both. FCL 415 and FCL 515 are layered courses; students may not receive credit for both.

    Prerequisite: FCL 232 or permission of instructor.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Synthesize the core assumptions of classical and contemporary theories of play.
    • Summarize typical changes in play across child development.
    • Formulate considerations for use of play with children in special populations.
    • Design play interventions for children of various ages and in many contexts.
    • Demonstrate skills to facilitate play for assessment and intervention purposes.
    • Demonstrate skills to engage the family system in therapeutic play.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 416 - Child Life I: Child Life Scope of Practice

    Introduction to the child life profession including history and scope of the practice of child life; impact of stress, trauma, and hospitalization on children and families; skills for providing therapeutic intervention with medically fragile children. Formerly FS 416, students may not receive credit for both. FCL 416 and FCL 516 are layered courses; students may not receive credit for both. Course will be offered every year (Winter).

    Prerequisites: FCL 232 and admission to a family and child life major or minor.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Demonstrate a clear understanding of Child Life professional standards and the process of certification including the Code of Ethical Responsibility, Child Life Competencies, and the Standards of Clinical Practice.
    • Communicate an in-depth understanding of the history and scope of Child Life practice and the foundation of evidence-based practice.
    • Identify the potential impact of hospitalization and stress at various developmental stages, and integrate family-centered care principles in identifying appropriate support.
    • Use assessment skills to plan advocacy and coping interventions specific to work with children experiencing medical stress and/or trauma.
    • Summarize ethical issues in child life and evaluate guidelines for practice when faced with ethical dilemmas. 
    • Graduate students will be able to argue for the importance of child life services in children’s hospitals.
    • Graduate students will be able to synthesize application of child and family theories to child life practice.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Winter Locations: Ellensburg
  • FCL 417 - Pediatric Diagnoses and Medical Terminology

    Understanding of common pediatric diseases and diagnoses, medical terminology, childhood hospitalization, corrective pediatric care, hospital technology, and medical documentation relevant to work as a child life specialist. Formerly FS 417, students may not receive credit for both. FCL 417 and FCL 517 are layered courses; students may not receive credit for both. Course will be offered every year (Winter).

    Prerequisites: FCL 232 and admittance to a family and child life major or minor.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Describe common childhood diseases, disorders, and treatment protocols using medical terminology.
    • Identify childhood diseases and disorders and the impact they have on children and their families
    • Interpret and draft hospital documentation.
    • Prepare step-by-step coping plans to support children and families with common childhood diseases.
    • Synthesize current research related to child life and childhood diseases and summarize how it informs child life practice.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Winter Locations: Ellensburg
  • FCL 418 - Child Life II: Impact of Child Hospitalization

    Advanced understanding of the child life profession including ethical issues, multi-cultural perspectives, pain management, program administration and supervision, current research, and communication, and therapeutic relationships in a hospital context. Formerly FS 418, students may not receive credit for both. FCL 418 and FCL 518 are layered courses; students may not receive credit for both. Course will be offered every year (Spring).

    Prerequisites: FCL 232 and FCL 416, and admission to a family and child life major or minor.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Discuss principles of communication, advocacy, helping skills, and interdisciplinary and therapeutic relationship formation in a hospital setting. 
    • Describe the impact of chronic and acute pain on pediatric patient.  
    • Demonstrate appropriate support and intervention strategies for children and families including relaxation, comfort positioning, guided imagery, and pain management techniques.
    • Demonstrate culturally competent care in a hospital setting.
    • Describe principles of program administration and supervision in child life.
    • Apply formal and informal assessment techniques to determine developmental and emotional state. Students will be able to adapt approaches, resources, and support to audience need.
    • Graduate students will be able to design interventions for children and families to improve coping during child hospitalization.
    • Graduate students will be able to evaluate the efficacy of child life services.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Spring Locations: Ellensburg
  • FCL 419 - Research in Family and Child Life

    Methods of research used in studying families and relationships, including measurement, research design, ethics, sampling, and casual inference. Students will complete a research project emphasizing application of material. FCL 419 and FCL 519 are layered courses; students may not receive credit for both. Formerly FS 419, students may not receive credit for both. Course will be offered every year (Fall).

    Prerequisites: FCL 101 and FCL 234.

    Credits: (5)

    General Education Category: CE - Culminating Experience

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Explain the importance of research in the scientific process and the benefits to the human condition.
    • Apply principles of research methods in social sciences, including: sampling, design, measurement, ethics, and basic statistics.
    • Evaluate causality using principles of causal inference and statistical interpretation.
    • Conceptualize, design, and conduct a research study.
    • Manage data, perform data analysis, and interpret results, with assistance.
    • Prepare and effectively deliver a research presentation.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Fall Locations: Ellensburg
  • FCL 432 - Theories in Child Development

    Assists the student in formulating his or her own general assumptions about the nature of child development through study of various theoretical viewpoints and current issues. EDEC 432 and FCL 432 are cross-listed courses, students may not receive credit for both. Formerly FS 432, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (3)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 433 - Family Life Education

    The broad objectives, trends, methods and materials of family life education programs in various settings. FCL 433 and FCL 533 are layered courses; students may not receive credit for both. Formerly FS 433, students may not receive credit for both. Course will be offered every year (Fall).

    Prerequisites: FCL 101 and FCL 234 and FCL 235, and admittance to a Family and Child Life major.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Define FLE, where it is practiced, and the major issues in FLE.
    • Explain the content areas involved in becoming a Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) as determined by the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR).
    • Assess CWU and Ellensburg community needs.
    • Identify and explain one family life issue that meets a family life education need.
    • Evaluate a family life education curriculum for children or youth.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Fall Locations: Ellensburg
  • FCL 434 - Diversity in Families

    Students will gain strategies for working with a broad range of families with diverse structures, backgrounds and circumstances. Emphasis on applying conceptual frameworks to families’ situations, communicating and collaborating with families, and supporting families’ goals. Formerly FS 434, students may not receive credit for both. Course will be offered every year (Spring).

    Prerequisite: FCL 234 and admission to a Family and Child Life major.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Describe concepts such as privilege, oppression, inequality, racism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism (etc.) and how they are useful in understanding individual and family functioning and well-being.
    • Articulate how socially constructed systems of stratification such as race, class, and gender intersect to influence one’s opportunity structure in American family life and in the broader society.
    • Recognize and articulate the impact of one’s own culture, values, beliefs, and behaviors on interactions with diverse populations.
    • Apply conceptual frameworks of family systems, ecological systems, and the risk and resilience model to diverse family structures, backgrounds, and circumstances.
    • Demonstrate skills to communicate and collaborate effectively with families. Students will be able to evaluate family risk and protective factors. 
    • Determine appropriate strategies for supporting families with diverse structures, backgrounds, and circumstances.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Spring Locations: Ellensburg
  • FCL 435 - Adult Development, Aging, and Family Life

    A review of development in adulthood and later life, focusing on family interactions and building family strengths. FCL 435 and FCL 535 are layered courses; students cannot receive credit for both.  Formerly FS 435, students may not receive credit for both.

    Prerequisite: FCL 232.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Discuss societal attitudes of discrimination toward the elderly.
    • Evaluate issues in interpersonal relationships common in adulthood.
    • Describe key theories related to adulthood development, including the lifespan perspective, Erikson’s model of psychosocial development, and Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model of development.  
    • Explain the typical physical, psychological, and social changes from early adulthood to end of life.
    • Reflect on personal feelings toward aging and working with older adults and their families.
    • Graduate Level: Evaluate peer-reviewed sources related to adulthood and aging.
    • Graduate Level: Critically analyze one issue related to intervention with adults and their families.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Spring Locations: Ellensburg
  • FCL 438 - Attachment Theory and Practice

    Attachment theory and strategies, parenting practices to facilitate attachment, and the impact of trauma on attachment. Reviews attachment trends and research and provides practical application of attachment in work with children and families. Formerly FS/FCL 338, students may not receive credit for both. Course will be offered every year (Winter).

    Prerequisite: FCL 232 or permission of instructor.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Describe the core assumptions of attachment theory.
    • Describe the impact of separation, loss, abuse, and neglect on children’s development and attachment formation.  
    • Synthesize the empirical evidence regarding attachment formation and intervention to enhance attachment.
    • Assess parents’ and children’s attachment strategies from an attachment theory lens.
    • Evaluate existing attachment-based interventions using empirical evidence and theory.
    • propose policy changes based on attachment theory and research.  

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 439 - Families and Public Policy

    Impact of governmental policies on families; policy implications of changes in the structure and composition of families. Requires attendance at two events outside scheduled class time. FCL 439 and FCL 539 are layered courses; students may not receive credit for both.  Formerly FS 439, students may not receive credit for both. Course will be offered every year (Winter).

    Prerequisites: FCL 101 and FCL 234.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Analyze the process by which policy is formulated and implemented.
    • Identify public policy issues relating to families at local, state, and federal levels.
    • Formulate and articulate ideas for changing policy to meet family needs and improve family well-being.
    • Advocate policy changes to policy makers as participants in the political process.

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 440 - Teaching for Family and Child Life

    Supervised teaching assistant experience in family and child life courses. May be repeated up to 6 credits.  Formerly FS 440, students may not receive credit for both. Course will be offered every year (Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer).

    Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

    Credits: (1-3)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Articulate a personal philosophy of teaching.
    • Evaluate student submissions using assignment rubrics.
    • Effectively present course material in class lectures.
    • Write application- and evaluation-level exam questions.

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • Learning Agreement Forms

    FCL 490 - Cooperative Education

    A contracted field experience with business, industry, government, or social service agency. Requires a cooperative learning agreement. May be repeated up to 20 credits. By permission. Grade will either be S or U.  Formerly FS 490, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 491 - Workshop

    Formerly FS 491, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 492 - Family and Child Life Practicum

    Supervised practicum experience in family and child life. May be repeated up to 15 credits. FCL 492 and FCL 592 are layered courses; a student may not receive credit for both. Formerly FS 492; students may not receive credit for both.

    Prerequisite: family and child life major only.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Practice skills in communication and interaction with children and/or families as they directly interact with children and/families at their practicum site.
    • Demonstrate professionalism and ethical behavior in a work environment.
    • Apply skills they have developed in Family and Child Life courses at their practicum site.
    • Demonstrate a working knowledge of community resources, agencies, and organizations.
    • Evaluate their progress toward goals and professional development in their practicum experience.
    • Analyze experiences at their practicum site and design programs or interventions to address unmet needs at their site.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Fall Locations: Ellensburg Winter Locations: Ellensburg Spring Locations: Ellensburg Summer Locations: Online
  • FCL 495 - Undergraduate Research

    Students work closely with faculty to complete a directed research project. By permission. May be repeated up to 6 credits.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Conceptualize and design research studies based on empirical literature
    • Collect data from a representative sample of a target population
    • Demonstrate an ability to interpret statistical results
    • Deliver a clear presentation about the developed research study

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 496 - Individual Study

    May be repeated if subject is different.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 497 - Honors

    Prerequisite: admission to department honors program.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 498 - Special Topics

    Formerly FS 498, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCL 499 - Seminar

    Formerly FS 499, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (1-5)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:

Family and Consumer Science (FCS)

  • FCS 166 - Applied Creativity

    The creative process; blocks to creativity, creative problem solving, principles and elements of design in housing and interiors. Formerly FCSH 166, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (3)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCS 205 - FCS Entry Assessment

    This course consists of self-assessment and assessment by the faculty of writing skills, speaking skills, visual/graphic skills, and knowledge of theory and research. Grade will either be S or U. Formerly FSCG 205, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (1)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCS 296 - Individual Study

    Formerly FSCG 296, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCS 298 - Special Topics

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCS 299 - Seminar

    May be repeated if subject is different.

    Credits: (1-5)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCS 320 - Program Management and Planning (Put on reserve 9/16/18)

    A holistic approach to program management. Content deals with planning, organizing, and controlling programs. For example: special events, recreation, product development, construction, and business. Formerly FSCG 320, students may not receive credit for both. (Put on reserve 9/16/18, will go inactive 8/24/21)

    Credits: (4)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCS 366 - History of Housing and Furniture I

    Survey of historic interiors, cabinetmakers, decorative arts, furniture from the antiquity to the middle of the 1700s. Formerly FCSH 366, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (3)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCS 367 - Family Housing

    An evaluative study of the design, quality, and cost of housing environment. Formerly FCSH 367, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (3)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCS 371 - Real World Finance

    This course provides, an introduction to major personal and family related consumer issues (loans, investments, credit, budgeting, fraud avoidance, advertising), rational financial decision-making, rights and responsibiliteis of consumers, and consumer protection. Formerly FCSC 371, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (3)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Explore a variety of consumer issues impacting individuals and families in our society.
    • Evaluate the impact of advertising on consumer decisions.
    • Demonstrate comprehension of the economic and ethical issues related to major expenditures (food, clothing, housing, transportation, and recreation).
    • Identify the essentials of money management including coping with credit and investing resources.
    • Evaluate risk management throughout the life span as it relates to health care, life insurance, home insurance, and transportation insurance.
    • Demonstrate comprehension of a variety of ways to handle fraudulent practices in the market place.

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCS 379 - Professional Development and Internship Planning

    Students will explore career options and networks within their industry, develop materials for a job search, and acquire skills related to professionalism. Formerly FSCG 379, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (3)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCS 392 - Housing Practicum

    Work study experience in various aspects of the housing profession. May be repeated up to 12 credits. Formerly FCSH 392, students may not receive credit for both.

    Prerequisite: FCSH 265 (Course is inactive).

    Credits: (6-12)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCS 396 - Individual Study

    May be repeated if subject is different.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCS 397 - Honors

    Prerequisite: admission to department honors program.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCS 398 - Special Topics

    Formerly FCSC 398 students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCS 399 - Seminar

    May be repeated if subject is different.

    Credits: (1-5)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCS 405 - FCS Exit Assessment

    During last quarter of their program, students are assessed on writing skills, speaking skills, visual/graphic skills, and knowledge of theory and research. Grade will either be S or U. Formerly FSCG 405, students may not receive credit for both.

    Prerequisite: FCS 205.

    Credits: (1)

    General Education Category: CE - Culminating Experience

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Demonstrate clear communication strategies and techniques in oral, written, or expressive form.
    • Apply higher-order critical thinking and/or problem-solving skills.
    • Reflect upon, integrate, and apply the knowledge and skills they gleaned from their undergraduate experience, including General Education.
    • Synthesize and present a response, propose a solution/answer, or showcase their own creative work.
    • Create and prepare a portfolio that identifies, illustrates and explains skills obtained while earning a degree at CWU.
    • Perform a practice interview  demonstrating abilities obtained for a job while earning a degree at CWU.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
    Winter Locations: Ellensburg
  • FCS 472 - Life Management

    Study of family in human ecosystem. Emphasis on physiological and psychological well-being and management of resources. Solve practical family problems. Formerly FCSC 472, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (5)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCS 490 - Cooperative Education

    An individualized, contracted field experience with business, industry, government, or social service agencies. This contractual arrangement involves a student learning plan, cooperating employer supervision, and faculty coordination. By permission. May be repeated for credit. Grade will either be S or U. Formerly FSCG 490, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCS 491 - Workshop

    May be repeated for credit. Formerly FCSH 491, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCS 492 - Housing Practicum

    A work study course including practical experience in a phase of housing of the student’s choice, accompanied with a seminar. May be repeated up to 12 credits. Formerly FCSH 492, students may not receive credit for both.

    Prerequisite: FCSH 265 (Course is inactive).

    Credits: (6-12)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCS 496 - Individual Study

    Formerly FSCG 496, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCS 497 - Honors

    Prerequisite: admission to department honors program.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCS 498 - Special Topics

    Formerly FCSH 498, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCS 499 - Seminar

    Formerly FCSH 499, students may not receive credit for both.

    Credits: (1-5)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:

FCS: Education (FCSE)

  • FCSE 298 - Special Topics

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCSE 299 - Seminar

    May be repeated if subject is different.

    Credits: (1-5)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCSE 326 - Curriculum in Career and Technical Education for Family and Consumer Sciences

    Instructional organization and classroom procedure in family and consumer sciences career and technical education programs.

    Credits: (4)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Design a CTE program with course outlines and instructional learning plans to meet state standards.
    • Identify a variety of instruction activities to accommodate the learning needs of the student from special populations and culturally diverse backgrounds.
    • Establish the purpose and procedure for organizing and utilizing an advisory committee to obtain advice from the community for up-grading of competencies needed to balance individuals, family, home and work responsibilities in a changing society.
    • Develop a management plan for record keeping related to student growth, formative and summative evaluation, leadership projects, and departmental management.
    • Identify methods to utilize resources in planning and evaluating curriculum and instruction.
    • Advocate and provide information on integrating CTE curricula with content from other subject matters.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCSE 396 - Individual Study

    May be repeated if subject is different.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCSE 397 - Honors

    Prerequisite: admission to department honors program.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCSE 398 - Special Topics

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCSE 399 - Seminar

    May be repeated if subject is different.

    Credits: (1-5)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCSE 426 - Methods and Materials of Teaching Family and Consumer Sciences

    Application of the philosophy, purposes, teaching techniques, and assessment of family and consumer sciences programs in the secondary schools.

    Prerequisites: FCSE 326 and EDCS 311.

    Credits: (3)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCSE 451 - Methods and Materials of Teaching FCS Laboratory Course Content

    Methods and materials for teaching family and consumer science laboratory curricula.

    Prerequisite: full admissions to the major and the Teacher Certification Program.

    Credits: (3)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Align and implement career and technical education teaching and learning lessons and assessments while meeting state standards
    • Use instructional strategies that develop students’ lifelong learning and goal setting related to entry, transition, and continuation in the educational process and in the workplace
    • Develop effective assessment methods which may involve student, family, employer, and community
    • Demonstrate industry appropriate CTE skills
    • Publicize program content and benefits to family and community
    • Determine and implement effective and safe layout of classroom and/or lab facilities that provide learning opportunities for all learners
    • Identify and apply strategies (including individualized instruction) needed to instruct special populations; special needs, disabled, gifted, ethnic, and culturally diverse learners
    • Relate work ethic, workplace relations, workplace diversity and workplace communication skills to career development and employability skills
    • Encourage teamwork and project-based learning
    • Assist state approved career and technical education student leadership organization members or other state approved student leadership organization members in developing a yearly program of work

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCSE 491 - Workshop

    Course content identified by title in the university class schedule. May be repeated for credit under different titles.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCSE 496 - Individual Study

    May be repeated if subject is different.

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCSE 497 - Honors

    Prerequisite: admission to department honors program.

    Credits: (1-12)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCSE 498 - Special Topics

    Credits: (1-6)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FCSE 499 - Seminar

    Credits: (1-5)

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:

Film (FILM)

  • FILM 150 - Film Appreciation

    Introduction to the art of film, through screenings, lectures, discussions, quizzes, and online discussion posts. Emphasis will be placed on traditional “Hollywood-style” films as well as independent, foreign, avant-garde, documentary, and short films. Course will be offered every year (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer).

    Credits: (5)

    General Education Category: K3 - Creative Expression

    General Education Pathways: P2 Health & Well-being, P4 Social Justice, P6 Ways of Knowing

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Determine film form and narrative structure.
    • Identify terminology related to visual approaches to cinematic storytelling, editing, and sound design.
    • Recognize the structure of the film industry and phases of production.
    • Distinguish between characteristics of feature-length narrative films, short films, and documentaries.
    • Apply concepts of form and content to personal viewing of films.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FILM 214 - Basic Film Equipment

    Specialized hands-on skills course in the proper use of basic film and television equipment. Grade will either be S or U. Course will not have an established scheduling pattern.

    Credits: (1)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Explain the fundamental purpose of film and television equipment.
    • Apply basic tools of film and television equipment management and storage.
    • Utilize proper film and television equipment  storage and usage.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FILM 215 - Production Technology Skills

    Specialized hands-on skills course in film and television software and/or equipment. Topics may include: animation, compositing, audio techniques, video editing, image editing, production equipment, or pre-production software. May be repeated for credit up to 6 credits, under a different sub-topic. Grade will be S or U. Formerly FVS 215, students may not receive credit for both.

    Prerequisite: check with major advisor for topic availability.

    Credits: (1)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Demonstrate understanding of the fundamental purpose of the technology.
    • Apply the basic tools of the technology.
    • Demonstrate competency in the technology.

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FILM 216 - Basic Audio Technology

    Specialized hands-on skills course in film and television audio technology. Grade will either be S or U. Course will be offered every year (Fall, Winter, Spring).

    Credits: (1)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Explain the fundamental purpose of audio technology
    • Apply the basic tools of audio recording and post-production.
    • Present culminating audio project

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FILM 217 - Basic Editing: Final Cut Pro

    Specialized hands-on skills course in editing software: Final Cut Pro. Grade will either be S or U. Course will be offered every year (Fall, Winter, Spring).

    Credits: (1)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Explain the functions of Final Cut Pro editing software
    • Apply basic editing tools for video and audio
    • Present completed editing projects
    • Recognize responsible usage of creative materials

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FILM 218 - Basic Editing: Premiere

    Specialized hands-on skills course in editing software: Premier. Grade will either be S or U. Course will be offered every year (Fall, Winter, Spring).

    Credits: (1)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Explain the functions of Premiere editing software
    • Apply basic editing tools for video and audio
    • Present completed editing projects
    • Recognize responsible usage of creative materials

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FILM 219 - Basic Editing: DaVinci Resolve

    Specialized hands-on skills course in editing software: DaVinci Resolve. Grade will either be S or U. Course will not have an established scheduling pattern.

    Credits: (1)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Explain the functions of DaVinci Resolve editing software
    • Apply basic editing tools for video and audio
    • Present completed editing projects
    • Recognize responsible usage of creative materials

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FILM 220 - Basic After Effects

    Specialized hands-on skills course in animation software: After Effects. Grade will either be S or U. Course will be offered every year. Course will not have an established scheduling pattern.

    Credits: (1)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Explain the functions of After Effects animation software
    • Apply basic tools animation and compositing in text and image
    • Present completed animation projects
    • Recognize responsible usage of creative materials

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FILM 221 - Color Correction

    Specialized hands-on skills course in motion imagery color correction and grading. Grade will either be S or U. Course will be offered every year (Fall, Winter, Spring).

    Credits: (1)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Describe  basic color science and technology
    • Explain function and application of video compression
    • Explain the function of industry software
    • Apply color correction and grading techniques in pre- and post-production
    • Recognize responsible usage of creative materials

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FILM 222 - Advanced Equipment

    Specialized hands-on skills course in advanced film and television equipment. Grade will either be S or U. Course will be offered every year. Course will not have an established scheduling pattern.

    Prerequisite: FILM 214 or instructor permission.

    Credits: (1)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Explain the advanced purpose of film and television equipment
    • Describe advanced tools of film and television equipment management and storage
    • Apply advanced film and television equipment  storage and usage

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:
  • FILM 225 - Film Classics

    Specialized viewing course in film classics. Grade will either be S or U. Course will be offered every year (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer).

    Credits: (1)

    Learner Outcomes:
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Explain formal aesthetic elements of classic films
    • Explain canonical elements of classic films
    • Identify key components of assigned films

    Learner Outcomes Approval Date:

    Anticipated Course Offering Terms and Locations:

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